Title: Mud (096/100, Writer's Choice)
Fandom: Movie-verse Thor/Iron Man
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Tony Stark, Thor
Word Count: 345
A/N: So I decided to stick this as part of my 100 fic challenge, just because. Anyway. Thor and Tony Stark, wrestling in mud. Have at it. XD
Tony Stark wasn't exactly sure how he'd been talked into his current situation. It might have been the way that Pepper and Natash-- Natal-- Natashalie had given him an apparently coordinated pair of puppy-dog looks. It could have been the drinks (even though he knew that, even at his most impaired, he wouldn't have done something like this. Probably).
But the fact of the matter was that he was currently shirtless, being pinned down by a similarly-shirtless man in a mud pit in New Mexico.
He thought he'd had the upper hand for a few seconds after the wrestling match started. Sure, his opponent had muscles that practically screamed "I take steroids for breakfast", but he had the advantage of speed. He'd slipped around the blond guy's back and jumped on him, trying to put him down with a chokehold...only to find the world being turned upside-down as he was rather rudely yanked from his spot and tossed to the ground.
When his head stopped spinning, he glared up at the man straddling his waist and pinning his hands, only to be met by a cheery grin. He could hear Pepper, Natashalie, and that girl -- what was her name, Darcy? -- cheering loudly at the edge of the pit, and was praying none of them had any kind of camera with them... A moment later, a bright flash went off, followed by several others, and he sighed.
"Okay, who put you up to this? Has Coulson still got that stick up his ass about...well, everything? Or was it Rhodey? Because he still won't shut up about that thing with Vanko and me having to kick his ass..."
Thor's grin grew even wider, if such a thing were possible, and leaned in closer. The man's teeth practically deserved their own sound effect... "This is only a game between two worthy opponents. Or do you wish to yield so soon?"
As he growled and leaned up, headbutting the Asgardian, he came to a conclusion -- It was definitely the alcohol. Time to cut back.