In my dream last night I was singing karaoke with Benedict Cumberbatch. We were singing wonderfully bad 70's music and we sounded really good.
Ahhh, good dream. <3 <3
(and how cool is it that the predictive text on my phone now knows Cumberbatch?)
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Comments 9
BC and I compared cards that apparently worked liked keys for electric cars and then there was an ice storm...
Somewhere in there there were sleeping bags that zipped together. (Alas, BC's did not. It had a line of books instead of a zipper)
And then the alarm rang, darn it!
As for Snooki, that probably came from going to the dentist on Halloween. One of the assistanats was dressed as her. Still weird.
Message of dream: I need to get out of the house.
I liked my other dream from last winter better- John Watson (MF version) was the new doctor at the family practice Ime and the kids use and joined my Fellowship- no idea why in PA or where Sherlock was... but it was kinda sweet. Mundane, but sweet.
weirdest dream I ever had waas when I was carrying Greg, my younger son. I dreamed he had a thrid eye, like a mystical one, in the center of his forehead. Anxiety,I think, but also kinda cool as in this kid will be insightful/psychic. (well, the jury is still out on that, 5 years later) . And he looked rather cute, oddly enough... ha.
I think it knew "Sherlock" initially, and that pleased me immensely. :D :D
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