Title: The Matchmaker
Pairing/Characters: Yoko/Maru, slight Yasuba
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Hopefully it’s got enough cute and awkward for you! I hope you enjoy the fic!
Summary: Yoko and Maru like each other. Subaru decides to play matchmaker. Based on the story from EightxEighter MC where Subaru says he made a video of Yoko/Maru kissing.
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Comments 5
And the whole thing was really, really cute. They finally overcame awkwardness and got together ♥ Thanks for writing this!! ♥
I also loved the little meddlers. XD Meddler #1 and Reluctant Meddler #2 XDD And I totally believe Subaru sent that video to everyone irl too. *nods*
This was lovely, Anon-san! <3333 Thank you so much for writing it just for me!! <33333 :D
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