Title: Delayed Reaction
Author: Kaethel (
Character/Pairing: Tenth Doctor
Rating: G
Published: April 2008
Spoilers: Partners in Crime
Summary: Cold, empty space greets him, and he falters.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, but boy do I love playing with them!
A/N: Many, many thanks to
wendymr for forcing me to push keys on the keyboard, for BRing, and for the title.
Excitement bubbles through him and words burst out of his mouth a mile a minute as his mind works out what the chip is for. He raises his head, expecting a bewildered look in Martha’s eyes, a knowing grin on Jack’s face, or a boisterous smile on Rose’s lips.
Cold, empty space greets him, and he falters.
They’re all gone.
He’s standing here alone in the console room, his magnifying glass drumming against the side of his leg as he realises no-one’s here to listen.
The only reply he’ll ever get is the soft, steady hum of the TARDIS engines.