(for sleepyteas) A While Longer

Aug 28, 2014 16:23

For: sleepyteas
Title: A While Longer
Pairings: Kai/D.O
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,786
Summary: Kyungsoo just might be ready to take her relationship with Jongin a step further.
Author’s Note: I had a lot of fun writing this! Kaisoo first time is the reason I breathe and the idea of girl!soo makes my heart melt a lil. I really hope you enjoy reading it and that it reads easily enough!!

It had always been Jongin and Kyungsoo, never one without the other. From third grade when they first met, all the way through the awkward middle school years, until now, their junior year of high school. Kyungsoo loved the way Jongin laughed like an idiot, and the way he’d drop everything to look after his dogs (his “children” as he called them), and the way he looked at her like she was the most important thing in the world. Kyungsoo sighed contentedly at the thought of her boyfriend as she doodled his name in the margins of her notebook.

The bell rang, and the teacher stood up to start her lecture, still no sign of Jongin or his dumb friends in the classroom apart from their abandoned backpacks. Kyungsoo shook her head slightly and pinched bridge of her nose, looking out the window on her left side. “God, when will he learn,” she thought.

Kungsoo loved her seat in the class. It was on the far left of the room, third row from the front by the window. She wasn’t too far to the front or the back, so the teacher virtually paid her no attention, only caring to call on those in the two extremes of the room.

In autumn Kyungsoo had the perfect view to watch the leaves fall, bright colour cascading down to the ground. In winter, she had a front row seat to the first snow of the year, delicate snowflakes peppering the cold glass.

Her favorite was spring though; in spring, the current season, her teacher left the windows open during the day, giving Kyungsoo little wisps of the scent of the hundreds of flowers that blossomed below.

She caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye, something dark against the white of the school’s courtyard. When she turned, she saw it was someone not something, and with a closer look it was-- “Jongin,” Kyungsoo hissed under breath. He ran through the courtyard toward the door to the building, two other boys following close behind him. Kyungsoo counted down seven, six, five, four, three, two--and the door to the room opened quietly, allowing the three boys to enter the classroom unheard.

When they were safely in their seats, Jongin sent Kyungsoo a little smile, a look of relief, before a book was dropped on the middle of his desk. He turned abruptly at the loud noise, coming face-to-face with the teacher, who had been writing notes on the board when the boys had slipped in.

“Detention today for being late and thinking you could trick me,” the boy’s face fell, and several other students chuckled quietly, Kyungsoo included. Jongin’s friends were laughing and went for a high five between their desks. “Sehun and Tao, don’t think I didn’t see you too.” The two boys pulled back their hands as if they were burned. Sehun rolled his eyes and Tao rolled his neck, and this time Jongin was laughing. “I look forward to seeing you all after school.”

“Hey Soo,” Jongin put his tray down opposite hers at their usual lunch table. He nodded at the other two girls at the table, Luhan and Baekhyun, who paused their conversation to return the greeting.

“Hey Jongin,” Kyungsoo said, smiling at the boy across from her.

“So I know we were supposed to hang out after school, but I got kind of got detention,” Jongin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and Kyungsoo laughed, nudging his foot under the table.

“I’m aware,” She replied and he nudged her foot back.

“I can sneak out though! She probably won’t even notice if I don’t go and then we can walk home together Soo! And we can stop at that bakery you like so much.” The thought was nice, it really was, but-- “Jongin you can’t risk getting into more trouble than you’re already in.” Kyungsoo put down the fork that was pushing around cauliflower on her plate and looked straight at her boyfriend.


“You can just come over a different night, it’s alright.” Jongin knew that was end of the discussion when Kyungsoo looked back at her plate and began eating the cauliflower she’d left for last.

Jongin dropped it, and soon Sehun and Tao joined them. The idea wasn’t forgotten though.

Kyungsoo didn’t like being alone at home, especially not when it rained; it just made her feel even lonelier. With the warm rain beating down on her house, Kyungsoo curled up on the couch to read a book, pages turning quickly with a cup of tea next to her.

When the tea was nearly drained, and the book almost finished, the doorbell rang and Kyungsoo started. Her younger brother Jongdae was at a sleepover, and her parents were at a party for her mom’s work, not due to get back until one in the morning at the earliest. She stood up slowly when the doorbell rang again, this time three times in quick succession. Kyungsoo could sense the urgency.

She peeked out the side window, one that gave a nice view to the front door. There, standing on her front step, was a very wet Jongin, clothes soaked completely through, holding his backpack over his head. Kyungsoo practically flew to the door and tore it open, ushering a shivering Jongin inside.

“Stay here while I get towels.” Jongin nodded meekly, and Kyungsoo was back before he could even blink, fluffy, pale blue towels bunched up in her arms. “What are you doing here?” She asked incredulously, pulling a large towel around Jongin’s shoulders as he toed off his school shoes. She dropped another towel on the top of his head and his fingers closed around it, watching her trying to pat him dry.

“We were supposed to hang out, but you said no, but it was raining and you know your house is closer to the school than mine and of course I didn’t have an umbrella and--” Kyungsoo laughed. “Why are you laughing,” Jongin said, jaw slack. She kept laughing though, so hard to the point where she almost collapsed, like she always does, but Jongin grabbed her arm in time to hold her upright.

“Just, you’re so stupid, but so sweet. And of course you didn’t have an umbrella.” Kyungsoo took a pause from her laughing fit to breathe, before pushing Jongin up the stairs to the bathroom. “Here, you can shower, and I’ll lend you some of my brother’s clothes.”

“Thanks, Soo, you’re the best.” Jongin smiled, a cute little smile that showed his teeth and Kyungsoo shut the door, entering her brother’s room to find pajamas that might fit Jongin.

Jongdae was only a year younger than the two of them, but Jongin was much taller than him, with broader shoulders to match his height. Kyungsoo pulled out an old, plain t-shirt and some sweatpants, along with a new pair of boxers her brother hadn’t worn yet, and laid them on the floor outside the bathroom. Kyungsoo threw his uniform, socks and underwear in the dryer, and put a small fan by his shoes in the entry hall.

In the kitchen, Kyungsoo made more tea; two cups of rose tea, Jongin’s favorite. Then with a chocolate bar, she returned to her room, where Jongin was sitting on her bed, drying his hair in her brother’s shirt and too-short sweatpants.

“I hope you don’t get sick,” Kyungsoo said, putting the tray of tea and chocolate down on her dresser, moving over to sit by Jongin on the bed. He turned and looked at her, really looked at her, and she blushed, pulling on the hem of her old faded t-shirt and shifting her legs around in her lavender striped pajama shorts.

“Kyungsoo, I really don’t think I say this enough but,” she looked up and their eyes met, “I love you.” Kyungsoo’s nervousness melted away and she smiled, and he smiled, leaning down to kiss her. It was just a short peck but she smiled the whole time and when he pulled away slightly, she whispered the same on his lips.

Jongin pressed into her again, the kiss longer this time. Kyungsoo’s hands came up to his head, carding through his hair, and his held their place firmly on the sides of her face. They shifted so that Kyungsoo was lying under jongin, their hips pressed together, bodies aligned.

Jongin’s lips fit against Kyungsoo’s perfectly, and her heart ached when he licked the seam of her lips in a silent question. Kyungsoo complied, moving her lips apart, and his tongue fit through, running along the back of her teeth and pressing against her own tongue. Jongin lifted his body off of Kyungsoo’s, staying close but knowing the weight of himself on top of her was getting to be too much. One more lengthy kiss forced a moan out of Kyungsoo and Jongin pulled away sharply.

“I’m sorry that wasn’t supposed to happen,” Kyungsoo said, holding both her hands over her red, spit-slicked lips. Her ears turned red and her chest flushed, embarrassment spreading to every area of her body. Jongin looked away for a second, seemingly deliberating something in his head, then turned back just as quickly.

“I really… liked it,” Jongin said, diving back in again, lips pressed hard against Kyungsoo’s own. Without putting his whole body on her, Jongin dropped his hips to meet hers again. There, she felt something stiff against her pelvis and she moaned again, quietly. Jongin turned his head to get a better angle at her mouth, tongue running along the inside of her cheek. When they broke apart, both were breathing heavily and slightly flushed, looking into each others’ eyes.

“Jongin ,” Kyungsoo looked away, overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety. “I think I want to try having sex.” Kyungsoo kept her eyes off of him, biting down on her bottom lip, fingers fidgeting.

“Soo,” the familiar nickname calmed Kyungsoo down a bit, “We don’t have to rush into anything.” Jongin was still looking at her when she looked at him again, and he shifted his weight onto his right arm, now lying beside her. Kyungsoo was touched by how conscious of her he was, sensing her apprehension and attempting to comfort her, even if he wanted it too. He rolled onto his back beside her and turned his eyes to the ceiling. Kyungsoo sat up next to him, clasping his hand in both of her own. She played with his fingers, tracing circles in his palm with her own manicured nails.

“I think I’m ready.” She looked down at him, and his eyes were on her again. He still looked wary, but Kyungsoo nodded once firmly, and squeezed his hand, and Jongin looked ready to comply.

“Okay, but we should go buy stuff, I guess.” Jongin sat up too, facing Kyungsoo, and she gave him a peck on the forehead.

“Lets get dressed.”

While Jongin was downstairs getting his clothes from the laundry room, Kyungsoo changed into jeans and a sweatshirt, making sure to put on her nicest underwear as well. The set was baby pink with lace detailing, and was the most expensive thing Kyungsoo owned. She sat on her bed and put her head in her hands. “I feel so silly.” Shaking her head to clear herself of that thought, she stood up and waited by the door, armed with a big umbrella and money.

“Are you ready?” Jongin said, coming into the front hallway, dressed smartly in his uniform. When Kyungsoo nodded he smiled, “Then let’s go!”

The walk to the pharmacy was fairly short, but with the rain dropping heavily on their umbrella, it felt like it took forever. Jongin laced their fingers together, startling Kyungsoo out of her thoughts, and laughed at her surprised face.

“Hey, Soo, don’t worry about anything, I’ll take care of it all.” Kyungsoo chewed nervously on her lip, but Jongin was so sincere, she couldn’t help but smile at the effort he was putting into making her feel comfortable.

“Okay Jongin, okay.”

Kyungsoo waited outside while Jongin bought the condoms and lube, overwhelmed once again with a sense of crippling embarrassment. The worry vanished from her face, though, when Jongin ran out of the small shop, tiny plastic bag in hand, with the biggest smile plastered on his face.

On the walk home they held hands again, neither speaking, letting the steady drum of the rain fill the silence.

The atmosphere was a lot more awkward than either of them had anticipated especially considering the fact that both of them were known as “moodmakers” among their friends. They toed their shoes off by the door and Jongin led Kyungsoo back up to her room with a hand around her wrist.

They were both perched on her bed, with the condoms and lube laid out between them, neither knowing what to do next.

“So um, I guess we should kiss again?” Jongin suggested. Kyungsoo nodded in agreement and he pushed everything to the far side of the bed, scooting closer and resting a hand on Kyungsoo’s thigh. She finally turned up to look at him, after not making eye contact since they left the convenience store, and he pressed in slowly, two sets of eyes closing when their lips touched.

Jongin licked into her mouth and she shivered, mewling when he sucked on her tongue. Kyungsoo’s eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment and Jongin giggled against her lips. The smile on his face was evident even with her eyes closed, and a little shiver of pleasure passed through her when his hands moved up to her waist, touch light but firm.

Jongin moved onto her neck, kissing and sucking lightly on the tender skin. This was brand new territory. Of course they’d made out before, but that was always just kisses on the mouth. Jongin had never ventured this far, and Kyungsoo really liked it. The space between her legs throbbed, and her breathing became messy with quiet moans. She leaned away and her back connected with the bed, Jongin following closely. There was a flash of pain on her neck when Jongin bit down, but the action was quickly followed with a few laps from his tongue, soothing the pain. He sucked on the same spot, moving his right hand up her body toward her chest. Kyungsoo wasn’t flat chested, but her breasts definitely weren’t that big. Her skin burned where he touched her through her sweatshirt and she squirmed, rutting up against him. He pulled her sweatshirt over her head, exposing Kyungsoo’s torso. Jongin was almost salivating at the sight of Kyungsoo half naked, pink lace bra complimenting her skin tone nicely.

“Sorry my boobs are so small,” Kyungsoo whispered, bringing her hands up to cover her face. Jongin froze, tilting his neck to look at her face.

“Are you kidding? You’re perfect.” Jongin leaned down again, this time attaching his lips to the soft skin of Kyungsoo’s chest, hands caressing her sides. She nudged his legs with her knee and turned her head to the side, hands playing with the hem of his uniform shirt.

“You too, Jongin.” He smiled at her shyness and moved off of her to pull off his button up, laying it gently on her desk. He followed this action by removing his pants, folding them, and placing them gingerly on top of his shirt. When Kyungsoo looked at him again, he was totally undressed save for his navy boxer-briefs.

Not wanting to be over dressed, Kyungsoo unbuttoned her jeans, lifting her hips to shimmy them down her legs until they reached her ankles, where Jongin stepped in to pull them all the way off for her.

Kyungsoo was way more nervous than she had been when she proposed the idea, now lying on top of her plain white blanket in only her matching underwear set. On the other hand, Jongin didn’t seem nervous at all, getting back onto the bed and crawling closer to Kyungsoo by the second, predatory look in his eye. He advanced on her until their faces were mere centimeters apart, each able to feel the breath of the other on their lips.

“Shit, Kyungsoo.” Jongin surged forward, pressing their lips together desperately, arms bent on either side of Kyungsoo’s head to hold up his weight. Kyungsoo’s hands were on Jongin’s sides, gripping tightly but loosening to stroke the defined muscles of his abs every now and then.

The kisses became more heated until Jongin was grinding down softly on Kyungsoo, the girl’s hips lifting to meet his downward thrusts. They broke apart, breathing heavily and staring into each others’ eyes. Kyungsoo licked her lips and Jongin almost groaned, breath a bit heavier, before kicking off his underwear. There was a sharp intake of breath from Kyungsoo; it was her first time seeing Jongin naked--seeing anyone naked. But wow. Wow his body was beautiful. Kyungsoo couldn’t take her eyes away from him. Jongin kneeled and reached for a condom, rolling it on quickly and snatching up the bottle of lube.

Gently, Jongin lifted Kyungsoo’s legs and slipped off her lace panties, dropping them lightly on the floor. Hands reached around her slightly arched back to where her bra closed and Jongin undid the clasp, pulling the fabric from her skin and revealing her whole body.

“You really are perfect,” Jongin said. Their bodies pressed together when he bent in for another kiss, and this time he pressed a few more gentle kisses to her forehead, eyelids, and nose, before shifting his focus down below. “Ready?” Kyungsoo nodded and gripped the sheets, head falling back the moment his member entered her, cold and slick from the lube.

Jongin pressed in until their hips touched. Vibrations shook their bodies together, each one experiencing a new and really fucking great sensation. He itched to start moving, but he steeled his hands, promising silently to wait until Kyungsoo gave the ‘okay’.

“Can you do something?” Kyungsoo gasped, wriggling her hips down. Jongin pulled out all the way and re-entered her slowly, air filled with quiet curses from each of them.

Jongin repeated the motion, picking up speed as he went. Kyungsoo’s bottom lip was red and raw from the damage her teeth were doing it and her hands were pressed hard to the bed, pure white sheets scrunched beneath them. Jongin lowered himself onto Kyungsoo, pressing his lips to hers, hips moving a mile a minute, all senses on overload.

Fingers threaded through his hair, gripping, pulling and Kyungsoo’s heart skipped a beat, her breathing shallowed and a quiet “I love you” left her gasping for breath.

Jongin repeated the sentiment to her, pressing their lips together again, movements amateurish. With a few more thrusts Jongin tipped over the edge too, body slowing, low moan filling the air and his head tucked into the crook of Kyungsoo’s neck.

The air around the couple was thick and the silence deafening. They kissed once more before Jongin pulled out, rolling off of Kyungsoo onto his feet. Kyungsoo pulled the blanket around her, turning away as Jongin removed the condom. He put it in the plastic bag from the pharmacy, not wanting to risk Kyungsoo’s parents finding it.

“Are you okay, ‘Soo? Did it hurt? I heard it was supposed to hurt the first time,” Jongin knelt next
to the bed where Kyungsoo still lay, rolled up in the white blanket, thin sheen of sweat on her face, hair wild and unruly.

Kyungsoo winced as she tried to sit up and Jongin reached out to help her. The blanket fell from her shoulders and she slid off the bed to stand next to him, reaching up to plant a kiss on his cheek.

“It hurts a little but I’ll be oka--shit I got blood on my bed.” With her pretty lips curved in a frown, Kyungsoo grabbed her panties off the floor and stalked off to the bathroom for a pad.

“Blood!? Why is there blood?” Jongin called after her, pulling on his underwear. Kyungsoo returned to the room and pulled her pajama top over her head.

“I got a bit carried away.” She smiled and lifted onto her toes to kiss Jongin square in the forehead. “Don’t worry, I’m okay.”

“If you say so,” Jongin said nervously, clasping one of Kyungsoo’s hands between both of his own.

“Put on my brother’s sweatpants again and we’ll watch that movie you keep talking about.” While Kyungsoo filled the bath with ice-cold water to soak the blanket, Jongin re-dressed in Jongdae’s pajamas. When Kyungsoo returned to the room there was a nest of blankets and pillows on her bed, with just a small gap for her to slide in next to Jongin.

Warmth--that’s what Kyungsoo felt. Her heart was close to bursting when Jongin giggled at his favorite scene, and she shivered, pressing her body closer to his.

Warmth was in Jongin too, in his smile when Kyungsoo gingerly placed a hand on his stomach, in his lips when he brushed his lips against her forehead.

It had always been Jongin and Kyungsoo and, Kyungsoo thought, it would stay that way for a while longer.

That night when Kyungsoo’s parents came home, they found the two sleeping (thankfully fully clothed) on Kyungsoo’s bed with a dark-screened laptop balanced on Jongin’s stomach.

“Should we wake them up?” Her father asked, peering around the door frame. He stepped toward the sleeping couple, closing the laptop and placing it on the floor by the bed.

“No, let’s leave them. I’ll call Jongin’s mom and let her know he’s here.” When they left, they closed the door quietly behind them, flipping the lightswitch to leave the two in total darkness. Kyungsoo pulled herself closer to Jongin with an arm over his waist and Jongin tangles his legs with hers.

Kyungsoo hadn’t slept that peacefully in a very long time.

The next morning in first period when Jongin crept in late with his friends, they share a knowing glance, and this time, when the teacher reprimands him, he nods along silently, trying to look as remorseful as possible.

“If you understand what you’ve done wrong, then I’ll let you off with some classroom work during lunch.” At the news of this, Jongin side-eyes Kyungsoo, winking to let her know what his after school plans would be.

The proceeding goes very similarly to the day before however, when Sehun and Tao high five. “You boys,” she said, turning to face their desks, “detention. Along with the classroom duties.” Tao groaned exasperatedly, and Sehun shrunk in his chair.

Yes, Kyungsoo thought, things probably won’t change for a very long time.

rating: nc17, !fic, !justkaisoo, pairing: kai/d.o

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