(for whiskerd) To The Beat of Our Hearts

Sep 02, 2014 20:17

For: whiskerd
Title: To The Beat of Our Hearts
Pairings: Kai/D.O
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,077
Summary: Dirty Dancing!AU with Kyungsoo as Baby and Jongin as Johnny. Kyungsoo travels.
Author’s Note: I guess you could say, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".

but in all seriousness, this is my first time ever writing an AU so I hope this is even close to what you wanted. ;-; I had a pretty solid fic going, and then I realised it really wasn't Dirty Dancing-esque at all, so I re-wrote 90% of it. All in all this is basically pwsp because I suppose there's a plot? i really hope you like this, whether it's what you wanted or not! (ps: this is unbeta-ed so sorry for silly mistakes!)

Kyungsoo is not the type to gamble, nor the type go to clubs to pick up girls, or guys, so why he finds himself with a plane ticket to Los Vegas and a reservation at a high end resort is beyond him. Perhaps it has something to do with his meddling friends who were trying to help him pick an ideal vacation spot. Jongdae always urges him to be more social. "Live a little," as he would put it. Maybe there's a small part of him that's always wanted a little adventure, and though this is more of a big adventure, Kyungsoo thinks he can handle himself.

So after getting over the initial jet-lag and sickness, Kyungsoo finds himself bored out of his mind. Even his trips out are tame, usually visiting famous landmarks. It's on the eighth day of his trip that he finds himself wanting to go back to work because at least then he'd have something to do. He'd even considered going to a casino, but backed out because he was afraid he would lose too much money. (He can almost hear Jongdae making fun of him.) Late that night Kyungsoo finds himself looking through the program of activities the resort offers.

Golfing? Definitely not. God forbid he be anything like Luhan.
Boxing? No way.
Archery? Do-able, Softball? Certainly an option.
Dance class? First he laughs at the idea. Kyungsoo is aware of his ability to sing, so learning to dance would only make him seem like one of those pampered idols from back home. His friends would definitely get a kick out of it. Maybe this is what gets him to pick up the phone and call the number before realising it's 11:38pm and no one would be in the mood to sign him up. He'd wait until morning.

The classes start in a few short days and Kyungsoo instantly regrets his decision as he walks into the gym, looking around for signs to the studio. Good idea in theory but when it comes to vigorous athletic activity, he'd rather sit out on the bench. By the time he finds out where he's meant to go, he's late, so he quietly enters the room.

Everyone turns to stare at him.

Act normal, he tells himself, so Kyungsoo just looks straight ahead at the men and women he guesses are dance instructors. After the brief orientation, they're split into groups.

"What's your name?"

The teacher's question startles him, and he turns to see a very handsome young man. "Me? I'm Kyungsoo," he manages.

"And you don't have a partner?"

Kyungsoo looks around before he simply shakes his head. "Alright. Well, then... I guess you have three choices. Either you drop this class, find a partner, or you team up with me."

His uncertainty gets the best of him. "Team up with you, the teacher? But I don't know anything about dance."

The man shrugs. "Well whatever suits you."

Kyungsoo is about to leave when there's a tap on his shoulder. "If you really want to dance," a piece of paper is stuffed into his hand and he looks up in time to catch the instructor's wink before he goes off to rejoin his class.

Hand poised to open the door, he just can't seem to get himself to do it. He doesn't even know why he's here. The sudden thought that his friends back home have rubbed off on him scares him. Kyungsoo doesn't willing go out partying, which is exactly what it sounds like inside the suite. Yet still, his resolve cracks and without a second thought he pushes open the door, no holding back.

The music hits him hard when he slips in and closes the door behind him. It's unbelievably loud, and hot, and the scent of alcohol lingers in the air. While this is all a lot to take in, you can't miss the crowd of young people dancing under the dimmed lighting. (Though he thinks the term dancing should be used loosely, because this is shameless dry humping.)

Standing by the door he surveys the group, watching each couple individually. Hips all swaying in time to the beat. Kyungsoo's eyes are suddenly attracted to the middle of the room, where the instructor he had talked to that morning has made his way to. He's instantly awestruck. Few words can describe the way he moves. None do him justice. It's the closest to perfection Kyungsoo has ever seen, and though he doesn't know dance, something about the way he can effortlessly glide across a dance floor is enough proof of his natural talent.

Now he feels like he's just made a huge mistake. Kyungsoo feels way out of place, what were his expectations in the first place? There's also the hovering feeling that he's going to totally embarrass himself in front of, well, a large number of people. Taking a quick glance around, he thinks he can escape unnoticed and forget anything ever happened. He can go back to his happily normal life. Dancing free.

When his hand is grabbed and he's being pulled body to body with the dance coach, Kyungsoo is a little more than shocked. But even more so when the guy laughs loudly and the vibrations just barely echo in his own body.

"Not so fast! Oh! Well look who decided to show up! I got your name, but I never told you mine, I'm Jongin."

He’s not quite sure how to respond to this, thus he continues to stare dumbly. He can feel that the other is just radiating heat and Kyungsoo finds himself being lured in. "Well, sorry, Jongin, but I don't dance." (This isn’t stopping Jongin from dancing on him, though.) The languid rhythm is making the dance unnecessarily sensual, he feels as if Jongin is drawing him in. It's enthralling.

This wasn't supposed to happen. He's not a dancer, or a romantic. Yet here he is, falling head over heels for some dancer he hardly knows. How k-drama esque, he muses. Then there's a pair of hands on his hips.

"Relax, you're so tense. Feel the beat and move with it. Like this, follow me."

Jongin steps back and it gives Kyungsoo's heartbeat a chance to come down from working in overdrive. Or at least that's what he's hoped, but how can it slow when Jongin is so sinfully gyrating his hips?

Before he knows it, Jongin is giving him a playful smirk and saying, "your turn."

It's with the utmost hesitance that he continues. He's thankful the lights are so dim because when Jongin's hand helps move his lower body, he's sure he turns completely red.

Kyungsoo wants to stop and protest, because maybe he isn't cut out for this whole dancing thing. He'll even admit he now has respect for those k-pop idols. Just a sliver. Jongin's words of approval provide him some comfort. In a few minutes time they're joining the other bodies on the dance floor. It's dirty in all the best ways, his body temperature rising as they relentlessly rut against each other. So much so that Kyungsoo has to will away hints of arousal. The two meet eyes and he can catch the glint of desire in his dance partner's.

But when the song ends, Jongin slowly pulls away and disappears back into the crowd.

Standing there awkwardly for a moment, Kyungsoo finds his way out of the maze of couples, standing at the edge of the room and just watching. (The typical way he "enjoyed" parties in college.) Every time he sees Jongin he fixes his gaze on him but still manages to slip away and out of his sight. After a minute of watching the guy finally stay in the same spot, a voice next him causes him to jump.

"That's Kim Jongin, dancer extraordinaire. Or so he calls himself."

The look on Kyungsoo's face must be all sorts of confused because because it prompts the boy to continue, "I'm Oh Sehun, nice to meet you. I'm another choreographer here, and Jongin's best friend. Got me my job here, actually." With no response from Kyungsoo he must feel the need to add more information. "You seem...interested in him, to say the least, but just know his job here is hanging by a thread."

Now even more confused, he decides to speak up. "Why? He's an amazing dancer. How could they want to fire him?"

Sehun thinks for a long while, "he... Can get a little close with guests." Kyungsoo is in the middle of pondering this when Sehun speaks again. "There's my boy, gotta go! Oh what's your name, by the way?"

"Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo."

Sehun freezes in his tracks for a moment before nodding in thought, shrugging, and turning around to walk away.

It's at this point that Kyungsoo decides he's had enough for the night. He'd like to find Jongin and say thank you for the invite, but he hasn't seen him since his talk with Sehun. He goes back to his room with way too many things on his mind.

Kyungsoo doesn't know where he got this dumb idea or what he's even doing. His legs just keep moving in the direction of the gym. He prays that the door is locked for some weird reason because then he'd have to turn back. It's not, so he makes his way into the dance studio to wait. Flicking on the lights and placing his bag down, he wonders how long he'll have to wait before Jongin comes in. He must visit the studio everyday, classes or not.

He's waiting on the floor of the dance studio, trying not to think of how badly this could all go. There's a click of the door and Jongin interrupts his train of thought. With a small smile he stands up to greet him.

"What're you doing? You can't be here. Leave."

Kyungsoo is taken aback, this was one thing he didn't expect. He's about to protest, but the look on the other's face keeps him quiet. Picking up his bag, he moves towards the door, his heart beginning to sink.

"Wait." Only the guilt in Jongin's voice makes him stop. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like an asshole. Is there something you wanted?"

It's a tough decision on his part, but he asks nonetheless. "Teach me how to dance. Since I can't take the class."

"I thought you said you don't dance."

"Well I," You changed my mind. There's a long beat of silence in which the two are just looking at each other. Jongin looks away first, but gestures Kyungsoo to move closer.

And this marks the start of Kyungsoo's daily private classes with the resort's finest dancer.

"Okay it's better, but there's not enough passion, hyung. Dance isn't simply about getting the steps right, it's about portraying an emotion. Think sensual and steamy, intimate, even."

"I don't know how to be that!!" Kyungsoo groans in frustration, breaking away from his dance partner to lean against his reflection in the mirror.

He feels Jongin's presence before he sees him. The tickle on the back of his neck when the dancer's breath ghosts over his skin. He doesn't expect the soft whisper in his ear, nor the heat curling just below his stomach as Jongin's whispers, "Then let me teach you..."

Kyungsoo thinks he must be having a wet dream because what hot dance instructor jumps you in the middle of a lesson?

He starts to recall that night at the party when Sehun had given him a warning, but then there's an arm curling around his waist. "Haven't you experienced sweet, sweet, pleasure hyung?" A hand slipping under his tee. A finger tracing circles on the skin just above the waistband of his shorts, threatening to dip below. "Hmm? Don't tell me you're-"

"I-I'm not." Kyungsoo curses his voice for getting caught in his throat and the flush that covers his cheeks is unstoppable.

"Then come on," the other starts with a smirk as he turns him around to look him straight in the eye. "Let's dance." And then their lips meet. Even though he expected it, Kyungsoo is still reeling. He throws away all his inhibitions. Hooking an arm around Jongin's neck to deepen the kiss, he feels himself being backed into the mirror.

Just like that night weeks ago, they begin pressing against each other but this time, it's unbridled lust set to the rhythm of their heartbeats. His lips are gently being bitten and he parts them to let their tongues meet. Heat quickly amasses down south and when he feels Jongin's hard-on rub against his own, he knows he's not alone. The feeling makes him gasp, it's been so long. Too long, since he's been with anybody. He couldn't have been luckier than to break that streak with Jongin. The roll of his hips so delicious, perfectly calculated. The friction stops briefly, as Jongin tosses his shirt aside and helps Kyungsoo with his. His fingers trail down a wonderfully tanned chest and skim over the outline of abs. When they reach the waist of the other's pants, he lightly tugs on them before his hands nimbly work to unbutton them and send them to the floor.

Before long, it's skin on skin, hands moving to touch every inch of each other. Jongin is placing kisses and hickeys on his chest moving downwards until he drops to his knees. Giving a few experimental licks to the head, he gives him a sly smirk before taking the shaft into his mouth. The heat enveloping him makes him dizzy and Kyungsoo's eyes close, savoring the feeling. It's too much and not enough all at once, he has to tightly tangle fingers in Jongin's hair to keep himself grounded. The other doesn't seem to mind, instead letting out a moan of approval that sends a pleasureful wave of vibrations up his length.

When he sees Jongin relax his jaw he knows what's in store, but nothing could prepare himself for the sensation of being deep throated. It takes a lot of will not to immediately start thrusting, but the hands on his thighs also help keep him steady. With a tug on Jongin's hair the only warning of his impending orgasm, the dancer pulls back just in time but his mouth remains wide open, catching the strings of cum as best he can. Kyungsoo can only stare at the arousing sight of Jongin slowly licking his cum from his lips.

"So do you understand now?"

After catching his breath he replies, "How does an amazing blowjob help me emote during a dance?"

"Fine. Then you try seducing me."

Kyungsoo steals a glance at his still half hard dick and then back up at him. "I think I already have." With a low growl like sound, Jongin is on him again. Attacking his neck with desperate nips. Truthfully, it hurts a little, but he hardly cares. Spitting into his hand for lubrication he reaches down to finally touch Jongin who reacts with a lewd moan.

There's a whisper in the shell of his ear. "Damn it I need you, Kyungsoo."

"We don't have-" he starts,

"Lube? I know. But I have a different idea. Go bend over and lean on the mirror."

Without a question, Kyungsoo does as he's told. A slap to his ass startles him and he makes eye contact with Jongin in their reflections. His eyes are hooded with lust and his tongue slips out to wet his lips before he speaks. "I'm going to thigh fuck you."

A surge of excitement runs up Kyungsoo's spine and he simply nods at Jongin. After wetting his thighs just enough, Jongin fists himself a few times before pressing the head of his cock against the line in between his thighs. He does his best to keep his thighs as close together as possible.

With a content sigh, Jongin pushes forward, immediately starting to move. Not only does he get the soft feeling of Kyungsoo's inner thighs but he gets the rub of Kyungsoo's balls against his length. Both of them are enjoying it more than they expected to. In fact Kyungsoo likes watching Jongin's dick appear and disappear between his legs and the friction is strangely pleasureful.

Jongin has a hand on his waist and another resting on his shoulder. When he looks up in the mirror, the dancer's eyes are glazed over with pleasure. Shifting a little he crosses his legs, hoping to tighten the pressure of his thighs.

"Shit that's amazing," Jongin lets out breathlessly, his pace increasing. The hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder drags nails down his back before coming around to wrap around his dick. In response his hips roll into the other's hand, eager to get himself off for the second time. He can hear Jongin's rough panting in his ear and how his thrusts are becoming uneven. Flicking his wrist faster, Kyungsoo is quickly on his way to coming, leaning heavily on the mirror, sweat making his fringe cling to his forehead.

"You look so fucking good, hyung," and with that, Jongin is blowing his load in between the other's legs. A few drops even making it onto the mirror. Kyungsoo follows soon after, realising pearly strands onto the mirror in front of him. They stand there in the afterglow for a minute before Jongin is pulling back, chest still heaving.

They quietly clean themselves up, before taking care of the soiled section of mirror.

"I think you're getting the hang of-"

The door swings open and before they can react, the resort manager is standing before them. "Well well, enjoying some 'private dance lessons' are we?" Jongin looks too worried to speak, so Kyungsoo becomes his voice.

"Yes, actually." he replies, looking completely serious.

The manager looks between the both of them. "Please, he's not even my type, sir." Jongin finally responds.

The man seems to weigh that statement in his mind before laying the topic to rest. "Jongin I believe there's a performance you should be preparing for. Don't be late again."

"Yes, Joonmyun, sir." He bows once before the blonde turns and exits.

Both of them breathe a heavy sigh of relief before starting to laugh.

"So... Same time tomorrow?" Jongin inquires with the smallest hint of a smirk.

"Of course." Kyungsoo flashes him a smile before heading out the door.

rating: nc17, !fic, !justkaisoo, pairing: kai/d.o

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