Title: Strawberry Jam (or Questioning the Big Answers)
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: (light) R
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Aiba’s not the only one who likes to experiment. Sequel (of sorts) to
Answering the Big QuestionsNotes: ...I apologize in advance? You should probably read
Answering the Big Questions before reading this. Or you could just read
Read more... )
Later, it comes as a bit of a shock to him to learn that he wasn’t the only one who never wanted to debut. Nino’s got this insane obsession with baseball, he finds, that leads to him dragging Ohno outside to play catch in the rain during recording breaks, which eventually leads to the both of them getting sick, just like Ohno said it would.
Ohno doesn’t even like baseball.
What he does like is the way Nino will bat his eyes when he says ‘Oh-chan, come play.’ How he’ll laugh when Ohno makes a particularly awkward dive to catch the ball, the sound high and thin and utterly delighted; cuddling on the couch under about twenty different blankets, poking at little scrapes and bruises that makeup is probably going to yell at them for later and sneezing into each other’s hair.
Sho sets aside his textbooks long enough one day to sit down with Ohno and have a serious talk about responsibility and maturity and ‘if you ever hurt him-‘ that sort of reminds Ohno of an over cautious father’s concern for his only daughter’s virtue ( ... )
i am so easy like that. :P
Nino's easy, and we all love him for it.
( ... )
I can be pretty bipolar depending on who I'm hanging out with at the time. But, uh, with my best friend probably more... Sho?
... maybe I'm Sho and Ohno. It makes sense right? They both like Nino best :P
I'm sort of like Sho in the more serious aspects (and the fail aspects XD ) and like Ohno because I'm pretty my-pace, flighty, and quiet. But I'm not 100% like any of them, so it's hard to compare.
(but my sister is Jun without a doubt. even her reaction when I told her that. She got ticked off and snapped at me, "Ugh, can't you talk about anything but Arashi?" then told me I should hurry up and pack up the rest of my room. She tries to boss me around and she's 7 years younger than me XD )
(And, actually, a bit Aiba craziness too)
So, uh, apparently I'm all of them except Jun.
;_; I wish I was part Naga-nii.
Well, sometimes I have Naga-nii's stupidity brilliant mind. But while Jun's too cool, Naga-nii's a little too manly for us.
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