Title: I Was Always Freezing (Now I'm Covered In Snow) Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: angst, slight!romance, Coffee Prince!au Rating: pg Length: 2.5k Summary: There will never be a right place or a right time to meet Do Kyungsoo.
Sydneyyyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyy /weeps an entire ocean of tears for kaisoo. But seriously, this was so poignant and imbued with yearning that I actually teared up. It didn't help that I was being pounded by coffee prince feels too. This was just exquisite ... Except for the ending bc ... You know why /starts crying again.
OMG I really didn't see that one coming (did this happen in Coffee Prince? I haven't watched it yet otl). Anyways, I love it! And this is coming up to become one of my personal faves. I love it!
Comments 7
your kind words mean so much to me <33
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