(for hokaidos) give me all your money (and i’ll take all your love)

Sep 06, 2014 23:07

For: hokaidos
Title: give me all your money (and i’ll take all your love)
Pairings: Kai/D.O
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Kyungsoo is probably the worst waiter CEO Kim Jongin has ever run across.
Author's Note: I only wrote half of your prompt, but I really hope you enjoy this nonetheless. Thank you to A, who is an absolute angel, for letting me write this and holding my hand as I worked on it.

Jongin leaned back in his chair with an annoyed huff. There were too many files and reports that needed to be looked over, but it was growing late and he was beyond exhausted. Sometimes he wondered why he decided to take over his father’s company. It was a 24/7 job that left him tired and dreading walking into work every morning.

His secretary poked her head through the slightly ajar door of his office. “Mr. Kim? Your CFO would like to speak with you for a moment.”

Jongin rubbed the back of his neck, and straightened up in his chair. “Send him in.”

“Yes, Mr. Kim. Right away, sir.” She disappeared and he could hear tell his CFO, “Mr. Kim will see you now.”

Jongin ran a hand through his dark hair with a sigh. He waited impatiently as dying sunlight streamed in through the window behind him. He picked up the pen he had set down earlier and twirled it in his hand, watching its shadow travel across the cluttered desk. Outside in the hall, he could hear the unmistakable sound of his CFO flirting with his secretary, and Jongin resisted the urge to yell for them to hurry the fuck up already because that would be “unprofessional.”

His CFO walked in after three more spins of the pen across his fingers. “So glad you could finally join me, Yixing. Now what did you want?”

Yixing gave him a wry grin as he adjusted the collar of his black dress shirt. “Sorry, boss. I was… distracted by that pretty little thing you have outside your office.”

“I could tell,” Jongin remarked dryly. “What do you need, Yixing?”

“I figured you needed some time to relax after spending all day cooped up in your office,” Yixing began, and Jongin slumped back into his chair. He knew where this was going. Yixing came into his office at least once a week and forced him to go out and explore the city. “So today we are going to go visit the new diner down the road. You’re going. No exceptions.”

Jongin was tempted to say no. There was no point in going with Yixing, not really. And besides, he was tired. He had woken up at the crack of the dawn to come into work and make sure that all of the quarterly reports were filed properly, and then he had spent the rest of the day fixing the ones that were completed improperly. It had been a long, exhausting day. He wanted to say no, he really did, but for some reason he found himself agreeing to Yixing’s demands.

The weird thing about Yixing’s little “trips” into the city was he would take Jongin somewhere and then abandon him to his own devices, so after walking Jongin to the cozy little diner near their office building he gave a little wave and ushered for Jongin to go inside with a little smile. “The food is good, I promise.”

Jongin frowned and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his black slacks. “You’re leaving again?”

“I always do, Jongin.” Yixing laughed, and ushered for him to go inside again. “Go, go! I know you’ll like this place. Maybe try flirting with a waiter or two.”

“Fine.” Jongin took a hesitant step toward the entrance of the diner before turning back to look at his CFO for reassurance, but Yixing was already halfway down the street. How did the hell he let Yixing rope him into this?

But because Jongin always listened to Yixing, even if it was stupid, he walked into the diner. He was greeted by a warm, friendly atmosphere and cute waiter that had a bright smile and a silky smooth voice. “Welcome, sir. How many are in your party today?”

Jongin rubbed the back of his neck out of embarrassment. “Just me, I’m afraid.”

The waiter just smiled and brought Jongin to an empty booth in the back of the restaurant. After Jongin slid onto the seat the waiter handed him the menu, which Jongin accepted gratefully.

“My name is Do Kyungsoo, and I’ll be serving you tonight,” the waiter said, folding his hands in front of him. “Is there anything I can get you?”

“Your number?” Jongin really wasn’t sure what came over him, but he blurted it out anyway. He certainly wasn’t expecting the twinkle in Kyungsoo’s eyes.

“We’ll see.” The waiter winked. “Is there anything else? Maybe something to drink? You seem a little thirsty.”

Jongin nearly choked. “U-Um just water.” He coughed. “Please.”

“I’ll be right back.”

As soon as Kyungsoo was gone, Jongin put his head in his hands and let out a long groan. What the hell was he thinking? This was why Yixing should never let him try new places out by himself. Get it together, Jongin. You’re the fucking CEO of the biggest company in Korea. Well, not really. But it’s a fucking big ass company. Get a grip, man.

His thoughts were interrupted by a low cough, and he looked up to see Kyungsoo standing at the edge of the table with a glass of water in his hand. The waiter set the glass down with a smile that made Jongin feel unnaturally warm inside. “Here you go. Have you looked over the menu yet?”

Oh shit. No, he hadn’t had time to look at the menu because he had been too busy wallowing in self-misery. Not that he was going to tell the waiter that. Jongin sat up straight and tugged on the collar of his dress shirt with a slight cough. “I’ll, uh, have whatever you recommend.”

Kyungsoo laughed, eyes filled with mirth. “Oh, you just made a wonderful choice, sir.”

Jongin wasn’t sure if he should be excited… or frightened. He just hoped Kyungsoo wasn’t going to bring him something absolutely revolting. Or anything with cabbage.

When Kyungsoo returned, it was with an absolutely mouthwatering bowl of noodles. He winked when he set it down, and for a moment Jongin thought Kyungsoo might have been flirting with him. Those dreams were instantly crushed the moment he took the first bite.

“O-oh my g-god,” Jongin wheezed. The noodles were spicy, and not the “oh, this is pleasantly warm” kind of spicy. They were the kind of spicy that left Jongin coughing, face bright red, and eyes watering.

Kyungsoo’s lips fell in a frown. “Is it too hot for you?”

Jongin nodded, pushing the bowl away even as he tried to drown himself with the cup of water in front of him. “How do people eat that stuff?”

Kyungsoo’s answer was short and sweet, and if Jongin wasn’t a man with ethics (or a well-known CEO), he would’ve strangled the waiter right then and there. “Oh, they don’t.”

“Then why did you give it to me?” Jongin asked even as tears streamed down his face. His mouth was still on fire, and no matter how much water he drank it wouldn’t stop burning.

Kyungsoo lowered his eyes with a little smile and picked at one of his fingernails. “I thought it would be funny.”

Jongin had half a mind to walk out of the diner and never come back, but there was something about Kyungsoo that was intriguing. He couldn’t explain it, but he definitely felt a sliver of attraction toward the insufferable man standing in front of him.

“So,” Kyungsoo’s smile widened, and his eyes lit up with barely-disguised amusement. “Did you want something else? Or were those noodles okay?”

“Get me anything but the noodles.” Jongin sighed, running a hand through his hair. He wiped his burning eyes and even though he glared at the waiter, it wasn’t full of heat.

“Right away, sir!” Kyungsoo gave him a mock salute before heading back to the kitchen.

While the waiter was gone Jongin wondered what the hell he had gotten himself into. It didn’t take long to come to the conclusion that it was all Yixing’s fault that he was at what he had assumed was going to a lovely diner, but with Satan for a waiter.

The rest of the dinner went by without any more incidents, and Jongin was relieved when it was time to pay for the bill. Kyungsoo was unusually quiet when he took Jongin’s credit card, but his trademark smirk was present when he returned with a copy of the receipt.

“Have a good night, sir,” Kyungsoo said. “Please come again soon.”


As Jongin returned to his penthouse apartment he collapsed on the bed, crinkled receipt still in his hand. He didn’t bother taking off his shoes or his clothes, choosing to loosen the silver tie around his neck so he could breathe comfortably instead.

Jongin glanced at the receipt in his hand. He had been in such a hurry to leave the diner that he hadn’t taken the time to look at how much Kyungsoo had charged him. Not that Jongin really cared. He had plenty of money. What he saw on the receipt, however, had his eyes widening in astonishment. Not only did Kyungsoo charge him for both the spicy noodles and the rest of his meal, but at the bottom of the receipt was a phone number with a little note next to it saying “call me xoxo.”

Oh, Jongin was going to call him. He was going to call the insufferable waiter from hell and demand his money back. He pulled out his phone, and squinted in the dim lighting as he dialed the number at the bottom of the receipt. He didn’t care that it was late - Kyungsoo should have thought about that before screwing up his meal.

“Hello! Thank you for calling your local sex addict hotline. Please remember that everything is anonymous, and you do not have to share-“

Jongin hung up immediately, cursing Kyungsoo in his head. A sex addict hotline? Really? No one had ever made him feel so frustrated in his life - including the intern his company had hired the past spring (and had promptly broken every single printer in the building with his incompetence).

By the time Jongin fell asleep that night, all he could think about were twinkling eyes and mischievous grins.


Jongin visited the diner right after work the next day.

And the next day.

And the next day.

Unfortunately Kyungsoo wasn’t working any of those nights, so Jongin didn’t have an opportunity to strangle the waiter for all the shit he put Jongin through. However, that did mean that Jongin had time to cool down and think about the situation logically. It also meant that he had time to tell Yixing about his horrible experience.

“It was fucking awful, Yixing.” Jongin glared at his CFO from across his desk. Yixing was reclining in the chair opposite him, and Jongin had his feet up on his desk. “And it’s all your fault.”

“How is it my fault?” Yixing protested. “Kyungsoo’s always nice when I come in!”

Jongin narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. “Are you kidding? He’s rude. Insensitive. Satan.”

“Maybe he’s interested in you, Jongin.” Yixing attempted to wiggle his eyebrows seductively, but he ended up looking constipated instead. “Didn’t you say he left a phone number on your receipt?”

“Yeah, for a sex addict hotline,” Jongin grumbled. He rubbed the back of his neck, as he often did when he was embarrassed.

“Wait a second… you actually tried to call him?” Yixing stared at him in shock. After a second, the corners of Yixing’s mouth tilted up in smirk. “Oh, Jongin. You’re in deep. You like this guy, don’t you?”

“What?” Jongin twisted his chair so that he was facing the window instead of his CFO. He didn’t want Yixing to see how red his face was becoming. “No. No I don’t.”

“The CEO has a crush,” Yixing sang, standing up from his chair. Jongin ignored him. “The CEO likes the poor little waiter down the street.” He stopped right before leaving Jongin’s office and turned back. “You know, if it makes you feel better at all… I think he likes you too. At least, if the texts he sent me right after you left the diner are anything to judge by.”

Jongin’s head snapped up at Yixing’s little confession. “What?”

But the CFO was already gone, strutting down the hall singing about Jongin’s “crush on the waiter down the street.”

Jongin mentally added Yixing to the list of people he wanted to strangle, right underneath Kyungsoo.


Yixing was mysteriously “unavailable” for the rest of the day (Jongin assumed he was hiding in a supply closet somewhere), and Jongin was tired of playing around waiting for Kyungsoo. He decided to head to the diner that night after work, and end this whole situation once and for all.

It didn’t happen quite like how he had planned it would.

Jongin thought he would walk into the diner and demand to know why Kyungsoo was such an ass (albeit in more… polite terms) and demand his phone number again - this time his actual number - so that he could call the waiter later and yell at him over the phone. And while Kyungsoo did give Jongin another phone number… it wasn’t his.

Jongin went home with a smile on his face and immediately dialed the number Kyungsoo had given him. “Hello! You’ve reached Paws and Pets adoption agency. If you’re interested in adopting a new friend, please-“

Fucking. Kyungsoo.

Jongin was seething. He undressed quickly and changed into a t-shirt and sweats before crawling into bed and sending Yixing a scalding text about how Kyungsoo “gave him another fucking fake number” and how he demanded that Yixing give him Kyungsoo’s actual phone number.

Yixing replied with a “nope, but you can have this instead.”

Attached to the text was a screenshot of Yixing’s messages to someone called Cutie Waiter.

Yixing:: so what do you think of the guy i sent you tonight?
Cutie Waiter: he’s cute when he’s flustered
Cutie Waiter: like really cute
Cutie Waiter: LIKE 10/10 WOULD FUCK
Cutie Waiter: and also cuddle wow i think he would be a great cuddler

Needless to say, Jongin didn’t get a wink of sleep that night.


Jongin was done with Yixing. He was done with Kyungsoo. He was just done. He didn’t want to play their “little games” or whatever, and so when he visited the diner again he made sure that there was no one listening save for Kyungsoo and began to rant.

“You know what I hate?” He asked, jabbing his index finger against Kyungsoo’s chest. “You. I hate you and how I can’t fucking stop thinking about you whenever I’m trying to sleep, or file reports, or do my job. I hate you and how fucking gorgeous you are when you have that mischievous grin, and I most definitely hate the way I want to kiss that stupid smirk off your face.”

“Well…” Kyungsoo began, lips curled upward. “Why don’t you?”

And because Jongin never backed away from a challenge - and that was most definitely a challenge - he grabbed Kyungsoo around the waist and pulled the waiter forward until they were chest to chest before leaning down and claiming Kyungsoo as his own.


“Are you certain that this is the right number this time?” Jongin asked, staring down at the black ink on his palm skeptically.

“Of course, idiot.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and handed Jongin his receipt. “I’m positive. Now go, I have to clean up.”

“Fine, fine,” Jongin grumbled, leaning forward to kiss Kyungsoo one last time before leaving the diner. The walk home didn’t take too long, and he was halfway to his apartment when he noticed that his receipt was a little bit longer than it should have been.

-Bowl of Noodles x1 $5.99
-Kisses x4 $1.99
-Fraternizing with the wait staff x1 $3.45
-Distracting said wait staff x3 $5.00

Oh, Jongin was going to strangle Kyungsoo. He whipped out his phone and dialed the number on his hand.

“Hello! Thank you for calling Park Funeral Homes, where we put them in the ground - no money down!”

Fucking Kyungsoo

rating: pg13, !fic, !justkaisoo, pairing: kai/d.o

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