(for bookishvice) throw water on a gas fire

Sep 02, 2014 20:09

For: bookishvice
Title: throw water on a gas fire
Pairings: Kai/D.O
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,975
Summary: "So, let me get this straight," Jongin says, calmly sitting in the pilot seat of D.O.'s VacCraft, "You took me hostage because I can make killer mix drinks?" D.O. scoffs. "No. I'm far more interested in your ass than your drinks."

There are many, many, many galaxies in the universe, and of course it's entirely possible that there is more than one universe (the otaku in Jongin likes the idea of alternate universes), but technology can only advance so far every century it seems, and currently, there are about one hundred galaxies with which any person that Jongin knows should be concerned.

Of course, each galaxy is usually home to a couple of planets, but humanoid life only ever exists on one planet in each galaxy. In the Milky Way, for example, Earth is that planet. However, Earth took a long time to catch up to the intergalactic ways of the rest of the known universe, and is still the only planet operating under multiple government systems, and subsequently the only planet with very poor relations with other planets. It had annoyed Jongin, a former member of the Democracy of Asia, enough to make him leave and take up residency three galaxies over in a bustling city known for its vibrant night life on the planet Lub.

Eerz, as the city is called, is known wildly around the surrounding galaxies for its size (roughly the same size as the land formerly known as South Korea on Previous Earth) and its night club Exonerate where Jongin has the pleasure of bartending every night. He enjoys the work, really; meeting new people and learning new languages everday is exhausting, but it's fun. Besides, Jongin likes being able to sleep in until four in the afternoon.

Of course, the flip side is he doesn't get to sleep until about five or six in the morning.

It's nearing that time, the bar's patrons slowly leaving or buying their last round of drinks for the night. Jongin is chatting amicably with a lady from a neighboring galaxy. Her language is one he's heard many times before and spoken just a few less. He's still enraptured with the warped syllables and the use of body motion to convey words. He talks back to her as well as he can with his hands occupied with his job (currently, cleaning glasses), but the lady appreciates his efforts.

When she leaves, she gives Jongin a big smile and bigger tip. Jongin thanks her with a swipe of his hand against his lower jaw and a flick of his fingers in her direction. He resumes wiping down as the night starts to quiet.

"You seem well versed in Amplian," a voice interrupts Jongin's cleaning. He sits at the bar a few stools over, his hands folded. There's no liquor around him, but Jongin supposes that makes sense seeing as he doesn't remember serving this guy.

He then blinks, realizing his home language has just reached his ears.

"You're human," he says brilliantly. The other guy sighs a little.

"Yes, thank you for noticing," he murmurs dryly, "Is this how you charm all of your customers?" His eyes slide toward Jongin, and the bartender forces himself to throw a smirk back at him.

"Only the cute ones that catch me off guard," he amends. He leans forward on his elbows, practically sliding across the bar to lean into the guy's face. "What can I do for you?"

"I don't drink," the man says quickly. He leans back, and Jongin raises an eyebrow at the slight color he sees in the man's face.

"Ok," he agrees, tossing his dishrag over his shoulder, "So why are you here? I didn't see you on the floor. Shame, really." The man gives him a slightly murderous look. Jongin rears back, unused to such violent reactions to his flirting. He gapes for a moment (unattractively, he should add) before forcing his mouth closed and his hands to lift from the bar. He's planning to simply walk away or offer the guy water when a hand grabs onto his wrist.

"I'm hiding," the man says simply, as if that explains everything. Jongin takes a step closer to the man again so that his arm doesn't become wrenched from his body.

"This is a rather public place," Jongin responds, matching the man's quiet volume, "Anyone could see you hear." The guy smirks.

"Blending in is the best disguise," he argues, "And the gatekeepers won't find me in a crowd like this." Jongin gets this guy's logic, really, but he thinks the man may have forgotten to move with the rest of the crowd.

"It's almost closing time, though," he says, "Almost no one but the staff is here." The guy merely smirks.

"I know," he declares, face smug. "But see, there's something I want very badly- something the gatekeepers will stop me from having. So there's really only one thing left for me to do."

"Oh?" Jongin inquires, interest piqued.

"Exactly how much are you worth?" The question stuns Jongin a little, and he blinks a few times. He's worth a lot. He's made quite the account working his long shifts at Exonerate, and there's the matter of his family to consider.

In answer, Jongin offers only a shrug. The man's wide eyes gleam with mirth.

"Ah," he says, "The thing is I know who you are." Jongin freezes. "And I know exactly what you're worth- more than enough to get me what I want." The man stands from his barstool, pulling Jongin so that he has to lean on the bar. He's now eyelevel with this peculiar patron, and he can taste the man's breath on his own tongue.

"And what is it that you want?" He asks breathlessly. The other man licks his lips, watching Jongin's eyes trace the motion.

The sirens blare outside.

"Just as planned," the man says. He tightens his hold on Jongin's wrist and pulls him out from behind the bar, the walk awkward as Jongin's hip keeps bumping the hard surface. Out on the floor, face to face, Jongin is quite a bit taller than this guy- but he doesn't feel powerful for it. The wild smirk and bright eyes of the other man probably attribute to that.

The man keeps them standing together until the doors fly open. Gatekeepers come running in, weapons at the ready and shouting orders for patrons to get down.

The guy grabs Jongin and yanks him down, wrapping his arm around his neck and pulling a hidden gun from his pants to press it against jongin's temple.

"You can call me D.O., Kim Jongin," the man, D.O., says in clear Korean, his smirk evident in his voice, "And you can consider yourself my hostage."


D.O. is a horrible driver; that's the first thing Jongin notices about him that's not a physical attribute (granted, all of his physical attributes are really nice, but D.O. is holding him hostage so compliments are not forthcoming right now). His VacCraft is spacious, but not overly large. The instruments on the dash board are state-of-the-art and the roar of the engine is positively seductive. Judging by the writing on the labels of the controls and the slightly stretched looking design of the VacCraft, it's not an Earth-made vehicle.

The VacCraft jerks again.

D.O. swears.

"Umm," Jongin starts slowly, unsure if he's allowed the privelage of speaking, but when D.O. makes no move to silence him, he continues. "I know I'm a hostage and all, but I'm a pretty decent flyer?" Another jerk, and Jongin nearly bites off his own tongue. He's pretty sure that's why D.O. hasn't talked this whole time- he's probably already bitten his tongue with his amazing ability to pilot a high speed space ship away from the three Gatekeeper Vac's chasing them. Jongin speaks through his teeth.

"Ok, give me the controls. You're shit at this."

D.O. growls at him, eyes darting frantically between the controls and the monitors beeping warnings of him being in another gunman's sightlines. There's shot, and the horrid screech of lazer beams glancing off the deflectors has D.O. jumping, his hands flying for his own guns controls. Jongin is there is under a second, his hands smoothly taking D.O.'s place as he slides into the pilot's seat.

D.O. attempts to shove him, but Jongin's eyes catch a faint warning glow from one of the ships trailing him, and he's already pulling safely away, the VacCraft gliding safely through space, the shots glowing as they disappear ahead of the nose of the Vac.

Jongin breathes in through his nose, watches the three Gatekeeper VacCrafts slide into a new formation. He smirks.

"Hold on," he orders D.O., "And get ready to fire." D.O. starts some sort of protest, his lips twisting and eyebrows scrunched together; Jongin throws the thrusters on full throttle and yanks hard on the altitude gauge. The VacCraft roars too loudly in vacuum, but Jongin breathes out evenly as he pulls the ship above the formation of the Gatekeepers. Their all-kill formation, three ships stacked on top of each other, doesn't allow for them to move out of the way.

Jongin twists the controls, and the ship turns over and dives.

He opens his mouth, ready to command his captor to shoot, but D.O. has already laid on the artillery. His shots are accurate, taking out the Gatekeeper's guns and burners. Jongin lets out a cheer of celebration, smoothly pulling away in the direction the Spatial Positioning System is indicating. A heavy hand falls on his shoulder. Jongin tenses; his eyes shift back to D.O. standing behind him.

"In my defense," he says, "You suck as driving." His captor stares at him incredulously before he breaks into laughter.

"Okay," he says, "I'll give you that. I just didn't want you to give in and let them take me in." He runs his hand through his hair, and for a second, Jongin is struck by how handsome this man is.

"I want to get away from them as much as you," Jongin explains, "If they catch me then-" He cuts himself off, but the understanding look on D.O.'s face says he already knows. "Well." He finishes lamely.

"I definitely don't need them catching me," Jongin's captor says. He undoes his jacket, and Jongin sees tattoo after tattoo on the man's forearms. He knows these markings, and suddenly, D.O. needing him is starting to become less of a mystery.

"You're a mercenary," Jongin breathes. He grabs one of his captor's hands, turning it over to read the different languages sown into his skin. He's not shocked to see Amplian after D.O.'s quick recognition of the language at Exonerate.

"Yes," D.O. answers quickly, yanking his hand back. "It was unavoidable." And his tone is harsh and cold, and Jongin knows he won't answer anymore questions, but he has to ask anyway.

"How could a profession be unavoidable?" He murmurs, and as he suspected, no answer is forthcoming. He sighs and turns back to the gears, glancing over the monitors and their intended location.

"So we're going to Amplia," he says cheerfully, trying to ignore the painful, frustrated silence from the man who is supposed to be his captor. "I'll drive, so you can, umm, sleep. If you want."

"Kyungsoo," D.O. says suddenly. Jongin spins back around in the pilot's chair to look at the man.


"I told you to call me D.O. in case you struggled, but that's my name," the mercenary explains. "You're obviously not going to turn me in so. Kyungsoo. Call me that."

"Ah- ok," Jongin agrees, spinning back around very slowly. "Kyungsoo." He tests the name on his tongue, and it's no surprise to him when he likes the way it feels in his mouth. He licks his lips.

"So why are we going to Amplia?" Jongin asks, tapping the blinking light that indicates the planet located a few light years away but definitely on course. He hears movement, and suddenly Kyungsoo is leaning over him, pulling out an old inventory log. The paper crackles in his hands, and Jongin is amazed by the neat handwriting as the mercenary flips to the last page of writing. He points at a date, and Jongin traces it across with his eyes.

"A recovery of an item," Kyungsoo explains, "It's not common knowledge, but most of the planets have fueds with each other." He gestures to one mark on his arm. "Amplia has a claim on me, so I work for them and any planets they're aligned with." He then swipes his hand over a panel on the dashboard, and it opens to reveal gem that Jongin has heard of in legend, but never seen.

"Amplia is home to a material called Grelsh," Kyungsoo continues, handing Jongin the gem, "the material is very expensive and rich in minerals, but also used as jewelry." Jongin rolls the orange stone between his hands, amazed at the fine powder that comes off. It almost sparkles in the neon lights of the dashboard. "Amplia simply asked me to find which planet is stealing Grelsh from them as it is a major source of their income and universal economic status. I'm merely bringing this a proof of which planet took it."

"So you acted as a spy," Jongin infers. Kyungsoo nods.

"A less dangerous mission," Kyungsoo confirms, "But definitely no less in profit." Jongin doesn't ask how much, but judging by Kyungsoo's expensive clothes and the luxuries he's added into the VacCraft (although a stolen craft, Jongin is sure), he makes enough money to comfortably live a traveler's life in space. Space travel is not inexpensive, Jongin knows. He'd traveled three galaxies over to get away from his home on Earth.

Although the conversation ends there, Kyungsoo is no longer harsh to Jongin. In fact, he seems rather friendly as he leads him to a room on the craft. His smile is genuine when Jongin stumbles into the small kitchen a few hours later, awoken by the smell of food. He's a great cook, Jongin discovers when he spoons the first bite into his mouth.

It's not until after Kyungsoo has taken care of his business on Amplia, bringing Jongin onto the planet to act as a translator because his Amplian is far better than Kyungsoo's (which Jongin finds odd because doesn't his captor work for these people?), that their relationship becomes anything other than careful acquaintances.

Jongin is taking a walk around the VacCraft, stretching his legs and making sure Kyungsoo is abiding by his explicit orders to not under any circumstances touch the controls and let autopilot do its job. They're currently heading to a planet Jongin has never heard of before. He can feel the shift in the Vac's gears, and he sighs as the ship moves smoothly. Kyungsoo is a fabulous shot, can hit anything in his sightlines even while Jongin pulls off dangerous maneuvers around opposing ships (they'd gotten the chance to test that again upon entering Amplian territory when Gatekeepers had noticed and identified the stolen Craft).

Jongin turns to his right and enters a small hallway he'd never seen before. Sitting behind a locked glass door is a fully stocked bar. Jongin reads some of the labels, and his eyes widen. Although not nearly as diverse of a stash as he'd had access to in Exonerate, the liquor here is still expensive and definitely to his tastes. He grins and turns to head towards the bridge where Kyungsoo it watching but not touching the monitors.

"You keep a bar in here," Jongin says dubiously upon entering. Kyungsoo nods, eyes still focused on the screan in front of him. Jongin snatches up the inventory log and scans through all the listed bottles and glasses. "But it's locked," he murmurs, running a finger down the page as he searches for the key to the room listed somewhere. He doesn't see it. Kyungsoo nods again.

"Where is the key, then?" Kyungsoo just waves his hand in the general direction of behind himself. Jongin sighs, muttering a few choice words along with the term "useless".

He searches the ship for an hour, looking through all the cabinets in the kitchen and going through the drawer's in Kyungsoo's room. He doesn't even care if the mercenary notices that he's been in there. Maybe he'll get mad and punish Jongin somehow. He thinks about Kyungsoo's strong forearms and figures he wouldn't mind that at all. It's only when Jongin decides to check his own room that he finds the key to the bar. It was hidden in one of his dresser drawers. Having never had a reason to open them, Jongin is pleased his first time searching the empty drawers finds him the key he'd been looking for. A glance at the clock set to Galactic Earth time tells him his search lasted a total of three hours.

He could use a drink.

He smirks at the key in his hand. Now, he can get one. He does just that, but he doesn't stop at one.

"Guess what I found, Kyungsoo-hyung," Jongin sings, a bottle clasped in one hand and a glass of a little something he whipped up in the other. The red liquid sloshes a little dangerously. Kyungsoo glances at him, rakes his eyes over his form once and sighs, unimpressed.

"The bar, apparently," he says. Jongin nods happily.

"I made you something," Jongin says, stepping forward. He's still graceful on his feet despite the alcohol in his system.

"I don't drink," Kyungsoo responds shortly. He keeps his gaze foreward, avoiding looking at Jongin. Jongin smirks.

"But I made it," he whines, playful, "I made it just for you. You'll like it. Promise." He moves to sits next to his captor.

"I don't drink," Kyungsoo repeats. Jongin laughs and throws an arm around Kyungsoo's shoulders.
"Dear, dear, Captain-mine," he breathes against the shell of Kyungsoo's ear. "You've already captured me and proved your might." He offers the drink to Kyungsoo. "You're damned already, so might as well sin a little more."

"You're drunk," Kyungsoo argues, but his fingers are already closing around the circle of the glass. Jongin smirks, his lips against Kyungsoo's cheekbone.

"Maybe," he breathes, teeth closing just slightly over the curve of Kyungsoo's ear, "Isn't it marvelous?" The hostage holds himself still, letting Kyungsoo down the alcohol in a few long sips. His wide eyes scrunch up and he shivers, his spine bending.

Jongin wants to watch him bend more.

"Come along, hyung," he murmurs, "Let's get more." The mercenary tries to argue, but it's useless when Jongin's lower lip is sticking out like it is. Jongin leads Kyungsoo out of the pilot's seat, the autopilot light blinking in a steady rhythm to signify that it's working properly. Satisfied, Jongin drags Kyungsoo back towards the bar. The door is open, the key hanging from it swinging gently with the movement of the door.

Set all along the bar are various glasses filled with drinks of various colors. Kyungsoo glances at them and the number of empty ones before looking at Jongin.

"How much have you had, exactly?" He asks skeptically, but Jongin just laughs, leading him to choose a green glass from the bunch. He takes a tentative sip, Jongin watching carefully for his reaction.

"This is good," Kyungsoo says against the rim of his glass, "I knew I made a good choice stealing you." He tips his head back, and Jongin watches with fascination as his throat works.

"You took me hostage because I make killer mix drinks?" He asks, teasing. Kyungsoo gives him a side-eye, grabs another mixed drink, blue this time, and downs it. He steps around the bar to stand front to front with Jongin.

"Don't be ridiculous," he says. His hand sneaks around behind them, the alcohol making him bold. He's never touched alcohol before, Jongin can tell with how quickly the stuff is making the man brave and loose, "I'm far morei nterested in your ass than your drinks." His hand finds Jongin's buttocks and squeezes. The boy jumps a little, and a breathy gasp escapes his lips. Kyungsoo squeezes again, and this time Jongin rocks forward, grinding his hips against Kyungsoo's stomach.

"Hyung," he all but whines, and Kyungsoo reaches up, grabs a fistful of Jongin's dark hair, and yanks him down to his level. Their eyes meet; they stare, and then Kyungsoo leans forward and captures Jongin's mouth.

It's wet and sloppy, but drunk Kyungsoo is forward and sassy, and Jongin loves it. He lets Kyungsoo pull at his hair, and his own hands fall around Kyungsoo's neck. He pulls him closer, licking sloppily into his mouth. There's no finesse, but that's the beauty of it, Jongin thinks. Kyungsoo is a man of organization, of methodical planning, of calculated action and suspected reaction, but Jongin is enjoying every kiss and how that careful structure of the mercenary's life falls to his touch.

Kyungsoo's moan is loud and low, and he shoves Jongin backward, pressing him up against the counter. He nudges Jongin's legs apart with his knees, moving to stand between them. Jongin drops his hands down to cup Kyungsoo's ass through his pants, and Kyungsoo presses himself closer to his captive. Jongin lets him, wants him to. He needs him to-

"Fuck me, Kyungsoo," Jongin begs, swivelling his hips against Kyungsoo's, "Please." Kyungsoo's hand curls into Jongin's hair, his other splayed across the larger man's hip.

"Holy-" Kyungsoo pants against Jongin's open mouth, stealing kisses from his lazy lips and tongue. Jongin reluctantly releases Kyungsoo's ass to fumble for the drawer handle for lotion, lube, oil, something he could hand Kyungsoo. He feels Kyungsoo's hand close over his own as it digs around and lifts it to the front pocket of his pants. Jongin nearly goes straight to Kyungsoo's dick, ready to drop to his knees and suck his captor off, but he notices the object in Kyungsoo's pocket. Dipping his hand inside, he draws it back with a bottle of lube clasped between his fingers.

"Got it on Amplia," Kyungsoo explains hotly, now insistent upon proving how many patterns he can come up with with his tongue against the skin of Jongin's neck. Jongin's head keep falling back, shaking with anticipation. Kyungsoo grabs onto the button at the front of Jongin's pants, and his eyes are dark as removes all the layers of fabric in the way. He strips himself and Jongin quickly, nearly clinically, but the slight delay is quickly forgotten when he shoves Jongin back against the counter, bending him over it and pressing his face into the granite.

"Fuck, please-" Jongin groans. He's drunk and sloppy, but Kyungsoo has his fingers coated and up against Jongin's prostate too fast for the boy to even let out a needy whine or a plea for Kyungsoo to hurry up.

"When I'm inside you," Kyungsoo starts, breathing harshly and hotly against Jongin's ear, "You'll say only my name, ok?"

"'Soo, I-" Jongin is cut off by the sudden emptiness caused by Kyungsoo withdrawing his four fingers from Jongin's body. His hand falls onto Jongin's shoulder, squeezing tightly as he positions himself with his other hand and slowly pushes deep into Jongin's body. Jongin's back arches, his chest lifted from the cold granite of the countertop. Kyungsoo moves slowly, deeply, and Jongin needs more, more, more. He begs and begs, fingers gripping the edges of the bar and reaching back as if he could grab Kyungsoo's hips and force him to move faster. Kyungsoo sticks with his maddeningly slow pace, his fingers skating around the skin of Jongin's lower back and eventually settling around his dick. He makes a tight circle with his fingers, the force of his thrusts forcing Jongin to fuck into the circle of his thumb and forefinger.

With the influence of alcohol and the overwhelming lust for each other running rampant in their veins, it doesn't take long for Kyungsoo to come, pulling back and releasing all over the backs of Jongin's legs. Jongin follow right after, coming all over Kyungsoo's hand and the cabinets below him. He groans at having to the clean the bar, but after Kyungsoo had led them both to his room and laid Jongin down and curled up against him, Jongin is perfectly content.


"What are you looking for, exactly?" Jongin asks randomly one day out of the blue. The mercenary swallows hard on his dried pineapple, taking his time to think through his answers. He licks at his lips, the white sugar cleaned with each pass of his tongue. Jongin finds his own tongue licking absentmindedly at his own lips as he watches Kyungsoo. He jolts a little bit, shaking his head to clear the image of Kyungsoo licking his lips before descending down Jongin's body.

"I don't think that's the question," Kyungsoo answers stiffly, "I think I've found what I was looking for, which was you. But it's only a means to what I want." Jongin feels used, all of a sudden, feels as if Kyungsoo never really wanted him in the first place, that he slept with him to gain his sympathy, drank with him to humor him.

"Did you ever want me, Kyungsoo?" Jongin asks very seriously, fighting hard to keep the waver from his voice. Kyungsoo doesn't look at him.

"You're the son of the President of the Democracy of Asia, Jongin," Kyungsoo murmurs very quickly, as if saying it faster will take away the sting. But like ripping off a band-aid, it hurts all at once. "You can give me what I want, and I need you to."

"What do you want, hyung?" Jongin says, his voice soft and his eyes already shining with unshed tears. The forthcoming answer tears into him before Kyungsoo says the answer Jongin knows is on the tip of his tongue.

"I just want to go home," he whispers. HIs tone is so quiet, so heart-broken, that the tears begin to slip down Jongin's cheeks. He looks away, his heart aching and his stomach twisting.

"Ok," he says, forcing his voice not to tremble. "I'll take you home."


As Jongin had expected, he's welcomed back to Earth with a large crowd cheering and his face from three years ago plastered across the news everywhere.

Kyungsoo had taken off the instant Jongin had cleared his name without so much as a thank you. Jongin remembers the thank you's Kyungsoo had pressed into his skin with his fingertips, his lips, his teeth, but it's just not enough. He wants Kyungsoo back, he wants his job at Exonerate back, he wants back out of the suits he's forced into everyday.

He hates being the president's eldest son and being forced to help him work. He hates that Kyungsoo was right- he's worth millions of dollars, of won, of Euro. He hates that Kyungsoo used him in order to get safely back on Earth again. He hates that he only had to declare Kyungsoo's innocence for him to walk free. He hates that he's on Earth again. He hates that regardless of what Kyungsoo may or may not have done as a mercenary for other planets, he would have cleared his name anyway.

He hates that he let himself fall in love with him.

Jongin goes through every day as he is expected to, attending any meeting his father asks him to and completing any assigned tasks with ease. It's horrendously boring. He's given up hope of ever really feeling happy again and being forced into this miserable, tedious career for the rest of his life. He's accepted that he never really could run away from fate.

That's when Do Kyungsoo comes barging in to his life with the comfort of someone who never left. He enters through Jongin's bedroom window and raises an eyebrow at Jongin's disgusting state on the bed. Jongin flies into motion, hugging Kyungsoo tightly. Kyungsoo's arms come up around Jongin too, and he tries to kiss him, but he's suddenly released from the tight hold.

"I missed you," Jongin says. And then he remembers how Kyungsoo had left so quickly and he shoves him away. "But you didn't miss me." His tone is bitter. A hand slips into his.

"I'm so sorry it had to be done," Kyungsoo explains softly. "When I was little, my mom and I would stare at the skies. I told her a wanted to live among the stars, but we never had the money for that. I left this planet when she died, and I just needed some closure. I had to say goodbye." He's silent for a moment bofore he meets Jongin's eyes and says in the most heartfelt tone: "I did some bad things to escape from that reality and now, this reality, all I want is to share it with you. I look at the empty blackness of space ahead of us, what could be ahead of us, and I just want you back beside me." Jongin stares, his heart beginning to thunder in his chest.

"What?" He says. Kyungsoo sighs and holds out the command strips for a VacCraft of a certain model Jongin knows all too well.

"I need a pilot," Kyungsoo answers, "Someone who can drive a VacCraft like it's second nature. I need you." He drops the key into Jongin's hand. "Don't you want to get away from this?" And fuck yeah, Jongin wants to. He really does. He snatches up some normal, street clothes and his toothbrush and shoves them in a duffle bag. He's eager to leave, to get away from the duties he'd run three galaxies away to avoid.

"I'm so happy you came back for me," he says. "I love you."

(It's among the sheets of Kyungsoo's stolen VacCraft that he returns those three little words to Jongin, and Jongin couldn't be happier.)

rating: nc17, !fic, !justkaisoo, pairing: kai/d.o

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