Dear Diary~ [Page 66 - Junsu]

Nov 27, 2010 22:10

Title: Dear Diary~
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer:'s disclaimed...xD
Parts: [66/69] 
Pairings: So far Yoosu...Yunjae...Jaemin...Jaesu...Jaechun...Jaechul...xDDD
Genre: crack....with a tiny smidgeon of angst in the middle. o.o *runs*
Rating: PG/PG-13
Summary: A collection of journal entries from the boys of DBSK. Let's get inside their heads. ^.~

Previous chapters


Junsu's Diary~

Dear Diary,

Stalking Changmin is hard. He runs too fast. Damn my short legs.

Twerp has absolutely no consideration for the health of his stalkers. Tch. Selfish bugger.

Not to mention, Junho's cell phone is broken. (He dropped it in a rain puddle. Again. Weird. It hasn't rained in two months.) WHO am I going to spend HOURS on the phone TALKING to????

I can't talk to Hyukjae for that long. He'll leave me talking to myself in the middle of a conversation until I only realize he's not listening when I hear muffling in the background and what sounds like Donghae having a baby lamb...

How many condoms do those two go through a day....? Bet you could make a mountain with them.

Trojan Mountain!

....Ah, I'm tired. It's tough video taping the maknae in his sleep. When do I get to sleep?? Aish, the things I do for sex this family.

Oh, yeah! Sex!

Despite how suckish my life is, I've discovered an awesome way to kill time when I'm horny bored. All it takes is a little magic marker and a BIG smile on my love's face.

Yoochun is the best coloring book EVER.


No matter what, the Law shall DIE.

And it shall perish soon. I'm sure my Chunnie is planning a mastermind plot. He told me about it while I was rubbing his crotch to get that nice pink-ish glow on his chest which made my picture of spring between his nipples look really good. Really good. Spring never looked so delicious.

I don't remember all of his plan, what with all my heavy breathing at the sight of his bare belly button and bare legs (except for Jaejoong's wool socks) and bare...everything else. But I remember it involved something about ketchup, Heechul's cat and a mail truck. Genius, I say.

~Boyfriend of a genius

Turn the page~ Page 67 - Changmin
Yes, I know it's been an INCREDIBLY, DISGUSTINGLY long time since I updated this. ^_^; But I kept getting reminders from awesome peoplez like sesshy18 . ♥ And now I'm here to finish this series once and for all! I know you've probably all forgotten half the stuff that's happened by this point. (Don't worry. I have, too x'D) But let's have fun, anyway! Woot! If you'd like to comment, you can just wait til the last chapter if you'd like. I understand, yo~ x'DD

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pairing: yoosu, rating: pg, genre: comedy, length: chaptered, title: dear diary~, pairing: yunjae

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