(for spaceturnsaskew) Leave the light on

Sep 06, 2014 22:18

For: spaceturnsaskew
Title: Leave the light on
Pairings: jongin/kyungsoo, kyungsoo/ot11 (very brief mentions)
Rating: nc-17
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Kyungsoo really likes Jongin, and Jongin likes him too. But they both happen to be very dumb people.
Author’s Note: Hi recipient-nim! I'm so sorry I think I butchered your prompt, and maybe I didn't really follow through on everything, but I hope you like this work from lousy ole me! (。´∀`)ノ And oh, thank you C for throwing the whole tainting and purity thing in my face during dinner, and S for being my personal cheerleader /sends hearteus/!

Kyungsoo first found out about his not-so-friendly feelings towards Jongin when he was blowing Sehun in their shared room. Sehun had his fingers fisted into Kyungsoo’s hair, breath coming in short little pants as he mercilessly thrusted in. Sehun’s thickness created an obscene bulge in Kyungsoo’s cheeks, leaving a puddle of drool in the crevice of Kyungsoo’s lips. When Sehun came, he whimpered out a hyung, and Kyungsoo was abruptly reminded of how Jongin always stumbles into the kitchen at 7am, sleepy-eyed and hair tousled (and shit, Kyungsoo was pretty sure you’re not supposed to think of someone else besides your sex partner during the act.)

Could you pass me the cereal. Hyung. Almost like it was added as an afterthought, just like how the curves of his eyes and lips trails after Kyungsoo’s conscience, a constant thing that refused to be forgotten. Kyungsoo was still blinking his thoughts away when Sehun pulled him up, awkwardly patting his cheeks. He didn’t even bother to say thanks as he brushed past him on his way out. They’ve done this frequently enough to warrant a free pass from Kyungsoo.

When Kyungsoo emerged from the bedroom, Sehun was already lounging on the couch, legs thrown haphazardly across Chanyeol’s lap. The TV was on, a subbed rerun of Family Guy playing. Chanyeol occasionally turned to Sehun, offering his unnecessary comments about the characters. That’s when Kyungsoo spotted the tuft of brown hair sticking out from Chanyeol’s shoulders, and he found out that Jongin was actually sleeping on the elder. How he managed to sleep through the noise, Kyungsoo will never know, but he figured it was the increased vocal lessons and dance practices for their comeback.

Kyungsoo wandered over to the couch, where he sat wordlessly between Chanyeol and Sehun, ignoring the what are you doing from Chanyeol. He shushed him, before turning his eyes back onto the TV, although honestly he was still watching Jongin from the corner of his eyes.

Sleeping Jongin, Kyungsoo noted, is very ugly. His head was tilted at an angle, mouth open with flecks of dry saliva on the sides, and his eyes weren’t even completely closed. Yet there was something in the softness and open vulnerability of his face, years taken off as the lines and creases slipped like shed skin. Kyungsoo wanted to poke Jongin’s cheeks, just to see if he’d wake up bleary-eyed and adorable.

Kyungsoo realised that he’s very, and completely fucked. Figuratively.


For all of Kyungsoo’s supposed promiscuity, he was surprisingly quiet about the whole I’m-having-sex-with-ten-people thing. Everybody knew he was fucking around, but nobody talks about it outright, except he’d obviously be proven wrong sooner or later.

The dining table was small, even smaller when you have twelve boys crammed up together with steaming pots and bowls laid out around. Elbows jabbed and shoulders knocked into each other, and Kyungsoo watched with satisfaction as they tackled the food he prepared. It wasn’t often that Kyungsoo cooked, because cleanup was horrible, but occasionally Kyungsoo indulged the rest.

Jongin was seated opposite him, face set in annoyance as Chanyeol continued to playfully block his arm whenever he tried to scoop food up. Kyungsoo stared at the two, only to be interrupted by Baekhyun poking his sides.

“So, is it my turn with Kyungbooty today?” Baekhyun waggled his eyebrows.

Kyungsoo stilled, feeling an extra pair of eyes on him besides Baekhyun’s. He looked up just in time before Jongin averted his eyes, and Kyungsoo cursed Baekhyun silently.

“I have vocal lessons later on.” Kyungsoo said dismissively before turning to Joonmyun, engaging the pink cheeked elder in a conversation about books just to lift the attention from him.

Jongin was still staring at him, forehead a little creased, but Kyungsoo pretends not to notice, and instead gave a wide smile when he finally turned, causing the younger boy to bang his knees against the table in his flustered state. Cheeks dark and hair covering his eyes, Jongin picked up his soiled cutleries before wordlessly proceeding to the kitchen sink, ignoring Sehun’s repeated you selfish asshole, take mine too!

“Bring your own shit to the sink, Sehun.” Yifan suddenly said, a mysterious fashion magazine appearing in his hands. How the six feet one giant managed to watch TV while reading a magazine upside down and eating at the same time without breaking his neck, Kyungsoo has no idea. “Stop treating Jongin like your maid.”

Kyungsoo nodded sagely, deciding that he quite likes the giant, despite the fact that he has a really weird kink regarding facials.

Sehun grunted in reply, and trudged his way to Jongin. He dumped everything into the sink, which happened to send a flying blob of rice into Jongin's face. Sehun sniggered as Jongin flicked the blob away, screaming when he realised that he's actually rubbing his soap into his eyes. Chaos ensued when Jongin finally washed out the sting, lunging for Sehun in all his 1.82m glory.


The thing was, Kyungsoo often have troubles expressing himself, a problem that stuck with him ever since childhood. He remembered being irrationally angry when he was six and his aunt always brought her son around. Kyungsoo had hated how her mother always presented his cousin with his favourite toys to play, how she’d prepare his favourite strawberry muffin for him, and how she always squealed at how cute the boy was. In hindsight Kyungsoo was jealous, but he had no way of understanding the blood curdling feeling at that age. All he knew were to throw tantrums, and hope that his mother would coax him out from his room with Mr. Cuddles.

It’s the same way he felt now looking at Jongin, his eyes bright and mouth spreaded in a smile. He was in the midst of a laugh, probably Taemin induced. It was, and most probably fanservice, but still, Kyungsoo had to tamp down the bile that surged up his throat as he watched the both of them flirt openly. He reminded himself that cameras and thousands of eyes were on him, so he forced on a smile, and sang through their parts and other combined performances. Kyungsoo minimised as much contact with Jongin as possible, and allowed himself to be swept off by Ryeowook, who was thin as hell but still managed to lift him of the ground.

Kyungsoo left the door unlocked that night, feigning indifference when Jongin accidentally walked in on him and Zitao. He knew that he was being childish, and it was the whole cousin vs him all over again. Maybe Kyungsoo was a masochist, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of satisfaction when Jongin slam,ed the door shut with a resounding thud. Kyungsoo was pretty sure the blank look on Jongin’s face was to cover up his anger. Kyungsoo did, however, feel guilty and very much worse for the wear later on, and he resolved to make it up to Jongin one way or another.


Jongin was avoiding him.

Kyungsoo was certain of that. During the first few days, Kyungsoo had bought fried chicken for Jongin, but the kid was nowhere to be found. He left early for dance practice, and often returned home late into the night after everyone has fallen asleep and despite Kyungsoo’s constant vigilance on the door, Jongin just never comes home on time. Kyungsoo tried to catch him at dance practice, but the younger always managed to sweep past him before escaping into the shower.

It finally comes to a head when the whole of EXO-K were shuffled off into a van to a TV broadcast station. A variety program in a Q&A format, and a song performance. They arrived thirty minutes to screen time, and it was the first time in two week that he was in less than a metre proximity with Jongin. It also did mark the first time Jongin completely ignored Kyungsoo, and honestly he wasn’t used to not having Jongin’s heavy body leaning into his, or the arm he throws around his shoulders and waist subconsciously.

Joonmyun, Baekhyun and Sehun were whisked off to the dressing tables first, and Kyungsoo took the chance to drag Jongin away when Chanyeol was busy entertaining the PD. He could feel Jongin trying to wriggle out of his grip, but Kyungsoo’s hold was strong. Kyungsoo brought the both of them into an unused dressing room, and closed the door, putting himself in front of it such that Jongin wouldn’t run out.

“What are you doing?” Jongin hissed, massaging his wrist.

Kyungsoo ignored his question, and asked straightforwardly, “Why are you avoiding me?”

“I’m not.” Jongin answered, a beat too slow. His eyes darted around the room, landing on everywhere except for Kyungsoo.

“Are you sure? You never replied my text messages, and you’re always the first to run off after dance practice. We live in the same house, Jongin. And I’ve not seen or talk to you for less than a minute for the past two weeks. Look at me and tell me if you’ve not been avoiding me.”

“I- I’m not.” Jongin mumbled, staring at his shoes.

“Don’t lie. You were affected weren’t you? Seeing me with Zitao. I thought you knew about this. I fu-” Kyungsoo pressed, trying to coax a reaction out of Jongin.

“Yeah, yeah I did know about this. But it’s just different, knowing and actually seeing.” Jongin raised his voice, frustration evident in the way he scrubbed his fingers through his hair. “And I guess I just, I just don’t really like it. I mean I’ve liked you for years, and I just feel so ridiculous getting riled up about someone that doesn’t belong to me.” Jongin sighed, and his shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry, I’m stupid. You probably hate me now.”

A pregnant pause. Then Kyungsoo’s eyes widened.

“You like me?”

Jongin stared at Kyungsoo for a moment, looking as if on the verge of rolling his eyes. “Yes, hyung.”

Kyungsoo swallowed. Of all days. He dragged Jongin in with the intention to confront him, but he ended up with a confession (somewhat). But maybe Kyungsoo knew subconsciously, maybe if he were more observant, more confident, he’d realise that the looks and smiles Jongin reserved for Kyungsoo was special, the arm he casually slinged over Kyungsoo screaming mineminemine to outsiders. Maybe he should have known.

Kyungsoo had never included Jongin into his circle of… what Luhan would term as fuck buddies because Jongin was someone too pure and untainted for that kind of crap. Kyungsoo could say that he thought that Jongin was too young, but in reality they’re just a year apart, and Sehun’s even younger. Kyungsoo could say he wasn’t sexually interested in Jongin, but that’s a lie and nobody in the right mind would think that.

Kyungsoo wanted to tell Jongin that no, he doesn’t hate him and he’s not stupid at all for getting jealous, but since he’s kinda verbally challenged about feelings, he surged forward to quickly press a chaste kiss to Jongin’s lips before ducking and looking down.

“I like you too.” Kyungsoo mumbled into Jongin’s neck, his arms coming hesitantly around Jongin’s waist. For a horror filled second, nothing happened, and Kyungsoo thought maybe he read it all wrong, but then Jongin’s hug was crushing, and he was engulfed in his scent.

The hug was abruptly broken, and Kyungsoo started protesting, then Jongin attached his lips to his, slow and hesitant. Jongin slipped his tongue into his mouth, a little inexperienced and sloppy, but this was so different and sweet and it made Kyungsoo’s toes curl in his shoes (in a nice way.) When Jongin broke the kiss, he leaned his forehead against him, and smiled bashfully.

Jongin was so gentle it sent Kyungsoo’s heart into overdrive, a strange but familiar feeling blossoming in his chest. Kyungsoo thinks it might be affection, but something in him whispered more. Jongin took his time in undressing Kyungsoo, despite the fact that they were really pressed for time. He kissed Kyungsoo’s forehead, cheeks, lips, over his neck and down to his clavicles. He mapped Kyungsoo’s body with his tongue, and Kyungsoo could only sigh shakily as Jongin licked a small stripe down Kyungsoo’s belly.

Jongin looked up occasionally, eyes heavy with want, the same puppy eyes that searched for approval. Kyungsoo nodded, mouthing a soft go on, and he could hear manager hyung, shrieking at the rest to hurry up goddamn it we’re fifteen minutes to broadcast, he could hear Baekhyun asking Joonmyun, where the hell did Jongin and Kyungsoo go to, but beyond anything he could hear the chink of his belt as it fell away, his obtrusive zip as Jongin slowly tugged it down over the bump of his erection.

Jongin palmed the outline of Kyungsoo’s cock, and Kyungsoo shuddered when he finally, finally slipped his hand into Kyungsoo’s underwear, warm, callused hand gripping the base of Kyungsoo’s cock. Jongin’s hand began jerking, and Kyungsoo hissed as Jongin thumbed his slit, sliding the pearl of precum around.

“Hyung, I- would you like me to-” Jongin whispered suddenly, his movements halting.

Kyungsoo gulped, and nodded, and for the hundredth time of imagining Jongin’s pretty lips around his cock, he’s finally getting to experience it.

Jongin licks like a kitten discovering cream for the first time, occasionally gripping his cock before enthusiastically enveloping Kyungsoo with a heady suction. Kyungsoo could only gasp as Jongin continued to suck him off, teeth nicking him occasionally, but it was alright, because Jongin was looking right back at him all the time, sweat rolling off his forehead.

Kyungsoo accidentally bucked into Jongin’s mouth, choking the dancer, and Kyungsoo jerked his hips backwards, only for Jongin to grab them to stay still. Kyungsoo looks into Jongin’s eyes, sees the tears gathering from his throat, but all he could read from them was fuck my mouth hyung.

And so he did, holding Jongin’s head down as he thrusted in, the younger choking and sputtering at first before finally learning to breathe through his nose, tears making a mess down his cheeks. Kyungsoo eventually came when Jongin accidentally swallowed around him, the tight moist heat hurtling him straight over the edge.

Jongin stood up awkwardly when Kyungsoo’s cock slid out of his wet mouth, and despite the very obvious bulge in his pants, he says, “We- I- need to go hyung. I have a solo performance first.”

“But you’re still hard.”

“It’s oka-”

Jongin was silenced by Kyungsoo’s kiss, his mouth a bitter tangy flavour left behind by Kyungsoo. Jongin moaned into the kiss, and Kyungsoo takes the chance to slip his hands into Jongin’s pants, hands making a quick work out of him. He would have loved to stay behind and coax the orgasm out of Jongin slowly, but manager hyung was still screaming on the other side of the door, and there was just honestly no time.

“I’ll let you fuck me the next time round, Jongin-ah, I’ll sit you down and ride you. You could bend me over the dining table, fuck me til I’m coming untouched.” Kyungsoo whispered dirtily into Jongin’s ears, flicking his wrists as he watched Jongin’s pupils dilate, wide and dark. “Or would you want me to fuck you? I’ll take you against the wall, drive into you so hard and fast til you remember nothing but my name. Would you like that, baby?”

Jongin drooped his head onto Kyungsoo’s shoulders, panting as he comes, jizz splattering over the front of Kyungsoo’s belly. His breath was hot on Kyungsoo’s bare shoulders, and Kyungsoo would complain about the weight, but it was Jongin, so it’s okay.

“We better get cleaned up before manager hyung finds us in here.” Kyungsoo said regretfully as he stepped back from Jongin, the latter still looking very… sex mussed and absolutely delectable.

He turned around, and spied the tissue box at the end of the room. He pulled a couple out before coming to wipe the both of them off. Kyungsoo could hear the ruckus outside, so he hastened to right their clothings. Jongin was silent as Kyungsoo walked to the door, hand reaching out behind him to grab Jongin. When he realised that he was grabbing onto air, he turned and look. Jongin’s lips were in between his teeth, and he had one of those unsure expression on his face again.

“What’s wrong?”

“I - Hyung, this isn’t just something casual right?”

Kyungsoo raised his brows at that, and Jongin hastened to continue, “ I mean I’m sorry if I come on a little strong, I’d give you space and time if you need it.”

It took him a second to think, two to react, and three big steps to reach Jongin. Then he playfully flicked the younger’s forehead, before saying, “Did you honestly think I’d still fuck around with the rest? I told you I like you, and if you’re okay with it, I’d go all out and exclusive with you.”

Jongin’s reply was a brilliant show of teeth, and Kyungsoo felt his heart do a little leap. He is honestly very, very fucked.

“C’mon, let’s go before they tear down the entire place.”

Kyungsoo stuck out his hand, and this time, Jongin grabbed on, bigger hands wrapping tight and warm around Kyungsoo’s.

rating: nc17, !fic, pairing: kai/d.o

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