(for everyone) Like a boomerang

Aug 28, 2014 16:18

For: Everyone
Title: Like a boomerang
Pairings: Kai/D.O
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,671
Warnings: Vampire!AU - Bloodplay
Summary: "You miss it," Kyungsoo says with finality. “You miss the taste of fresh blood.”

“Do you not want a glass?” Kyungsoo asks, looking at the empty hand. He swirls the red in his glass at ease with his hand. Jongin’s gaze lingers a bit too long on the dark red staining the corner of the thick lips, before he eyes search the crowd of sleekly dressed people for a familiar face.

“No, I’m fine,” Jongin says stiffly. He edges to the left, looking to escape the figure closing in on him. He steps his left foot ahead, but a leather shoe unconsciously blocks its path.

“That’s a shame because her blood seems quite delicious,” Kyungsoo nods at the woman laying on the table, dressed only in a white cloth. Jongin scans the woman. There were twin pierces scattered messily around her body; her neck, arms and legs. Red was smeared, all except for her young face which was contorted.

“It’s disgusting,” Jongin says, his eyebrows cinched together. “Even if I still drank blood, I would not do it in such a messy manner as those vampires.”

“Do you not miss drinking blood?” Kyungsoo edges closer.

“I manage fine,” Jongin says.

“With wine?” Kyungsoo looks down at the half filled glass in the hand of Jongin. “No vampire manages fine without blood. They take the facade that they’re happy but,” Kyungsoo places his glass on the table fringed with white decorations to his right. His dark eyes come closer and closer to Jongin’s, now only the smallest gap between them. Jongin’s broad shoulders press against the stone pillar.

“You all want to hear the fear, to see the widened eyes, to feel the quickened heartbeat just as you’re a whisper away from the neck.” Kyungsoo’s lips brush Jongin’s neck. “To breathe in the unique smell of the person once your teeth pierce the layer of skin,” Kyungsoo’s teeth graze a pathway to Jongin’s ear. “And to finally taste the delicious metallic taste of fresh blood,” Kyungsoo gives a small lick to his ear.

Kyungsoo moves back and Jongin sees the expression on his face - predatory.

“But I agree with you,” Kyungsoo sips down the rich liquid. “That those men are disgusting in their process. Let us be thankful that their group is a minority.”

“Is that not her blood?” Jongin asks, curious at the glass in his hand. Kyungsoo looks at him straight on. Hardened orange eyes meet flashing red eyes.

“Of course not. This was taken privately,” Kyungsoo smiles in Jongin’s direction. The action irks Jongin’s instincts. It’s as if he was hiding a factor from him, but Jongin doesn’t press on because he wants to move far away from the leather clad body.

This was another of the many reasons why Jongin did not want to be associated with the vampire society again. The unknown secrets behind Kyungsoo’s twisted sentences.

“A question for you now.” Kyungsoo tilts his head slightly to the left. “Why are you here?”

“Jongin!” a voice calls out, intercepting Jongin’s answer. Looking behind the leather jacket, Jongin spots the familiar blond hair swept back. At this moment, he almost exhales at relief for Sehun’s appearance.

“Good evening, Kyungsoo,” Sehun says in a much more formal voice compared to the loud, obnoxious one Jongin is used to. Sehun gives a bow of his head, and receives one in return.

“I take it you are enjoying the festivities?”

“Yes, yes the decorations are, as usual, the finest when organised by the Oh household. Especially the drinks,” Kyungsoo’s eyes twinkle as he makes contact with Jongin’s wandering eyes.

Sehun feels (rather than sees) the shift of discomfort on Jongin’s shoulders at Kyungsoo’s words. Sehun forces his lips to stretch across his face before saying, “Thank you. It is always a pleasure serving the vampire society, and you - who scarcely appears at these events.”

“There are other, ah, errands which unfortunately occur at the same time as these social gatherings,” Kyungsoo continues to pointedly look at Jongin. Jongin briefly sees a scowl appear on Sehun’s face, before he schools his face to a stiff grin.

“I will take care to try and come to these events. I hope to see you at the next event, Jongin,” Kyungsoo raises his glass as a farewell. His gold cufflinks glint under the light shining down from the chandeliers dangling from the high ceiling.

Sehun ushers Jongin out of the corner, and through the glass doors fringed with intricate gold decorations.

“Where were you the whole time?” Jongin grunts. “You tell me to come for old times, but you abandoned me as soon as you saw Suho.”

“Suho didn’t finish our conversation from last time," Sehun responds.

“Don’t wiggle your eyebrows like that, you look uncouth.”
“Too bad you’re stuck with me for the next century, and the next one and next one,” Sehun smiles, his eyes glinting similarly to the crystals hanging above.

“Who was that man before?” Jongin asks, pushing aside Sehun’s words.

“I’m surprised you haven’t encountered, or even heard, of Do Kyungsoo before,” Sehun takes a sip from his glass. “It was around the time that you left for the world of the living, that he was introduced to the society. I remember Vlad’s insistence to hold such a big event to present him that he even invited the elders.”

“Vlad’s key point is trying to make the dramatics of everything. The night before my leave, do you remember he tried to bribe me with the forbidden blood to stay?” Jongin shakes his head. “Lydia would have nailed him in his coffin if she ever heard of it.”

“You were one of his confidants after all, especially in the handling of humans,” Sehun pauses. “Are you planning to return?”

“You already know the answer to that,” Jongin swirls the champagne at hand.

“I miss you,” Sehun sighs. “This world is too boring without you.”

“The other room in my apartment is always open for you,” Jongin says. “Now, we should go meet Vlad now before he hunts us himself.”


The darkness of the night was calming in Kyungsoo’s mind. It was like a healing from the brightness of the daytime where everyone and everything was always hustling.

He walks down the pebble pathways of the park, freely retracing his steps and breathing in the fresh air of the area. Before Vlad had shed the light to the society about his existence, he was sent to travel abroad. There, he encountered the infamous clan of raw, guiltless vampires who believed in the insignificance of human life. It was in the following season when the wind blew harsher, that he left their cavern. He stayed with a family who unusually yearned the “normal” human life, where they only drank from blood bags once a week.

It was as if his thoughts summoned the man himself, because under the streetlamps, he could make out the outline of a familiar face. Kyungsoo walked up to Jongin but before he could introduce himself again, Jongin began to stride along the path briskly. Kyungsoo trailed behind, wondering if he had noticed his presence. Jongin turned right, his frame disappearing into an alleyway. Kyungsoo shifts into the corner, and what he sees gives little surprise.

Cornered in between two arms, is the body of a man whose jacket wrinkles pressed against the brick wall. Kyungsoo observes curiously, as he sees Jongin graze the corner of the man’s neck with his lengthened teeth. The man, Kyungsoo judges, looks similar to their physical age of twenty-something, and he seems to be taking the sudden advances of the stranger wholeheartedly. The young man’s hands crawl up the back of Jongin’s shirt, pushing his chest up.

Jongin’s frame suddenly turns rigid, pulling away the feeling hands from his body. His mouth leaves the white skin, and he bumps his head against the wall with a grunt.

“Go,” Jongin roughly says.

“Are sure you want me to?” The nameless man smooths his hands on Jongin’s body again, but this time heading north to his crotch. “You were getting into it before.”

“Go,” Jongin pushes the man away. “Go away before you regret it.”


Jongin’s growl and sudden turn to red eyes has the man shoving Jongin’s body away. As the nameless man runs, Kyungsoo grabs his body and shoves him to the wall roughly.

“Is big boy Jongin letting a meal go so easily?” Kyungsoo goads.

Jongin’s eyes flick from the figure splayed on the wall to Kyungsoo’s face.

“Why are you here?”

“How many times has that happened?” Kyungsoo asks, walking up to Jongin. “It must have been countless already.”

“Even if it was, it’s none of your business,” Jongin tries to maintain control of his voice, but his heaving chest and glinting red eyes make it hard.

“You’re hungry,” Kyungsoo states, seeing the bold red in his eyes. “And also need some release,” Kyungsoo says, looking down at his protruding dick in his black pants.

Kyungsoo steps closer, closer, until he is chest to chest to Jongin’s white button down.

Kyungsoo breathes against Jongin’s lips, “Do you remember when we were in the alleyway in Italy?”

Jongin’s hardened orange eyes meet flashing red eyes.

“Of course you do. It was only a century ago,” Kyungsoo coos. “You were kissing me with blood dripping on your lips because you wanted to “share the taste”.”

“You complained the whole time about the lack of taste in the natives there. I needed to shut you up.” Jongin scoffs. His eyes flicker away from the intense stare and the empty park..

“And you shut me up for the next two centuries when we travelled,” Kyungsoo says amusedly. He fingers the gold brooch on the lapel of Jongin’s suit.

“You still have the brooch,” Kyungsoo says absentmindedly. The silver eyes of the small owl shine bright.

“You spent so much money of it, that’s all,” Jongin scoffs.

“Why did you ignore me at the party earlier?” Kyungsoo says, trailing a familiar path down the side of Jongin’s neck with barely touching fingertips.

Jongin makes a noise at the back of his throat.

“You didn’t tell anyone about us,” Kyungsoo's hands travel down jongins stomach, and strokes the skin near the top of his jeans. “Not even Sehun.”

“No,” Jongin moans, moving his hand atop his. Kyungsoo looks up to see Jongin’s eyes staring him down.

He smiles, feeling the tell tale growth of his twin teeth.

"Come on, Jongin," Kyungsoo whispers, grazing his teeth sharply against his ear. "Kill the man."

"Kyungsoo, I put that past me I-” Jongin stumbles over his words feeling the warm press of Kyungsoo’s hand cupping him through his pants. The heat in his body gathered below as the fingers continued to stroke him.

"You miss it," Kyungsoo says with finality. “You miss the taste of fresh blood.” You miss me.

He pulls Jongin by his hand to the figure by the wall. By now the man has a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead, his eyes darting left and right. A string of words exit his mouth, but they pay it no mind. Kyungsoo, focusing on Jongin’s reaction. Jongin, focused on the delicious sound of his heart pumping blood and heady with lust and need for it.

Jongin would just like before, stop at this part but Kyungsoo’s presence relives the memories they shared together and the taste of blood. He grasps the man by his neck and angles his mouth just a breath above the skin.

"Sorry," Jongin says and bites down on his neck, the blood oozing deliciously down his throat. Jongin moans at the warm silk, drinking it down faster and faster. It’s a blur; seeing red everywhere, the heaviness of the body going limp in his arms and arms moving him away from the body.

Dazed, he leans against the bricked wall. Through half opened eyes he sees Kyungsoo’s body moving fast to arrange and carry the dead body in his arms. Heavy eyes close then open again. Kyungsoo is right in front of him now and Jongin pushes himself off the wall.

Kyungsoo’s arm whips out to stable his body.

“It must have really been a long time,” Kyungsoo murmured, looking at the poorly balanced Jongin in his arms.

Kyungsoo looks down at the sorry lump in his arms and focuses his mind to forego the plans to reunite their bodies tonight. It was much more important Jongin reunited himself with his body.

He half carried, half lead Jongin to the car he parked nearby. Making sure Jongin’s seat belt was secure enough (Kyungsoo didn’t want a chance of his car getting injured), he went around and sat in the driver’s seat.

Kyungsoo arrived at his apartment and entering his bedroom, he lays Jongin’s body down. Jongin moans twisting his head around, unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them down. He struggles to pull his shirt up and he lets out a frustrated noise. Eyes still closed, he tears the cloth apart and chucks it across the room.

Kyungsoo observes the contrast of Jongin’s skin against his black sheets at the end of the bed. He can’t help but think of how lovely he looks splayed on his bed and staying there with him forever.

“Kyungsoo,” Jongin looks up at him with hooded eyes. “Come here. It’s cold.”

They both know that’s just a lie - just drinking blood warms all the corners of your body. Like sparks travelling in your veins, lighting your body on fire.

Kyungsoo pulls off his coat, leaving it by the chair and toes his shoes off. He crawls up the bed, covering Jongin with his body. He edges his face closer and breathes in the scent of Jongin. He searches Jongin’s eyes for his thoughts, his anything.

Jongin lets out a small sigh, before he pulls down Kyungsoo’s neck and connects their lips together. Kyungsoo collects the metallic taste of blood with a swirl of his tongue along Jongin’s lips. Their tongues dart together, dancing in the moonlight. Jongin connected to his lips is nothing like any preserved blood could taste better than. He tasted of their past and an extra tang of something unknown to Kyungsoo.

He moves his arms up and down Jongin’s arms, his chest. He takes the two nipples in between his index fingers and thumbs and pinches them. He makes sure to pinch harder on his left nipple, just enough pressure to have Jongin whining.

"Kyungsoo," Jongin whimpers, arching his back. He takes Kyungsoo's hand and leads it to his member.

"Needy childling," Kyungsoo laughs, a smile stretching on his face. It reminded of him when Jongin was newly turned and sneaked into Kyungsoo’s bed every night.

He grasps the hot member in his hand, circling his fingers around his base. He moves his grasp up and down, collecting Jongin’s mumblings with his lips. He picks up Jongin as he falls apart under his fingers, and his cock asking for entrance to his puckered lips.

Kyungsoo glues a piece of Jongin with every thrust and with every sigh of his name from his lips, he feels like he is giving Jongin his heart on a silver platter for the taking (again).

Kyungsoo holds Jongin close to his chest, stroking his spine.

“Why did you come back?” Kyungsoo asks.

“Vlad told me there was a serious situation happening in the north, with the elders. He said it would change all our lives. Including mine and yours.” Jongin responds. He links their fingers together, and squeezes tightly.

“The elders?” Kyungsoo moves to sit up at the name, but Jongin pulls him back down and rolls his body atop his.

“I’ll tell you tomorrow,” Jongin kisses the tip of Kyungsoo’s nose. “I also came back because I missed you.”

“You missed me, little childling?” Kyungsoo smiles.

“Did you miss me, master?” Jongin asks, earnestly searching the older’s eyes.

“You were always on my mind,” Kyungsoo says, rubbing the black mark on his wrist. He places a kiss on centre of it, then pecks Jongin on his lips.

!fic, !justkaisoo, rating: r, pairing: kai/d.o

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