Hi CKO ! You're welcome, I'm glad you're interested in this too. If you're going to watch a ZM film I recommend 'addendum' over the first. It's much more informative and relevant. These lot may seem like the cliche conspiracy theorists at first glance to the uninformed but it's quite the reverse I've come to find. For more detailed info/background on ZM check the orientation guide at www.thezeitgeistmovement.com or preferably(to me) the video up on google - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3932487043163636261#
Yeah I actually was watching it right after the interview. It's really intriguing. Also now looking at the Jacque Fresco lecture.Very informative but most importantly he's not PC about what he says and I respect that since people are so sensitive about expressing the problems that they are afraid to bring up. It all makes sense. The only conflict that opposes this is the people who won't understand and retaliate. This is a dream waiting to happen and right now all we have is baby boomers and children getting more corrupted.
Hi my friend ! No problem, actually I'm really pleased a couple of you guys on here actually watched this ! PJ is a wise chap, I just really think the ZM guys have got a clue about whats going on. Have you heard of/seen any of Jacque Fresco's talks ? He's really interesting and explains his view well and clearly peep this lecture he did at a London college recently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R9q-NO6BBc
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