Application to rubycity_rp

Oct 01, 2011 20:37

Name: Emely
Personal Journal: wishingforvilla
AIM/MSN/etc: plurk: CalledVertigo

Character Name: The Disciple (Magdayma Koinônos)
Canon: Homestuck
Timeline: Before the Signless' execution.

Personality: In her youth, Mag had been much like her descendent, Nepeta Leijon. She was a rarity amongst trolls in that she did not follow the norm of being violent, nor prone to anger, but instead was a cheerful and friendly sort. She liked to be on good terms with everyone, and who avoided confrontation as much as possible. She was almost always seen with a smile on her face, enjoyed making friends, and was more than a little naive. These traits, of course are not particularly good ones for a troll to have, and unlike her descendant she had neither a moirail nor the isolation of the wilderness to keep her safe from the dangers of others. This, unfortunately meant that she was quite often harmed and taken advantage of. It was only through perseverance and her lusus that she even managed to survive as long as she did.

This repeated treatment, in time, stamped out her natural cheer and optimism till she became a rather quiet and subdued young lady. She maintained a her charismatic disposition, which helped much in her line of business but despite the surface friendliness she had come to always keep people at arms length. Though she hunted animals, she felt much more at ease with them--specifically any of the feline variety like her lusus, than she did with other trolls. One thing she did gather from her sweeps as a merchant was how to read people well, and how to talk persuasively from all the bartering she had to do. She is a woman with seemingly endless patience, and above all is good at listening and knowing when to speak.

When she met the Signless, and first heard him speak it opened up something within her and revealed that that old persona of hers from when she was young had not been stamped out. Now that she realized just what it was that made her feel so uncertain about others, and that there were people out there who believed in change, she became determined. All his words of peace, the capability of trolls to love, and equality were ones she took completely to heart and she wanted to do all she could to help this movement along. It instilled in her a sense of determination she never had before. This determination shines through in the way that she continued to follow the Signless to each of his sermons.

Once she was welcomed, it took some time but eventually she came to feel free around the other three. It became evident that she had suppressed who she was for many years: a sweet, cheerful and very playful young woman. In large she is still fairly quiet and subdued, but when around those she trusts she can have a bit of a mischievous streak. Despite her age she is not above friendly pranks, and loves to tease or play tricks. She was the Rogue in her session for a reason, after all, and her penchant for said tricks shows that she is sharp of mind. Much like she preferred to keep amongst animals, books were also a great source of comfort for her, and still are. Whether it be fictional or nonfiction, she is ready to pick up any book.

History: Canonically the only thing we know about The Disciple's history is this. She was one of the original twelve players for the troll session of a game called SGRUB. This game is one that would destroy its players' world, and in turn allow them to recreate it and a new universe. The world she had hailed from had been one of complete and utter peace, so unfortunately none of the players were prepared for how intense and grueling SGRUB could be. It became obvious that they would not be able to win and save their world or create a new universe, and so they struck the proverbial deal with the devil named Echidna.

She would teach them how they could reset their game, and create the circumstances necessary for the game to be beat. The ancestors were aware that this time around, they would not be players, and instead they would switch the places with those who had once been their ancestors. What they did not know was that while their wish would be granted, it would come at a great cost. Their lives and world, were quite literally reset from the beginning, and the peace and loving world they had made so many sacrifices to protect had turned into one of hate and malice. A world where the weak and different were killed and a caste system were strictly enforced, ruled by a militaristic Empress who sought only to expand her domain.

Only one troll, the one who came to be known as The Signless remembered how the world was in his past life, and so he began to speak of the ideals held back then: love, compassion, and peace. The Disciple, as her name implies became one of his first followers, and in time his closest. She was the one who put all his words and visions to word. Along with his guardian, the Dolorosa, and the Psiioniic the four traveled together to spread his message and gain some followers. In time, the Disciple and the Signless fell into a quadrantless relationship, that is to say one that followed the ideals of love as humans know it.

Unfortunately, as to be expected, word of them eventually reached the Highbloods and a rebellion began which lasted for years until the Signless and his three closest followers were captured. The Signless was executed, and the Disciple's fate was to be the same, but the Executor took a sudden and inexplicable pity on her and helped her to escape with the Signless' leggings.

After that she began her life of monastic savagery, living in the wild and scribing the teachings and scriptures of the Signless on the walls of caves. She never came to learn what became of the other two.

My headcanon begins with the Disciple's second life, since she would recall nothing of her first life, and so it would not effect her in any manner. The name I have given her is Magdayma Koinônos. Fanon general interprets the Disciple as the Mary Magdalene figure of ancestors. Her first name is made to loosely resemble Magdalane, whereas her surname is what Magdalene is referred to in the Gospel of Phillip which loosely translates into companion or partner.

Unlike her descendant, Mag was not raised in the wild from birth. She grew up in troll society, with all its norms and customs but from day one she had always felt a sense of unease amongst trolls that she could never quite explain. As a green blood she held quite a number of privileges--she was a Middle class troll which meant she was neither discriminated against by highbloods nor lowbloods, and when combined with a largely hermetic lifestyle meant that she was mostly ignored beyond her business all her life, something she was grateful for. Said business was mercantile, mostly in the form of books and furs of various kinds. She spent most of her times amongst books, leaving only when necessary and always wondering about this disconnect she felt with her people.

It wasn't until the Signless and the Dolorosa first came to speak in the village she lived near to that she finally understood this sense of dissonance she had with other trolls. That trolls are a violent and hateful race is undeniable, and something that she had never overtly questioned because the idea of them being any different was not something she could even conceive of. When she heard the Signless speak of love, compassion, equality and how this was something that they should all encourage and work towards she realized that these were the reasons she had never quite felt comfortable among others. The next time he spoke, she brought with her a book to scribe down everything he said.

For as long as he was in the village, she attended each of his sermons, listening and writing. It was the first time in her life she actually felt as if she was doing something important, and his words had happened up so many possibilities. They had helped her understand things about herself she hadn't before, so when he and his guardian left to move on she followed. It was an impulsive action, and she was hardly welcomed at first but she straggled behind them and when he found a new place to preach she once again continued her work. This went on for quite some time until at last, she was invited to their campfire and she presented them with her book. From then on, she traveled with them.

They continued their travels, slowly gaining more followers, and in doing so becoming more infamous. They were joined by the Psiioniic who much like the Disciple was moved by the Signless' words to take action and control of his own life. As time went on, Mag eventually found herself falling for the Signless. At first she did her best to keep it hidden, not wanting to be distracted, nor risk distract him from their mission, especially as things became more and more dangerous. Yet in the end the two fell into a quadrantless relationship, one based on love and not pity or hate which was the case with most trolls.

Sadly, their relationship was a short-lived one. The more followers they gained, the more dissenters there were until they became part of an outright rebellion. For months they were able to evade capture, but eventually they were caught. The Signless was tortured, and then eventually executed to be made an example of. Mag, too, was to be killed but the Executor took pity on her and helped her escape. She absconded to the wild and began an ascetic life, spending the rest of her life putting the Signless' words to various cave walls so that they would never be forgotten.

Strengths/Weaknesses: As a general, trolls seem to be built tougher than your regular human. She is a fairly strong woman despite her small stature. More than strength however, as is in accordance with her feline theme, she is fairly quick and agile on her feet.

She upholds the ideas of peace and pacifism taught by the Signless, and so she would never kill another sentient being and she would be hard pressed to harm another. The only case in which she would, would be in defense of others.

Other than that, she has no particular strengths or weaknesses of which to speak. She is a fairly average person.

Abilities: The Disciple has no abilities of which to speak.

Relationships to Canon Characters: Nepeta Leijon: The Disciple is the ancestor of Nepeta Leijon. The two have never met, however, and do not know of one another.

Signless: The Signless was the leader of a revolution against the empress and highbloods of Alternia. It was his teachings that the Disciple followed, and the two shared a very close relationship more akin to human love than troll pity.

Dolorosa & The Psiioniic: The two others in the Signless' close circle. She treasures the both of them greatly and would do anything for them, they are much like family to her.

Darkleer Darkleer, the ancestor of Equius who is moirail to Nepeta, was the royal executor. He was the one who slew the Signless, and he was to kill the Disciple as well but instead disobeyed orders and helped her escape. She doesn't know this, however, since I am taking her before this occurs.

First Person: [A voice feed opens, and for a moment all that can be heard is the sound of fabric rustling, and a light tap, tap of someone fiddling with the communicator. A thoughtful "hum" is heard before it temporarily cuts off, before resuming once again as a video.

The sight of young troll woman appears, with large, green catlike eyes and an expression of utmost curiosity.] So if I do this...

[There is another paused as she looks into the communicator, brow furrowing for a moment and a fang biting down on her lower lip in thought before she looks it nervously and speaks.]

I would venture to guess that this device is some furm--form of communication. If that is correct, then I would be very appreciative of anyone who might enlighten me as to what is going on. [Her voice is rather quiet, and the look of discomfort hasn't quite left.]

And...pardon if I offend, if anyone could tell me what this other species I find myself amongst is. [She is referring to the humans she has seen about.]

Thank you.

Third Person: Dreams were a rarity for a troll, at the very least, dreams such a these. Magdayma had long since had to become to the nightmares that were usually kept at bay by the sopor slime her species used, and in time they gave way to blessed nothingness. Waking up on a train with rows of velvet seats, however, was not something normal. At first she had been frightened, wondering how she had gotten here and where here was. Tries as she might she could recall nothing of the past day, nor anything else that might clue her into her whereabouts. Nor could she find any of her companions which only served to fuel her fear.

She took a deep breath in, and forced herself to sit down. "Fureaking out isn't going to accomplish anything. Keep calm." she murmured to herself, barely even acknowledging she had let a pun slip out. She took a couple moments to steel herself, and then looked out the window. What once had been a beautiful view of long rolling plains had now turned to fog which made her unease rise, but she forced it back down. She had already searched what she could of the train--there was little she could do until something else presented itself, so stressing herself out would accomplish little.

Fortunately--or perhaps unfortunately, she didn't have long to wait till the tell-tale sound of the train screeching to a halt came. It let out a final hiss as it stopped, and then the doors opened up. Typically Mag would be one to rationalize things, try to weigh the pros and cons of staying or leaving but instinct took over, and she found her feet taking her to the exit, and onto the train platform. The doors slammed shut behind her, causing her to jump and she whirled around to watch it chug away.

That....may not have been the best decision. She really hoped none of the others had been on that train.
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