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Comments 23

matsumaixx April 8 2009, 09:49:57 UTC
Kailice! Happy Birthday! :)


kailice April 8 2009, 23:42:43 UTC
Thank you! ♥


lovelyhappyness May 15 2009, 00:56:24 UTC
I saw you from Arashi Friending Meme and I just HAD to add you :)
I lovedd your GIF <3


kailice May 15 2009, 01:06:09 UTC
Thanks! That GIF is one of my favorites <3
I'm a fan of Miura Haruma, too! I love your layout <3


How do you do? quantumsprite August 29 2009, 01:47:12 UTC
May I befriend you?


Re: How do you do? kailice August 29 2009, 04:27:57 UTC
Sure! It's nice to meet you :)


potatoos October 11 2009, 04:47:27 UTC
Hey, you write good fics (^-^) I'm wondering (because I saw your comment on having 3 exams then fall break) if you're a student from U of M? Haha, because I am and my fall break is then too! xP I mean, wouldn't it be cool to have people who like Arashi in the same school? Teehee! :)

I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm XW, or potatoos in Livejournal. I'm from Singapore but I'm studying in the US for college. I'm a relatively new Arashi fan, and Ohno-san is also my favourite member! I'm still trying to come up with a theory for Ohmiya-ai xP and I came across your blog because of Ohmiya livejournal ^-^ But I hope that we can be friends :)


kailice October 11 2009, 06:00:15 UTC
Hehe, thanks! :D No, I don't go there, but yay for having fall break at the same time! *high-fives* most people I know have it this week.

Nice to meet you! You can call me Sarah :) lol interesting theory... I bet you'll be able to find a lot of supporting evidence XD Of course, I'll be happy to friend you!


potatoos October 11 2009, 06:16:05 UTC
\(^-^)/ Hehe, nice to meet you too!

Ah, I like subtle Ohmiya more than obvious ones though. Because it's so subconscious the possibility of it being intentionally fan-service is near nought. Hee.


kailice October 11 2009, 20:32:31 UTC
Oh, yes. As much as I love the fanservice and obvious stuff, the subtle things are the most adorable <3


bubbledrops October 11 2009, 09:04:16 UTC
hi, Sarah,
im bubbledrops, from japan, call me bub or else as you like ^^

im tell you im sorry, at first.
i was wrong on your LJ, im not a biginner on internet though.
i posted some comments about your ff before i didnt know that here is frienrs only......
uhmmm... im so baka! ><

and then, i added you, i wanna be your friend one.
coz i love your ff sooo much! and wanna reading your beautiful sentences more!
and wanna comment even sometimes...? *^^*
so i hope you will add me back ^^


kailice October 11 2009, 20:36:12 UTC
Hiya! Is bubbles okay? ^^

No problem! my lj is friends only, but my fics are public. I love making friends through fics, but don't feel like you have to friend me! ^^

Thank you~ I'm so happy to hear that! Sure, I'll add you back :D


bubbledrops October 14 2009, 16:46:11 UTC
konbanwa! bubbles desuyo~ ^^
*uhmmm... i was late ne ^^; *

thank you so much for added me back! im happy!

while ago, i imagined about dreamcatcher while hearing "song for me" by oh chan.
it hurt... why? but i love that fic! XD
i dont know why i can feel words that has emotion, scenery, figure...
those are rushing me with making an image.
at that time i tired and sighed... especially dreamcatcher is soooo beautiful! ><
...un? am i crazy??? ^^;
anyway i want to enjoy your world then, ne ^^


kailice October 14 2009, 23:15:30 UTC
That's okay! :D
I'm always happy to make new friends!

Really? well, if you're crazy, I am, too. I listen to songs and imagine scenes from Dreamcatcher all the time...
hehe, enjoy your stay! ^^


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