(for everyone) Moonlight Chemistry

Sep 03, 2014 22:41

Title: Moonlight Chemistry
Pairings: Kai/D.O, side Luhan/Xiumin
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,550
Warnings: knotting
Summary: The alpha has a task - to mark his mate by his 22nd birthday. Not all goes according to how Jongin would like them.
Author’s Note: A big thank you and lots of cuddles to D, T & N for holding my hand and helping me read through. Dear recipient, I hope you like this!

Jongin runs through the forest at top speed, avoiding low branches and enjoying the breeze on his hair as the leaves on the trees rustle in the wind. He looks to his left when he senses movement and he sees one of his pack mates Minseok run to catch up with him. They catch eyes and Minseok points towards the den in their territory and Jongin nods to show that he’s understood, picking up the pace as they race towards their destination.

Minseok reaches first, and Jongin gives him a slap on the back as they both enter the den. Minseok’s mate, Luhan, appears out of nowhere and sits down next to Minseok while Jongin sits across from them. Jongin already knows what they’re going to talk about and while he doesn’t exactly dread it, he doesn’t really want to talk about it.

“Jongin, you know your birthday is in two months,” Minseok starts, face serious as he locks eyes with Jongin. “As alpha of the pack, you know what you need to do.”

Jongin sighs. He may be one of the youngest but he was born an Alpha and is the only one left in the pack. Minseok and Luhan are both older but Minseok is his Beta while Luhan is only an Omega. Sometimes Jongin wishes that he could switch roles with Minseok but he knows that it’s entirely impossible with the Alpha blood running in his veins.

“I know, hyung,” Jongin replies, playing with his fingers and flicking the dirt from underneath his nails away.

“Do you think you’ll be able to do it?” Luhan asks this time, looking just as serious as Minseok.

“He’s going to be a tough nut to crack,” Jongin answers, his shoulders drooping as he thinks about his destined partner.

Jongin has known that Kyungsoo is to be his mate ever since the first day they met. The scent had been unmistakable and he was so tempted to mark Kyungsoo right there and then but the other wouldn’t let him no matter how many times he tried.

“Kyungsoo, we’re mates!”

“That doesn’t matter.”


“Mates are there only to satisfy each other sexually and I’m not up for that, even with you.”

Jongin had automatically assumed that Kyungsoo hates him and tried his best to avoid crossing paths with Kyungsoo, which was impossible because he is the Alpha of the pack and everyone comes to him for something daily. Kyungsoo had obviously noticed and told Jongin to stop because it makes everything awkward.

Whatever Kyungsoo wants, Kyungsoo gets.

"You need to do it. If you don't, it's not going to be pretty," Minseok says, voice stern.

"What happens if I don't?" Jongin asks out of curiosity.

Minseok and Luhan both shake their heads and suddenly Jongin is scared. He needs to make Kyungsoo his, and he knows exactly what he needs to do. He just has to hope that Kyungsoo will give in before his two months is up.

Jongin remembers that he had discovered a large field with pretty flowers that span acres. He tries to make his way to the field but he gets lost for quite a while before he finally finds it. Yellow and white flowers are blooming beautifully and Jongin looks around before he sneaks over and plucks a few flowers from its roots. He picks a whole bunch, forming a bouquet full of whites, yellows and a pink one he accidentally found in the middle. Jongin smiles down contently at the bouquet and gingerly steps out of the field of flowers before rushing home.

When he reaches home, he immediately looks around for Kyungsoo who he finds resting with Jongdae and Sehun in a pile by a large tree, backs facing him. He takes careful steps towards them and then springs forward with the bouquet in his outstretched hands right in front of Kyungsoo.

“Jongin?” Sehun asks, looking up at him curiously.

“What’s this for?” Kyungsoo asks, tone devoid of any emotions and Jongin’s a little afraid.

“They’re for you,” Jongin tries, pushing the bouquet towards Kyungsoo.

“I’m not going to mate with you, Jongin,” Kyungsoo immediately rejects him, meeting his eyes.

Jongin’s shoulders visibly deflate and he looks down, dropping his arms to his sides and maybe Jongin should have thought of something more than just a bouquet of flowers. He hears a snicker coming from one of them and he shoots his head up, glaring at Jongdae who immediately whimpers and hides behind Sehun.

Jongin may be one of the youngest but he is the Alpha, after all.

Jongin smirks inwardly at his reaction and thrusts the bouquet into Kyungsoo’s arms before walking away. He hears Kyungsoo calling for him but he doesn’t turn back, only picking up his speed as he disappears into the trees and out of Kyungsoo’s sight. He had expected rejection but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. Jongin sighs deeply as he comes to the river and sits by the bank, leaning against a large rock. He picks up smaller ones, throwing them into the water and watches them skip across the surface. He senses movement behind him and he doesn’t have to know that it’s Kyungsoo from the scent that’s pulling him in, which he chooses to ignore.

“Jongin,” Kyungsoo sighs.

“If you’re here to return the flowers, please just keep them,” Jongin replies, avoiding eye contact with Kyungsoo. “Take it as a token of gratitude for taking care of everyone, me included.”

It’s quiet for a moment between the two of them and Jongin assumes that Kyungsoo had gone even though he doesn’t hear any footsteps, so it takes him by surprise when Kyungsoo sits beside him and their arms brush against each other. Kyungsoo is small next to him, milky white skin a stark contrast against his tanned skin.

“You do know why I don’t want to mate, don’t you?” Kyungsoo asks, eyes raking over Jongin’s face.

“Something about its only purpose is to satisfy sexual needs or something,” Jongin mumbles, picking up a stick from beside him and he starts to draw in the dirt.

“There’s also another reason,” Kyungsoo says quietly, and Jongin would have missed it if not for his heightened sense of hearing.

Jongin has never heard of the other reason before so he turns to Kyungsoo and faces him, letting him know that he’s listening.

“I’ve seen how wolves react when their mates die, Jongin,” Kyungsoo starts, looking down and bringing his knees up to his chest, circling his arms around his knees. “It looks so painful even from the side line. I don’t want to have to go through that. I don’t want my mate to be in pain, either.”

“You’re horribly pessimistic,” is Jongin’s immediate response.

Kyungsoo looks up and turns to glare at Jongin, mouth pulled into a scowl and eyebrows furrowed. Even then, Kyungsoo is absolutely adorable in Jongin’s eyes.

“I mean, why do you worry about the end when you haven’t even started?” Jongin tries to explain himself. “It doesn’t make much sense to me.”

Kyungsoo doesn’t reply and stands up, giving Jongin one last glance before he walks away. His hands are empty and Jongin looks down at the spot next to him, feeling his heart ache a little when he sees the bouquet lying on the ground. The yellow petals are soft beneath his fingers when he picks the bunch up and plays with the flowers, staring in the direction that Kyungsoo went in and when he tries to think of other ways to win Kyungsoo’s heart, his mind draws a blank and Jongin wonders if he’ll even succeed.

Jongin is resting against a large tree near their den with his eyes closed, tuning out the Baekhyun’s and Chanyeol’s bickering as he tries to relax. He doesn’t get to relax for very long because Minseok comes up to him and tells him that they’ll need to hunt tonight. Jongin’s eyes immediately open at this and he regards this as the perfect opportunity to impress Kyungsoo.

“Let’s play a game,” Jongin suggests to the rest of the pack. “Come back in an hour with the biggest kill you can find.”

Nobody can really go against Jongin so it’s instantaneously agreed on, and one by one they start changing into their wolf forms. Whenever Jongin transforms, he takes a few minutes to admire himself because he takes pride in his dark brown fur that is soft to touch, thick and clean. He thinks he has the prettiest coat of fur in the pack, even if Luhan’s is snowy white and Sehun’s is pink.

Jongin runs off first, towards where he knows a few deer always linger. He reaches them quickly enough and when he looks around, he’s relieved to find that nobody else from the pack has followed him. He hides behind a tree and sets his eyes back on the deer in front of him, searching for the biggest ones and he internally praises himself when he spots a large deer grazing on the grass.

Stealthily moving between trees, he waits until he’s behind the large deer and for the other deer to look away before he pounces, throwing his body on top of his prey and pinning it down. It struggles for quite a bit but Jongin is stronger and a quick bite at the neck renders it motionless at the same time Jongin digs his paws into the animal’s hindquarters. The deer falls and Jongin falls along with it, landing on top of its body. He feels proud of himself and he gets up, trying to haul his catch up with his teeth but it’s too heavy because it’s so huge and Jongin resorts to dragging it back.

He’s the first one back but he’s confident that he’s the one with the biggest kill. He immediately goes over to Kyungsoo, who rarely goes out to hunt because of his small stature, and sets the kill in front of him. Jongin looks up and he’s met with wide eyes with the most adorable confused expression he’s ever seen. Seeing that Kyungsoo probably has no idea what Jongin is even doing, Jongin uses his nose to nudge the dead deer in his direction and looks up at him expectantly. Kyungsoo looks down at the deer and back at Jongin, and when his eyebrows furrow Jongin knows that he’s finally understood.


From the look in his eyes, Kyungsoo doesn’t like what Jongin’s doing. He’s expected that reaction but somehow he still feels hurt. He feels hurt that Kyungsoo is still rejecting him and with his birthday less than a month away, he’s losing hope. He fears what will happen to him because from Minseok and Luhan’s reactions, it’s nothing good.

Jongin backs away and takes one last look at Kyungsoo before he runs away, disappearing between the trees and ignoring the calls of his name. He passes by the members of his pack but he rushes past them too, stopping only when it’s all quiet around him save for his slight panting. He transforms back to his human form and leans against a large tree bark, head spinning and eyes burning. He closes his eyes but they open up again when his ears pick up the sound of footsteps, and Jongin instantly gets up into a defensive stance in the direction where the footsteps are coming from.

His shoulders deflate, however, when it’s Minseok who comes out from behind the trees with Luhan in tow. Jongin takes his place again by the tree and Minseok and Luhan sit on both his sides, sandwiching him. He can feel both their gazes on him but he chooses not to look at them, only staring ahead and sighing occasionally.

“It’s not working out well,” Minseok comments, staring in the direction Jongin’s looking in.

“I’m wondering if I should just give up,” Jongin sighs.

“That’s not advisable but if Kyungsoo isn’t budging…” Luhan says but doesn’t finish his sentence, leaving it hanging.

Jongin scratches at the ground, letting the soil and dirt get underneath his fingernails. He wants to mate with Kyungsoo but if Kyungsoo doesn’t want to, he can’t.

“Should I just try talk to him?” Jongin asks, turning to face Minseok.

“It won’t hurt,” Minseok smiles.

Jongin asks Kyungsoo to sit by the river with him a few days before his birthday. Kyungsoo seems reluctant but goes anyway, and Jongin gets the feeling that it’s only because he’s an Alpha and it wouldn’t be wise to go against him.

Jongin sits down and pats the space next to him. Kyungsoo occupies it and they sit next to each other in silence for a few moments which Jongin appreciates. It gives him time to sort out his thoughts. He blocks out Kyungsoo’s scent to the best of his ability, because with Kyungsoo sitting right next to him and their arms so close to brushing against each other, the urge to take him right there and then is overwhelming.

“So,” Kyungsoo starts.

“Is it something I did?” Jongin asks, turning his head to look at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo meets his eyes and Jongin holds his breath. He’s waiting for another rejection, waiting for Kyungsoo to walk away from him like the time they talked after he got him flowers, but what he gets is a small smile and Kyungsoo scooting closer to him.

“No,” Kyungsoo finally replies. “I actually do like you, Jongin.”

Jongin’s eyes widen in surprise but he stays in his spot, waiting for Kyungsoo to continue. He feels like he can’t breathe when Kyungsoo leans against him, head on his shoulder. Kyungsoo’s hair tickles his neck and his scent is even stronger, but Jongin clenches his fists and holds himself back.

“I do like you,” Kyungsoo repeats again and Jongin’s heart beats a little faster in his chest. “But I don’t like the idea of mating, even if it’s something we have to do. I would if you asked me, but I’m not ready.”

Kyungsoo looks unsure and Jongin softens. He doesn’t say anything and only gingerly puts his arm around Kyungsoo, patting him awkwardly. Kyungsoo giggles under his breath and Jongin nudges him, nearly pushing him over but that only makes Kyungsoo laugh harder.

“Stop being so awkward,” Kyungsoo says, eyes forming little crescents as he grins at Jongin.

“I won’t force you into doing anything,” Jongin smiles, patting Kyungsoo’s shoulder and letting his hand rest there.

Kyungsoo doesn’t respond and Jongin assumes the conversation is over, standing up to leave but then he hears a soft thank you and he smiles to himself before he walks away.

If Kyungsoo is happy then Jongin’s sure he can go through whatever he’s going to go through for not mating before his birthday.

Jongin’s birthday comes quicker than he’d like to and in the day the pack celebrate their Alpha’s day by granting him whatever he wants, be it foot massages from Sehun or body gag from Jongdae. The entire pack comes together for his birthday and Jongin feels content just by looking at all of them.

The trouble only starts when the sun starts to set and when Minseok drags Jongin away from the celebration. He knows it’s going to happen soon. Everyone looks on in silence as Minseok brings Jongin away from them, and Jongin doesn’t miss the look in Kyungsoo’s eyes.

Kyungsoo’s afraid.

Jongin pushes the image out of his head and lets Minseok pull him away, leading him towards the den where they all sleep. Minseok pushes the two of them inside and holds Jongin by the shoulders, staring straight into his eyes.

“Jongin, you need to stay here until dawn,” Minseok instructs and Jongin knows better than to object when Minseok looks serious.

“Okay,” Jongin replies, feeling a little afraid for himself too.

Minseok lets him go and exits the den, locking the door behind him and Jongin makes his way to his corner. He repositions his pillow and cushions his head as he lies down in a pile of blankets, staring up at the ceiling. He doesn’t feel anything funny or wrong and maybe, just maybe, Minseok is wrong about him having to go through something horrible for not mating before tonight ends.

But Jongin doubts it, because Minseok is older and has experienced a lot of things. Unlike him.

Jongin doesn’t know what to prepare himself for. He closes his eyes and eventually falls asleep surrounded by silence.

Jongin stirs awake when he starts feeling a little too hot and he glances at the clock. He finds that it’s been an hour since he fell asleep and he can see in the sky that the moon is already up. He can hear the members of his pack chatting outside and he wants to join them but he knows he’s not allowed to. He feels hotter with every second that passes, even after he kicks the blankets away and rips his clothes off. The noises outside get louder and Jongin can feel his senses getting more sensitive.

It hits him hard when he smells Kyungsoo, strong even when they’re apart. Jongin craves and the inner wolf in him is calling out for Kyungsoo, desperate to be with him even though Jongin tries hard to suppress it. His body moves towards the door of the den and Jongin feels like he has no control over himself when he tries to pull it open only to find that it’s locked and blocked from the outside too. He tries and tries to pull himself away but his hands seem to move on their own and his nails scratch against the walls of the den. He screams, because he can feel the blood rushing through his veins and it’s so hot and so painful.

He knows the rest have heard him when everything is quiet except for his own screaming. He can hear his packmates ask Minseok, and he can hear Minseok’s soft sigh and he can just imagine Minseok shaking his head.

He also hears Kyungsoo’s whimpers and the desire to be with him is too strong for Jongin to handle. His scent is enticing and Jongin inhales, feeling his heart beating faster and Jongin wants. His nails continue scratching at the walls until there are scratch marks all over from his sharp nails and Jongin’s screaming never stops. It feels like he’s being scorched and it’s so, so excruciating.

Trying to focus on himself makes Jongin miss the sounds from outside. He misses Minseok’s sigh and concerned voice, but most importantly he misses the clanking of keys and the creaking as the door to the den opens. He, however, doesn’t miss Kyungsoo’s scent getting even stronger than before and he turns his head sharply, eyes landing on Kyungsoo’s figure and a little bit of Minseok’s face before Minseok disappears again. His screaming stops. This time, Jongin doesn’t miss the sound of the door locking from outside.

It’s only Jongin and Kyungsoo in the room now, and Jongin is dizzy with Kyungsoo’s scent invading his space. He gathers himself as best as he can and manages to take a few steps back, away from Kyungsoo. The wolf in him is threatening to appear but Jongin holds himself back because the last thing he wants to do is to hurt Kyungsoo.

“You really shouldn’t be here,” Jongin manages to stutter out. “Go back out.”

“Take me, Jongin,” Kyungsoo softly says.

Jongin’s resolve almost breaks but he attempts to stay in his spot and do nothing, even if only barely.

“You’ll get hurt,” Jongin reasons. “You don’t want to mate.”

Jongin doesn’t have time to react before Kyungsoo’s rushing forward and grabbing him by the collar, pulling him down for their lips to meet messily with their teeth clashing but that’s okay because Jongin finally gets to touch Kyungsoo and he’s eager to respond, slipping his tongue into Kyungsoo’s mouth to taste him and he revels in the mewl Kyungsoo lets out.

“Are you sure?” Jongin asks when he pulls away, hands coming up to hold Kyungsoo’s face carefully as he tries to ignore the burning desire in him to just take and take.

Kyungsoo responds by pressing their lips together again and Jongin gets it. He manoeuvres the two of them towards the pile of blankets he previously occupied, lips still connected and Jongin’s hands mindlessly roaming Kyungsoo’s body. Kyungsoo is so small compared to him and it makes Jongin want to take care of him even more, arms wrapping tight around Kyungsoo’s tiny waist before he pushes him down onto the blanket and hovers over him. It’s dark in the den but there’s moonlight streaming in from a tiny window at the top and it shines on Kyungsoo’s face, highlighting his features and Jongin thinks he’s beautiful.

Jongin says exactly what he thinks and Kyungsoo’s cheeks turn a pretty pink. If Jongin felt hot just now, he’s pretty sure he’s on fire now.

Jongin’s hands quickly rip off Kyungsoo’s clothes until he’s naked, the need to take him growing with each inch of milky white skin that shows. He leans back on his heels to appreciate Kyungsoo’s body for a bit, pale skin and curves in the right places makes Jongin want even more. Jongin’s eyes land on where it matters most, and Kyungsoo is half hard already. Jongin wraps a hand around Kyungsoo’s cock, pumping it quickly until it’s hard.

Kyungsoo’s own small hand wraps around Jongin’s half hard cock, stroking him and Jongin feels all the blood rush south as it fills his cock until he’s fully erect. Kyungsoo’s hand looks small around him and Jongin groans when Kyungsoo squeezes lightly, a bead of pre-cum coming out from the slit and Kyungsoo swipes at it with his thumb. In other circumstances, Jongin’s sure he would love to see Kyungsoo’s pink lips wrapped around his dick but now the need to be inside him is stronger and Jongin moves away to get a bottle of lube from where he knows Minseok keeps it.

He’s back hovering over Kyungsoo in record time, popping the lid of the bottle open and coating three fingers with a copious amount of lube. He motions for Kyungsoo to spread his legs and bring his knees up, exposing his puckered hole when Kyungsoo does so. Jongin scoots closer, locking eyes with Kyungsoo as he slowly pushes one finger in. He’s desperate to be inside him but Kyungsoo always comes first.

Jongin adds a second finger when Kyungsoo pushes back on the one inside him with a low moan, scissoring him open while maintaining the eye contact and the moment feels so intimate that Jongin feels like bursting with affection. He instead crooks his fingers upwards, smirking to himself when Kyungsoo lets out a particularly loud mewl because he knows he’s found the spot that will reduce Kyungsoo to a moaning mess. Adding a third finger, Jongin tries to open Kyungsoo up as best as possible.

“Please,” Kyungsoo moans, pushing back on Jongin’s three fingers that are pumping in and out of him at a slow pace.

Jongin pulls his fingers out and he watches as Kyungsoo’s hole clenches around nothing. He slicks up his cock with a thick layer of lube to make the breach easier, positioning the head at the hole and looking at Kyungsoo for permission. Kyungsoo reacts by wrapping his legs around Jongin’s waist, pulling him forward and Jongin gasps when his cock enters Kyungsoo. He pushes in slowly as he keeps his eyes on Kyungsoo whose face scrunches up when Jongin is buried to the hilt. Jongin stills, letting Kyungsoo adjust to his size until he gets the signal from Kyungsoo to continue. Kyungsoo’s heated walls surrounding his already hot dick is maddening and it takes all of Jongin’s self-control to wait.

When Kyungsoo’s finally ready, Jongin pulls out until only the head of his cock is inside and slams back in, throwing his head back when Kyungsoo clenches around him. The moans leaving Kyungsoo’s mouth is like music to his ears when he repeats the action, pulling out almost completely and then thrusting back in. His hands hold onto Kyungsoo’s thighs to spread his legs further apart and to give him more space for movement, fingers digging into the skin so hard he’s sure Kyungsoo’s thighs will ache by the time they’re done. Kyungsoo moans loudly at a particular hard thrust and Jongin angles himself, making sure to hit the small bunch of nerves inside Kyungsoo that reduces him to a whimpering mess thrashing about against the blankets.

Jongin feels his knot growing and he shallowly thrusts inside Kyungsoo until the knot catches on the rim and he can’t pull out anymore. It’s incredibly hot around him and both of them are perspiring, bringing the temperature inside the room up a little more. Jongin leans down and his lips graze around Kyungsoo’s collarbones, teeth sinking into the skin below Kyungsoo’s ear. He tastes a bit of copper and that’s when he knows it’s enough, tongue licking up the blood and he pulls back to admire his work.

He’s marked Kyungsoo and now they’re finally one.

He meets eyes with Kyungsoo, admiration clear in Kyungsoo’s eyes and Jongin’s sure he looks the same, if not more intense. Jongin gasps loudly when Kyungsoo squeezes around him, walls clamping down on his knot and Jongin’s so close to going over the edge.

“Do that again,” Jongin manages to rasp out, hands on either side of Kyungsoo’s head.

Kyungsoo clenches around him again, even harder, and Jongin’s jaw drops at the intense heat around his dick. It makes him dizzy and Jongin doesn’t know what to do with himself except to bring his body closer to Kyungsoo’s as Kyungsoo repeatedly clamps down and loosens around him. He supports himself with one hand while the other hand wraps around Kyungsoo’s dick, stroking him quickly to completion.

Kyungsoo’s beautiful in Jongin’s eyes when he throws his head back as he spills all over Jongin’s hand, ass clenching around Jongin’s knot even harder and Jongin loses it, emptying himself into Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo smiles at him sheepishly when he sees Jongin’s dirty hand but Jongin grins, choosing to keep himself inside Kyungsoo as he slowly goes soft. He moves himself to lie down beside Kyungsoo and hugs him from behind, arms wrapping tightly around the tiny waist while his cock is still buried inside Kyungsoo’s ass.

They’re both sticky and gross but Jongin doesn’t mind, not when he can finally call Kyungsoo his. His eyes land on the bite mark just below Kyungsoo’s ear and he grins to himself knowing that the mark will never disappear.

“Hey, Kyungsoo?”

“Yeah?” Kyungsoo softly replies.

“What made you change your mind?” Jongin asks, nose nuzzling Kyungsoo’s hair.

“Minseok hyung told me what you’d have to go through if I didn’t,” Kyungsoo starts, fingers playing with Jongin’s. “I didn’t want you to go through pain just because of me. That would contradict what I said before about not wanting my mate to experience pain.”

Jongin smiles into Kyungsoo’s hair, extremely relieved that Minseok had helped him in the end. His arms wound themselves tighter around Kyungsoo’s waist and he’s never going to let go.

rating: nc17, !fic, pairing: luhan/xiumin, pairing: kai/d.o

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