Meetings and Reunions- Chapter 3

Jun 09, 2008 23:19

Title: Meetings and Reunions - Chapter 3
Pairing: real!Jack/Jack
Rating: T

Here's the third chapter, enjoy!!

As Jack Harkness came back to awareness, the first thing that came back to him was the sense of touch. He could feel the aches and bruises from being thrown around in his plane and once he was able to get past that he could feel that he was lying on something soft and comfortable. There were also warm blankets covering him and his supplied with the answer that he was in a bed. Lastly he could feel someone else’s hand holding his in a firm grip.

Once he felt he had enough strength to open his hazel eyes, he forced his eyelids upwards so that he could see where he was. The first thing he saw was an off white ceiling and that the wall next to the bed he was lying on was the same color. As he turned his head to look at the wall at the foot of the bed he saw that it was the same color and that along with the others had no personal effects on them.

He turned his head to the right and caught sight of the man whose name he had spoken just before he lost consciousness. That same man was looking at him now with a mixture of concern and anxiousness, though at what he did not know. He managed to croak out “James?” which to spur the other man into action, which meant that the blue-eyed man started to ask him questions, moving to the next one before the group captain could answer the one before it, all the while checking him over for anything that he could have missed.

This would have continued on if a chuckle hadn’t resonated from the doorway. Both Jacks turned toward the sound. There stood a tall lanky man dressed in a blue suit looking at the two of them with amusement dancing in his brown eyes. “Hello there,” he said, “I’m the Doctor and I suppose you’ve already met Jack.”

The RAF pilot blinked, he had heard Ms. Sato call the other captain that when she was urging James to go with her into that mysterious blue light. He nodded as he couldn’t really speak without feeling as though someone was running razors up and down his throat.

“Jack, why don’t you get the man a glass of water,” the brown-eyed man said, with a tone that booked no room for arguments. With that the other Jack left the room to get the American some water. Once he was gone the Doctor took out his sonic screw driver, changed it to the proper setting and began to run over Jack’s head and the rest of his body.

Jack could only watch as the man who called himself the Doctor take out a little device with a blue top that lit up and made a strange humming noise when activated, and run it down the length of his body. The Doctor saw him staring at the little device and said, “This is a sonic screwdriver, it’s gotten me out of more trouble than I can remember. Handy little thing it is, it can open locks, well, unless they’re deadlocked. It can repair fences, disable weapons, and lock doors. Had to do that a couple times. There was this one time where Jack and I went to this planet and the people there, well, they didn’t have a humanoid shape by any stretch of the means, but anyway! So the two of us land on this planet and…” The Doctor was interrupted by the return of the other captain with the glass of water.

Jack heard part of the story the Doctor was telling once he was within earshot of the door to his rooms and he knew he had to get there before the Tine Lord got to the main part of the story. Thankfully his habit to ramble gave him ample time to get there to interrupt him. After walking back in to the room he walked over to the bed and set the glass down on the bedside table and put and arm under the pilot’s back to help him sit up enough to drink the water.

Once that was down he put the cup back down should the 1941 captain need another drink. Once he was settled back on the bed, he went lost the fight to stay awake and slipt back into the realm of sleep.

After making that the man wouldn’t be waking up any time soon, the two other men left the room to go to the kitchen, which was right across the hall from the room they were just in. The blue-eyed Jack and the Doctor both sat down at the table with steaming mugs of coffee and tea respectively.

The Doctor waited patiently for Jack to start talking and when he did, the Doctor was thrown. Even though when he had first met Jack during the London Blitz, he had suspected the ‘Jack Harkness’ was not his real name, but he had quickly discarded that thought and had never thought about it again till this day when his companion explained who the in other room was.

“That man...” Jack began, his voice quiet as though he was talking to himself more than to the man sitting next to him, “that man is the real Captain Jack Harkness.” Here he looked up, his blue eyes held a sadness and guilt in them, but the Time Lord didn’t interrupt the human and let him continue. “It was during a con. One before I met you and Rose…I caught sight of his name on a list of possible casualties. It was only a matter of falsifying his papers to make it seem as if he was still alive.”

During his explanation, Jack had turned his eyes away from the Doctor and was staring at a point on one of the far walls. The guilt and sadness were laced through his voice as he spoke, “Once I had his name I went through with the con and left. Before that night, I never gave a thought to man whose name I had taken,” he gave a dry, humorless chuckle, “After meeting him at the Ritz and talking to him, I feel like I can never live up to his name. Though Toshiko says that he would be proud, because here I am, saving the world.”

He fell quiet after that and he seemed to startle when the Doctor asked in a voice that was equally quiet, “What happened that night, when you met him?”

Jack looked back at him with a vacant expression that hid the swirling emotions running rampant and not allowing Jack to think straight. He took a deep shuddering breath to help control his emotions before explaining how he and Tosh had been sent back to 1941 by Billis Manger.

The Doctor listened as Jack told him of what happened in 1941 at the Ritz dance hall, he described the dancing the music, the people, promising to take care of the Asian scientist if they couldn’t get back. His feeling of helplessness at the fact that he couldn’t do anything for the group captain to prevent him from dying, and most of all the Captain who faced being court martialed and possibly thrown in jail, for one dance and a kiss.

While the two men were had been talking, the real Jack had woken up when he could sense that nobody else was in the room. He forced himself to sit up in the bed and to swing his legs over the edge. He was breathing heavily by the time he got to the door with the help of the walls. He was overhear the other captain’s story of that night at the dance hall.

He let out a surprise breath through his clenched teeth. His legs gave out from under him and he fell to his knees with a ‘thump’ on the wooden floor. The sound alerted the other two in the kitchen who flew out of the other room to find the pilot sitting with his back against a wall right next to the door’s entrance.

Right next to a door that was open.

An open door that had allowed the man to hear what they were talking about.

The man who was now looking at them both with shock and suspicion radiating from his hazel eyes.

Reviews are love and feed my muse, so please comment! I'll try to get the fourth chapter up soon. ^__^


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