As outlined before, everyone world needs order! So we need rules. Otherwise, ya know, we have chaos and anarchy and brainbreaking disorder. Eww.
›› No god-moding. God-modding consists of power-playing in a way that makes your character seemingly invincible, and characters assuming control of other characters without permission. Permission is key. It's a crazy world, and things that might seem overpowering will happen, but make sure that you're allowed to do it, so ask the mods and your fellow players before doing anything that would affect them or the environment.
›› Stay in character. As much as you can in the game! They will grow according to the game. It's understandable to have a few slips, but you need to stay as in character as you possibly can. If you feel that you don't have a strong grasp on a muse, maybe it's best that you apply for someone else.
›› Quality over quantity. We're talking about the English language. The occasional typo is understandable. If English isn't even your first language, we understand. But please, no chatspeak, leetspeak, or any other form of typing that isn't proper English. In order for us to all play properly, we need to be able to understand each other's posts. This rule will, of course, be up for discussion if you need to break it to stay in character. But you must discuss this with a mod before applying a for a character like this.
›› Be respectful. Treat everyone nicely. It's game time, respect makes a game a happier place, and they'll do the same for you too. Any inappropriate behavior will result in punishment accordingly.
›› Mods are your parents. We're only here to help you. If a mod tells you that you need to do something, or to not do something, there's probably a pretty good reason for it. But we're willing to work something out! We're flexible so talk to us. But it is hard work to maintain a game.
›› IC =/= OOC & OOC =/= IC. Just because Character X doesn't like Character Y, it doesn't necessarily mean that Player X doesn't like Player Y. And the same works for the reverse. If you don't like a certain player or character in the game, just ignore them or work a compromise. If they bother you, either politely ask them to leave you alone, or ask a mod to step in.
›› Be active. We don't expect you to post everyday. But please, try to post at least once every two weeks. Let's say, around one post/log a month is preferable (or comment in posts a lot).
›› Any and all R-rated and NC-17 posts and logs must be locked. This is so we don't get in trouble with LJ. So please, do it. This means if there's excessive violence or smut, then it needs to be locked.
›› Original characters are allowed. The fattest, most detailed application you can whip up, please. We want to undestand everything there is about your character. There are occasions where original characters become unbalanced and overpowered, which is why it needs to be detailed. Weaknesses will need to be outlined as well for the sake of giving them some flaws. It's what makes a fun and well rounded character! Also, an original character is treated just like a fandom character and vice versa. Both can have fun and neither are exempt from any rules. So just like a fandom character, keep your character consistent with what you tell us in the application.
Rules will be subject to changes + additions as the RP progresses.