Title: Strawberry Jam (or Questioning the Big Answers)
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: (light) R
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Aiba’s not the only one who likes to experiment. Sequel (of sorts) to
Answering the Big QuestionsNotes: ...I apologize in advance? You should probably read
Answering the Big Questions before reading this. Or you could just read
Read more... )
Comments 120
Ohmiya love stories... never fail to amuse me.
If only they were real ...
Ohmiya is always amusing, aren't they?
i can't understand why you don't like the story, i really enjoyed reading it^^
thanks a lot for sharing^^
I just didn't have much confidence in it, but I'm happy you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading <3
And maybe Aiba should gay test Nino again when he's got his hand down Ohno's pants. He might just break that machine too D: D: D:
poor sho has probably lost his sanity by now. *pets sho on the head* *teehee*
(it's from an ad that Nagase did! Shota has scans here!)
Poor, poor Sho and his crazy bandmates. *pat pat*
i loved aibas new idea. Nino's comment of "Zero manliness, totally gay, and a total scaredycat” made me LOL. poor sho!! *teehee*
you should write more like these - they're really fantastic!
I write whatever comes to me, so I guess we'll see :D
Thank you!! <333
(i love how you included Nagase and his love for hamburgers XD )
(I love Nagase too much not to include him and his hamburgers <3 XD )
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