Thanks - right now, it's bandaged so completely that I'm not feeling any pain. Just frustration at my slow typing. I'm going to change the bandage later, to something less cumbersome. We'll see if I can balance typing facility with freedom from pain.
Slow typing sucks. I still have horrible memories, thankfully now more than 15 years ago, of not being able to type in the worst days of my wrist tendonitis. I could barely work. I couldn't do any "recreational" typing, including fiction. I felt like a critical part of my body had been ripped right out of me. It took several years of proper ergonomic supports, voice dictation software, occupational and physical therapy, ice, rest, and pain medications, before I got back to semi-normal. And even now, it flares up if I do something stupid, like try to lift objects that are too heavy for me.
Oh lord, that sounds horrible! I've tried working with voice dictation (Dragon Naturally Speaking), and even though it was pretty good, I'm so used to working fast and essentially "thinking" with my fingers first (and not my brain, which could lead to a lot of jokes, but I digress) that voice dictation didn't help me with fic writing.
I'm glad you're largely back to fighting weight, as it were, but the fact that you still have problems from time to time sucks.
Aww, poor you! And don't worry about fandom_stocking! Look after yourself. You can always do something else another time if and when it suits you, or pop belated things in stockings if you really wanted to - and in the meantime, we get to put nice things in your stocking to cheer you up, so it's still happening. I am sorry, though. I'd be so sad if Yuletide fell through for me! :-)
(I doubt very much I'll be doing much in the way of writing for it myself, either, but I'm trying to do other things this time.)
I know I shouldn't get all weepy about something like this, and I guess it's just a bit irrational to apologize. Everything you say is absolutely right, and I still feel awful about it. But at least admitting that I'm not apt to be successful at fic-writing helps a bit. (And right now, I don't even have the spoons to look for lovely pictures to make holiday greetings or IOUs, or hunt down nice recipes for people.)
But you have a point about belated stocking stuffers. Maybe that's the way for me to go.
Belated stocking stuffers are always an option! I don't think your belated recipients this year were at all displeased with what then became completely surprise gifts? ;-D
But,no, of course you're upset! *hugs* As I said, I would be gutted if I had to miss Yuletide, and I know fandom_stocking is your particular fannish event of the year.
But, you know, you're always a lovely person to gift to and, though it may sound silly, that's always a small gift back in return! <3
Thanks to immediate cold water treatment, the burn appears to be reasonably in hand. It's the damned bandage that's bothering me now (every time I try for an "e" or a "u" I get an added "r" which is Making. Me. Crazy.
I know folks are extremely understanding, (Hrm...didn't I aim that sort of message at you last year? And didn't you respond pretty much the way I'm doing? Still, you're absolutely right, and I need to cool the frak out.
:( It happens to everyone, I think--life getting in the way of writing. It's frustrating. I hope you can get back to it--or to something else to fill the creative void--soon.
Comments 28
So I feel your pain.
I'm glad you're largely back to fighting weight, as it were, but the fact that you still have problems from time to time sucks.
(I doubt very much I'll be doing much in the way of writing for it myself, either, but I'm trying to do other things this time.)
But you have a point about belated stocking stuffers. Maybe that's the way for me to go.
But,no, of course you're upset! *hugs* As I said, I would be gutted if I had to miss Yuletide, and I know fandom_stocking is your particular fannish event of the year.
But, you know, you're always a lovely person to gift to and, though it may sound silly, that's always a small gift back in return! <3
I hope you feel better asap, though!
It has been a weird/bad/insane year for everyone. I'm sure everyone more than understands...
I know folks are extremely understanding, (Hrm...didn't I aim that sort of message at you last year? And didn't you respond pretty much the way I'm doing? Still, you're absolutely right, and I need to cool the frak out.
*Hugs right back*
*Peppers you with joyous kisses*
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