[Fic] Windshear [Part 12/?]

Dec 03, 2008 23:20

Heads up! In the following part of Windshear, we're trying something weird and lyrical - well, Muse!Gokudera would be more inclined to denounce it as anything close to music, but another muse has something to say about that. Okay, no more spoilers now XD Enjoy~

Windshear Part [12/?]

Authors: kagayachou and the-dw
Characters/Pairings: Tsuna, Chrome, Byakuran/Mukuro, eventual Yamamoto/Hibari, past Dino -> Hibari.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 5147
Summary: Mukuro plays messenger, while Dino, Hibari and Yamamoto have an awkward evening meal before tomorrow's fight.

"Thank you, Chrome." Tsuna took a step back with a half-sheepish, half-grateful smile and politely averted his eyes as his female Mist Guardian allowed the male one possession of her body once again. The transformation wasn't exactly an inappropriate sight, but it always felt awkward for Tsuna.

"You're quite welcome..." Mukuro chuckled lightly, tossing his long ponytail from his shoulder to behind his back. He smiled wickedly and stepped forward, leaning downwards until he is looking directly into Tsuna's eyes.

"Good evening, Tsu. Na. Yo. Shi. Kun~ You've... asked for me?"

Tsuna blinked at the all too disturbingly happy tone and stared at the man with doe-eyed bewilderment. "Mukuro...?"

Then, he caught himself. "I mean! Yes! I need your help, for Hibari-san... About Byakuran-san..."

Mukuro sobered immediately at the mention of Hibari's name, though a teasing smirk still remained on his lips. He shook his head slightly at himself at the slip - Byakuran must have been influencing him more than he realized.

He tilted his head slightly, "What is it of me that you want, Tsunayoshi-kun?"

"... Dino-san offered the use of the nearby Cavallone compound for the fight, Mukuro. It's neutral territory, comparatively speaking." Tsuna's fingers curled slightly, and then uselessly relaxed. "I need Byakuran-san to agree to the change in setting. Is there anything you can do or think I can do to... make sure he'd agree?"

The Cavallone, hm...? From what his dear Chrome had told him about the previous world - the ruined one; the one where he died by Byakuran's hands - the Cavallone was targeted as well, after the fall of the Vongola. Mukuro wouldn't be surprised that Byakuran of this world would go after them too.

But it was only if the Vongola lost. If Hibari lost. And, Mukuro chuckled, that notion was rather impossible to imagine, even with the circumstances.

"Don't worry, Tsunayoshi-kun. Byakuran doesn't want to risk coming over to the Vongola compound either. Kufufufu..." He reached over and stroked Tsuna's cheek lightly. "I'll inform him of this, and my dear Chrome will tell you when I manage to... convince him."

Tsuna flushed brightly at the touch. Coming from Mukuro, he was aware that the teasing gesture was supposed to be reassuring rather than condescending, but it was still a little embarrassing, like when Chrome sometimes kissed him on the cheek for no particular reason.

"What are you going to do?" Tsuna asked, concern clouding his amber brown eyes.

Mukuro blinked at that, and then laughed again. He moved a little closer, into Tsuna's personal space, and leaning in so close that his breath most likely tickled Tsuna's ear. He grinned to himself.

"That, Tsunayoshi-kun, is a secret," he murmured, half-seductive. "It's not so easy to make me reveal my ways~"

Tsuna looked up, searchingly, and started to lean back slightly although his feet felt rooted to the spot - which felt like the normal reaction when he had to deal with Mukuro... in non-combat situations. Regardless, there were more pressing matters to think about.

"Shouldn't I talk to Byakuran-san as well? He's... different from how I remember him. From ten years ago, in the future. We've all changed quite a lot, but with him..." Absentmindedly, Tsuna chewed his bottom lip. "I can't quite read him," he finally admitted. "I can't help but think that no matter what we want from him... He's going to be difficult."

Mukuro shook his head immediately, leaning back slightly against the kitchen counter. His arms crossed on his chest, fingers curling slightly as if around a trident. "No. From what I've heard of that world... it would be best if you don't go near Byakuran."

Then, he smirked, "Don't you trust me to do this, Tsunayoshi-kun~"

"Yes, but-!" Tsuna stepped forward, clutching a hand to his chest, "In that world, you had to fight him, and..." He frowned, brows creasing as he remembered learning about Mukuro's fate in that timeline.

"I died," Mukuro stated blandly, staring out of the kitchen window. His fingers tightened a little more before he smiled again, relaxing them and his shoulders as he looked at Tsuna once more.

"I'm... happy to know that you are worried for me, Tsunayoshi-kun," he chuckled a little. "But you have no need to - I will be fine." His smile was lopsided and his red eye flashed as he continued.

"He likes me, you see."

Something in his tone made Tsuna think rather inappropriate thoughts about his Mist Guardian's relationship with the Head of the Gesso family, but he pushed it to the corner of his mind and pressed on.

"You won't try to fight him," he stated, taking another step closer. "You won't die this time, because you won't put yourself in danger like that."

Mukuro was still and quiet for some time. Part of him rebelled - the Vongola Tenth was practically ordering him, and he severely disliked being told what not to do. Even by the mafia. Especially by the mafia. He had enough of that with his ordeals in the Estraneo family and the Vendicare.

Yet Tsuna seemed to want a promise from him because he was concerned, and, to be perfectly honest, Mukuro could see why he was. The last time he had confront Byakuran directly ended up with him dead, and he would rather not repeat that. That was really why he and Byakuran danced around each other and played such complex games.

Well, there was the part that it was fun too, but that was - unlike what most would think - rather secondary to his self-preservation.

Mukuro's smile softened as he looked into Tsuna's eyes. He pulled a hand through his ponytail before nodding. "I won't, Tsunayoshi-kun."

It was the rare sight of Mukuro genuinely smiling that reassured Tsuna. More than spoken words. More than anything. Tsuna smiled back. It wasn't until then that he realized how tense his shoulders had gone. Letting them relax again, he took a deep breath, and nodded. "All right, Mukuro."

He studied the taller man's face for a moment longer, like he wanted to say something. Apologize for putting him through this... this dangerous thing he was doing with Byakuran, which kept Mukuro away from the rest of his friends: Chrome, Chikusa and Ken...

Tsuna bit his lip, and then smiled again. "I'll wait for your good news."

Mukuro laughed, "Kufufufu, I won't take too long, Tsunayoshi-kun." With a final smile and a small little wave, he closed his eyes and followed the red path back into his own body, back at the Gesso's Roman base.

Chrome was smiling too when she opened her eyes. Tsuna jumped a little when she kissed him on the cheek before excusing herself.


Mukuro opened his eyes to white hair, slightly damp, and a hand gently stroking his head. He blinked slightly, a smile coming automatically to his lips. Byakuran was nibbling on a marshmallow. He licked his fingers clean of the stickiness, light-coloured eyes not leaving Mukuro's.

"Had a nice trip?" he asked pleasantly, tilting his head to the side.

"Kufufufu..." Mukuro laughed lightly, and then shrugged. "Not as nice as being back home."

Byakuran smiled indulgently, and lifted the crystal cover over the marshmallow bowl. Without looking, he slid the towel from his shoulders and slung it over the back of a chair.

"Mukuro-kun says the sweetest things," he mused as he settled down beside him, lying on the bed. "Always indulging my sweet tooth~"

Mukuro let his eyes run appreciatively up and down Byakuran's pale chest, not bothering to hide his gaze. His smile widened slightly, taking a rather seductive edge when he looked back up to meet Byakuran's eyes again.

"Thank you~" he leaned back further into the sheet, shifting towards his left. "The Vongola Tenth said something interesting."

"And Mukuro-kun feels like sharing, hmm?" Byakuran's tone stayed singsong and amused. With idle fingers, he traced small circles around one of Mukuro's nipples, playful, but they both knew he wasn't really asking.

Mukuro shifted slightly on the silk sheet, his smile unwavering. He moved closer to Byakuran, his fingers starting to 'walk' up the other man's thigh. "He suggested moving tomorrow's main event to the Cavallone compound."

"Oh?" Byakuran paused, and then hummed as he thought about it, sliding his fingers up towards Mukuro's throat. He supposed it had its merits. Although... hadn't the Vongola initially agreed to meet him at the Gesso compound already?

"What do you suggest, Mukuro-kun?"

Now, this was dangerous ground. Mukuro knew that this was yet another stage in their game where Byakuran seemed to hold all the cards - a wrong move, and Mukuro would be dead faster than Reborn could draw and shoot. His eyes were half-lidded as he looked up towards Byakuran.

Tapping on a lip, he cocked his head to the side, "Hmm... it's rather dangerous for Byakuran-san to invite the Vongola here right now... They are rather angry at you, after all."

Byakuran leaned forward and nuzzled Mukuro's neck lightly. A chuckle against the soft flesh. A kiss over the hollow of his throat. "It'd seem very unprofessional of them," he commented, "To be so indecisive, let alone allowing their feelings to colour their actions."

Mukuro hummed under his breath in appreciation, tilting his head backwards to give Byakuran more access to his throat. He chuckled, running a hand through white hair. "Well, the Vongola Tenth has always been rather... kufufufu, unorthodox, shall we say?" He leaned in and grazed Byakuran's ear with his teeth.

"Think of it this way, Byakuran-san," Mukuro whispered into the shell of his ear. "You can look at the Cavallone compound all that you want~"

Another hum, another pause; Byakuran was considering it. That much was evident. But what wasn't clear to Byakuran himself was why the Vongola Tenth suddenly suggested such a thing. At first, he'd agreed on coming back, almost as if to show that he wasn't scared and that he trusted the Gesso wouldn't do more than the terms they'd agreed on.

So what changed?

Byakuran leaned back into the hand caressing his hair. "I could..." But he didn't feel vested in the idea either way.

At length, he shrugged. "Tell him I accept the Cavallone's kind offer..." He was a gambler after all. "And tell my Rain Guardian to inform the others, please?"

Mukuro laughed again, nodding. "I'll inform the Vongola Tenth, and Gloxinia-kun, then," he said cheerfully. That man hated him, Mukuro knew. He hated him for being of the Vongola, of having Byakuran's attention and, most of all, beating him in a battle of illusions. He chuffed quietly, almost vindictive.

Reaching up, he traced Byakuran's lip with light fingers and arched up to kiss him. "Shall we move on to more pleasant things now, Byakuran-san?"

"I prefer Mukuro-kun not distracted while in bed with me," Byakuran chuckled, kissing his fingers and kissing him once more. "You do so enjoy agitating Gloxina-kun, don't you?" He gave a mock sigh and shook his head.

Mukuro laughed, a little breathless. He usually didn't start reacting this quickly, but Byakuran seemed to like it when he played up his reactions. It was just a part of the game, really, he thought to himself.

Then, he reached inside himself and took hold of his connection to Chrome. Murmuring quickly to her about the situation, he thought about telling Gloxinia now about the change in venue. No... it would certainly be more fun to tell him when he and Byakuran finished having their fun tonight.

After all, the joy of the afterglow had to be shared, hmm?

Chuckling softly to himself, Mukuro refocused back on Byakuran, who had seemed to brighten up from his sigh. The older man chortled under his breath before speaking again.

"I made a new song, Mu.Ku.Ro.Kun~"

Tilting his head to the side, Mukuro smiled teasingly, "Oh? Would you sing it to me, Byakuran-san?"

Byakuran smiles serenely, taking his time to stroke his fingers through long, dark hair. After a moment's silence, he drew a breath and softly sang.

"Hush-a-bye baby, on the treetop," Byakuran broke off with a chuckle and whispered conspiringly, "It fits. Bear with me." As he continued, "When you climb up," he kissed Mukuro's lips, the tip of his nose, and his forehead... "In its house you'll stop.

"There is a power I seek and keep,
That'll quiet poor babies when they must weep."

Mukuro's eyes widened, but he didn't move. His body remained relaxed, nearly limp on the bed as he looked up to Byakuran. His mind was whirling - this song... it was significant. Byakuran never did anything without a million reasons behind the most obvious.

"When baby's drowsing, cosy and fair,
Reach round its neck, it won't need for air."

Byakuran curled his thumb and forefinger around Mukuro's neck as he sang. It was a clue; a hint. About what, Mukuro didn't know yet, but...

He would find out, wouldn't he?

His smile widened, and he tilted his head slightly, nuzzling Byakuran's wrist and indicating that he was listening. The man smiled back reassuringly, apparently pleased with Mukuro's reaction.

"Like stealing candy, it's not too hard,
To pluck out the bullet lodged in its heart."

Mukuro faintly recalled that the song had about three verses, so he stayed silent. Sure enough, Byakuran continued after a moment.

"Rock-a-bye, baby, silent as sleep,
What's sown must be reaped, twice, just as deep." He tapped the man's chest.

"For if Cloud breaks... Hm..." Byakuran licked his lips and conversationally continued, "I think they'll all fall." He laughed, and sang the rest, "And down will come baby, Sky-kun and all~!"

As Byakuran gaze at him with a half-lidded, but bright-eyed look of anticipation, Mukuro thought his heart had stopped. Here- here, Byakuran was telling him, in his own endlessly cryptic and roundabout way about the whereabouts of the cure. The cure... Mukuro ran the words again and again over his head, memorizing them, remembering every single word.

The experiments that had been done on him had given him a photographic memory as well. But... Mukuro wasn't taking any chances.

My dear Chrome, he began, and continued immediately. He knew she was listening - she always was. Get a pen and paper, and please copy this down.

Chrome, clever girl she was, realized what was happening immediately. Mukuro felt the affirmation, felt the smooth feel of a pen in her hand, and recited the song to her as best he could.

Be careful, Mukuro-sama, Chrome said, quietly, warningly. Absentmindedly, Mukuro promised he would, his mind already turning back to the riddle. But meanwhile- he smiled at Byakuran.

"You have a beautiful singing voice, Byakuran-san," he said, wrapping his fingers around Byakuran's wrist. He brought the hand to his mouth and kissed the knuckles.

That garnered a light-hearted laugh. Byakuran shook his head, and draped himself over Mukuro's body, eyes peering into his, but not quite focusing on him in particular. "Thank you...

"You make a wonderful audience."

Mukuro chuckled at that - so Byakuran had noticed Chrome's presence. He had expected any less of him, really. In fact, if Byakuran hadn't noticed, Mukuro would be rather disappointed in him. He arched up slightly and kissed his nose, almost as if they were only playful lovers.

"You're far too kind, Byakuran-san~"

Another laugh. "I do so like you, Mukuro-kun~"


"I really like him," Yamamoto had said. "I don't think Hibari can tell though."

Alone, walking through the corridors and on his way to check in on his beloved ex-pupil, Dino smiled ruefully to himself as he thought over Yamamoto's words.

He didn't understand. Oh, he got the message: Yamamoto Takeshi had fallen for Hibari Kyouya. That part was loud and clear.

But how could he just say so, just like that?

As far as Dino knew, Yamamoto was a... a nice guy. Single. Probably dated the Hurricane Bomber until god knows when, but Dino hadn't kept track of him; the natural born hitman was Reborn's prospective protégé, or pet project... or something. Dino knew Yamamoto as a friendly, popular individual - hell, Superbia Squalo of the Varia only made about a hundred sword fight videos for Yamamoto for some reason or other, which was to say, Yamamoto certainly had a knack for exceeding expectations, most often in a good way.

He's... all right.

Dino stopped in front of Hibari's door, about to knock when he stopped and stared at the plain gold wedding band around his finger again. He thought of his wife, a childhood friend, and their beautiful children waiting for him back home.

He smiled. Yamamoto could fight Hibari at least. And he could take care of the brat when he couldn't take care of himself, not to mention...

Shaking his head, Dino knocked. Thinking of worst case scenarios wouldn't be helpful to anyone.

Hibari could barely hear the knock over the noise of the shower. His fingers tightened around the tap and slammed it viciously to the left, gritting the teeth at the icy cold water hitting his skin. The black spots trying to crowd into his vision fled at last, and he breathed a little easier even as his body shuddered under the chill.

Switching off the shower when all the lather on his body had been washed away, Hibari dried himself with minimal movement and slipped on his customary black yukata. He stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel slowly through his hair. His head pounded steadily behind his eyes, a different rhythm to the knocking on the door. Collapsing straight into the couch and closing his eyes, Hibari simply tried to regulate his breathing again.

That simple task was getting harder and harder every single minute. But Hibari just clenched his jaw and breathed through his teeth, forcing his lungs to expand, to take in air even though it sent a sharp spike of agony through him. His hand gripped onto the back of the couch and he pulled himself back up, settling back in properly.

Hibird was flitting around the room, utterly silent. Almost cautiously, the little piece of yellow fluff flew close to him. Hibari's lips curved upwards slightly, and he raised a finger, letting the bird perch on it for moment before he nudged it over to the door.

"Hibari, Hibari!" The bird chirped, flying in circles around the door. "Come in, come in!"

Dino was starting to get worried when there was no response for so long, but he smiled at that high pitched invitation from Hibird. He turned the knob and opened the door slowly, careful not to smack it into that flying ball of cute.

"Hey," he peered into the room, his expression freezing, but just for a moment, when he saw how terribly pale and tortured Hibari looked. He didn't bother asking if he could come in. Just entered, closing the door behind him quietly. Hibird flew in to perch on his shoulder. He grinned at the clever canary - or whatever species it was, no one had managed to figure it out - trying to make a nest within his jacket's fur collar.

As Hibari was so very sensitive to sound, Dino walked closer as quietly as he could.

"Kyouya..." Dino slid into the seat beside him. "How are you feeling?" Eh, stupid question. "Are you up for dinner?"

Hibari cracked an eye open, breathing shallowly through his parted lips. He could tell that it was the Cavallone who entered the room, therefore he didn't bothered to make the effort to look presentable.

Besides, those stupid questions just proved that it was him anyway.

He glared half-heartedly at him, and then exhaled softly. "Yamamoto Takeshi." It was as much of an answer as anything.

He ignored the first question - if Dino couldn't tell, then he really was an idiot.

But then again, 'Yamamoto Takashi' didn't strike Dino as an answer to either of his questions. He blinked, confusion evident in his eyes. "You mean- Are you going to have dinner... with him?" Dino eyed the loose clothing that Hibari barely seemed to fill. "You look about ready... to sleep, Kyouya."

Hibari simply nodded, opening his eyes again. He pushed himself upwards until he was no longer sprawled all over the couch, but leaning back against it. He gave Dino a flat stare, and laughed slightly.

"If I don't eat, I will die," he shrugged.

Dino grimaced, falling silent.

"...Well," he forced words out of his mouth, feeling a need to fill the air with something. "He said he'd be taking a shower. Does he bring you food, or do you meet him in the kitchen later?"

How much did it hurt Hibari to move though?

"Quiet, Bucking Horse," Hibari said, nearly wheezing out the words. He already had enough trouble breathing without having to answer the Cavallone Don's inane questions.

It was the little bird between them that broke the resulting silence, its bright voice singing the Namimori anthem, bringing a nostalgic smile to Dino's face.

Some time later, there was a knock on the door. Hibird broke off, and flew over to Hibari's shoulder with an anxious little peep.

Hibari smiled slightly and lifted a finger, pointing at the door again. Hibird bobbed in the air, like it was nodding, and took off towards the door. "Come in, come in!"

The knob turned and Yamamoto peered in. He didn't seem the least bit surprised when he saw Dino sitting beside Hibari. In fact, "Haha, I thought you'd be here, Dino-san." Yamamoto showed himself in, and let the door shut by itself behind him.

He held three thermos flasks in one arm, one of them hanging off his hand by its hemp strap. Hibird flew around him, or rather the curious look of tonight's food. "Dinner time?" the bird asked. Yamamoto nodded, echoing those words in reply. He set the food down on the table in front of the couch.

"You haven't had dinner yet, right, Dino-san? I hope you feel up for ocha-zuke." He held out bottle to the man.

Dino blinked at the flask in front of him, taking it almost by reflex. The Japanese terms confused him - he had never heard those two words put together before. 'Ocha-zuke'... tea... rice? He blinked again, looking at Yamamoto with a rather confused expression.

Weighing the bottle in his hand, he raised an eyebrow at Yamamoto. "What's this?"

Beside him, Hibari held out his hand for his own bottle wordlessly, not even bothering to acknowledge Yamamoto's presence otherwise.

"It's just green tea over white rice," Yamamoto loosened the lid on one of the bottle as he spoke. As he handed it to Hibari, he paused in the explanation to let him know the thing was hot, then continued, "Chopped salmon, vegetables, seaweed, sesame seeds... a bit of sea salt..."

What was that strained look on Dino's face?

Dino looked entirely too curious as he twisted the cap off his own bottle, peering inside. "Eh? So it's like porridge? How interesting." He gave Yamamoto a smile, pouring a little of the food out into the cap. He leaned in and sniffed it, "It smells good, Yamamoto."

Hibari's hands, meanwhile, threatened to shake as he nearly snatched the bottle from Yamamoto, glaring at him for opening it for him. He did not need the help. Pouring out the ocha-zuke, he leaned back against the couch and sipped it.

"Ahaha, thanks, Dino-san," Yamamoto responded as if he hadn't noticed Hibari's obvious glare. He sat down in the armchair adjacent to the couch and poured himself a cup.

Hibird chirped at him as he raised the cup to his lips. He quirked a smile at it and picked out a larger chunk of cooked salmon, offering it up to the bird, who snatched it away to peck at it on the table.

... Definitely not a herbivore, that one. Yamamoto looked back at them. "How's the food?"

Dino blew lightly on the surface before drinking it down. His smile brightened, "It tastes pretty good too. Green tea, with more flavour." He turned towards Hibari, still smiling, "How is it, Kyouya?"

Hibari gave both of the noisy idiots a flat, uninterested stare before continuing to eat slowly.

"Not bad then," Yamamoto surmised. "That's good..." He looked from Hibari to Dino, then quickly away again, hiding a silly little grin against the cup because it was funny... He told Dino that he really liked Hibari. He told him like he was talking about the weather. But in front of Hibari... well...

As Dino ate his tea over rice, he wracked his brain for a topic, any topic, to break this tense, awkward silence. He hated silence - it was something unnatural to him. Dino had grown up in a noisy household, full of chatter all around him. Even while he was in his office working on his paperwork, there would be the welcome noises of the famiglia's children outside, playing on the ground - sometimes with his own children; or the sound of Romario and his own breathing, or even the tinkling of music...

Technically, this wasn't entirely silent - Hibird was occupied with dinner and he could hear their breaths, Yamamoto's regular and deep, Hibari's shallow and fast - but it was silence in a ways he hated. Dino sighed mentally, and then turned to Yamamoto, just slightly desperate.

"How is that Gokudera recently, Yamamoto?"

Gokudera? Yamamoto blinked and swallowed his food a tad slower when it suddenly occurred to him that, funny enough, he wasn't sure. If anyone asked him a few months ago, he would have answered right off the bat.

"I don't know," he answered sheepishly. Mental note: pay more attention to your best friend. "Why?"

There was a flash of surprise in Dino's eyes - now that was unexpected. Usually, it was simple to get a report of the Hurricane Bomber's activities - they just had to ask Yamamoto. But now Yamamoto...

Well, that just proved that he was paying far more attention to Hibari now, then. Dino chuckled slightly, shaking his head.

"No, it's nothing. I just didn't see him while I was with Tsuna just now."

"Oh... haha, that is rare, isn't it?" Yamamoto scratched his head, and took another long drink.

Gokudera's whereabouts... "I can guess where he might be, but all I can really say is that he's not here." Either he'd gone on one of his hermitic training pilgrimages in preparation for whatever could happen tomorrow, or he was on a mission; there was no way Gokudera would leave Tsuna's side otherwise.

And where'd you think all those Rain and Cloud missions went, huh?

The thought sent a chill down Yamamoto's spine.

Hibari swirled the bottle cap in his hand before tipping it back and swallowing the rest of it slowly. He then closed it back and put it on the table, sinking back into couch.

"Gokudera Hayato and Sasagawa Ryohei are taking up the official missions we were assigned to," he said, voice almost slurring. He had let his eyes slide close.

Dino was silent for a moment, and then sighed. "Unfortunately, the Gesso isn't the only ones targeting the Vongola."

"Well, if it's not one team it's another," Yamamoto shrugged. He stared at the flask in his hand, a tired little smile upon his lips. "How do you do it?" He looked up at Dino, earnest. "Taking care of family members, and then... letting them..."

"Letting them go on missions?" Dino continued for him, taking an intelligent guess. Sneaking a glance at Hibari, Dino chuckled lightly, looking down at his cup of tea rice. "It is because they are my famiglia that I let them do such things. I trust in their strength to protect the rest of the family from... well, the rest of the mafia. And at the same time, I take care of them by making sure that they aren't given missions that they couldn't do."

Yamamoto chuckled. "So... you're like the coach." Meaning Dino and Tsuna had to study the strengths and weaknesses of all the members of their team, their famiglia, so that they could figure out who to send out on the field, when, where and in which formations.

Dino shrugged, "Something like that." He was about to continue and elaborate more on it when Hibari cut in, sounding utterly irritable despite the lack of much voice.

"If you two herbivores wish to talk, get out," he rasped at them.

Dino winced slightly - it sounded as if it took Hibari incredible effort to even speak a word, much less a sentence - but he forced a smile and false cheer onto his face to cover up the worry and concern he knew was unwanted.

"Hey, Kyouya," he held up his hands, giving him a placating smile, as if there was nothing wrong and they had returned to those days before Hibari fell so sick and Dino got married. "Calm down, all right?"

"Say~ Dino-san," Yamamoto stood up then, screwing the cap of his flask shut. "It's getting late. Let's get out of here so Hibari can rest!"

Hibari snapped his mouth close, cutting off the remark he was going to make. He took a long, rather shallow breath and shook his head, leaning back against the couch and closing his eyes.

Dino watched him for a moment, and wished so terribly hard to be able to do something, anything, to be able to help him. He just looked so fragile, as if a slightly rougher touch would shatter him into a million pieces. Oh, he knew that Hibari was strong - how could he ever forget? Yet...

He sighed and nodded, standing up from the couch.

"Yea. Let's go, Yamamoto." He turned and gave Hibari a small smile, though he knew that the younger man wouldn't be able to see it. "Good night, Kyouya."

"Later," Yamamoto simply said, because there just had to be a later. He picked up Dino's flask, leaving Hibari's untouched, gave a simple hand wave, and then paused at the door to address Hibird. "Hey..." The small thing flew over, chirping in acknowledgement and Yamamoto grinned as it landed on his finger. "Find me," he said, "if you need anything, okay?"

"Find! Fine! Okay! Okay!" Hibird went off again, flying around Yamamoto and Dino, as if to say goodbye without really saying it. Hibari's shoulder was its next landing target.

Yamamoto looked away with a soft smile and glanced at Dino. Quietly, after they shut the door behind themselves and started down the corridor, he said, "There's more food in the kitchen."

"... Ah."

Back: Part 11
Next: Part 13

hibari kyouya, yamamoto takeshi, katekyo hitman reborn, windshear

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