Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin (Suju Kibum), HyukSu
Length: [40/50]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
Previous Chapters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yay banner! 8D Thanks
jaetaime for making this lovely masterpiece ♥
Perfunctory Satisfaction and Cheap Internet
December 15, Monday, 8:21PM
***Maximini has signed in
***Maximini has signed out
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: Dammit!
***Kibum has signed in
Maximini: Hey.
Kibum: ???????
Maximini: I'm fine.
Kibum: .....
Maximini: Yeah, I'm lying. I feel pretty shitty.
Kibum: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Maximini: Chill, man! I feel better now that I'm talking to you
Kibum: ...
Maximini: It's not your fault at all. Don't give me that shit.
Kibum: ...
Kibum: ?
Maximini: I'm in Incheon.
Kibum: ?!!?!!???
Maximini: Yeah, I know. My parents are insane.
Kibum: .....
Maximini: Stop apologizing. You couldn't have helped even if you were there when it happened.
Kibum: !!!!
Maximini: Fuck no! I'm not letting you take a punch for me! You're the quiet weirdo that no one ever bothers and I want to keep it that way.
Kibum: !!!
Maximini: Ha. You're right. If I kept my big, smart mouth shut more often, maybe they would leave me alone like they do to you.
Kibum: ??!
Maximini: I don't know! It's not like I instigate the people at school! They just hate me! And my amazing brain!
Kibum: ....
Maximini: ...
Maximini: I'm still kinda dizzy. Like, overwhelmed and stuff. My parents shoved me in the car and drove off like right after the principal called them.
Kibum: ??
Maximini: ...I'll admit, it was pretty bad. It was only a small group of people but for some reason they had it out for me. I've never even seen half of them in my entire life. I don't even think they were freshmen. Wtf?? But they cornered me somehow and...now I'm here. Haha.
Kibum: !!!!
Maximini: I know it's not funny! But when you're randomly beat up by a bunch of upperclassmen on your way to the science lab, you try to find humor in anything!
Maximini: Like that creepy candy the student council has been selling. Can you believe they're selling candy called DEATH so close to Christmas? I heard some people talking about it. Heh. Hilarious.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: I know, man. I'll shut up.
Kibum: .......
Maximini: Yeah, I am lucky a teacher passed by.
Kibum: ..........
Maximini: No. Don't think shit like that. I'm glad it wasn't you that passed by. Then we'd both be in this mess.
Kibum: ...
Kibum: Douche bag.
Maximini: Yeah, I am <3
***Maximini has signed out
Kibum: ?????
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: Dammit! >.<
Kibum: ?????!
Maximini: Sorry. I'm on a laptop with horrible connection right now. Stupid cheap hotel internet... >.>
Kibum: ??
Maximini: I told you, I'm in Incheon. My parents took me to straight to the hospital after they saw me.
Kibum: ???!!!
Maximini: No! It's not that bad. They're just parents, you know. They freak out whenever they see blood.
Kibum: !!!!!!
Maximini: It wasn't that much blood! Just a few cuts, a black and blue face and a bloody nose. No biggy~
Kibum: Shut up!
Maximini: ...Sorry.
Kibum: ...
Kibum: There are hospitals in Seoul...
Maximini: I know. But apparently my parents know a good child psychiatrist in Incheon, so here I am...
Kibum: ???????
Maximini: That's what I said!
***Maximini has signed out
Kibum: -.-
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: Frick! >.<
Kibum: .....
Kibum: ?
Maximini: I just met with her.
Kibum: ?
Maximini: Yeah, she was nice. Her office smelled like pencils, though
Kibum: ???
Maximini: How do you NOT know what pencils smell like??
Kibum: -.-
Maximini: <3
Kibum: .....
Kibum: ........
Maximini: Yeah.... I do have good parents. They're still crazy, though.
Kibum: Yeah.
Maximini: Yeah...
Maximini: I feel bad for Junsu, though.
Kibum: ??
Maximini: Didn't I tell you? It's his birthday today.
Kibum: Oh yeah.
Maximini: Yep. My parents were even plotting a surprise party for him with Yoochun. You should've seen them, they were so into it. Dad was gonna make pizza <3
Kibum: ?
Maximini: Well, I'd imagine Junsu's at home right now. He's probably partying with his friends. No pizza, though. They'll probably stay the night at our house because of the storm. I wouldn't want Jaejoong driving in this weather.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: What?? Jaejoong and I are just friends now, I swear! I'd worry about your safety, too!
Maximini: In fact, how are you, man? I hope you went straight home after school. The weather was pretty nasty when we left Seoul.
Kibum: I'm fine.
***Maximini has signed out
Kibum: ...
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: =_=
Maximini: I think the storm is getting closer to Incheon. We'd better wrap this up quick before my internet goes out for good.
Kibum: Okay.
Kibum: When are you coming back?
Maximini: I dunno... My future is in my parents' hands.
Kibum: ...
Maximini: ...
Maximini: I don't want to come back.
Kibum: ?!?!
Kibum: What about me?
Maximini: No! I'm definitely coming back to Seoul. How would I conduct scientific experiments on garden snails with you if I'm in a different city??
Kibum: ...
Maximini: I meant school. I'm not going back. I'll beg my parents to let me drop out or something. This shit isn't worth it.
Kibum: That's stupid.
Maximini: Not stupid! I don't need these teachers. I can be my own teacher! Educating myself with only the library and the internet--The perfect professor.
Maximini: Oh! Maybe I could just go ahead and apply to college. I'll be a famous scientist faster than I anticipated.
Kibum: -.-
***Maximini has signed out
Kibum: Damn
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: So as I was saying... >.>
Maximini: I'll be a world renowned child prodigy in the field of science. Who would pick on a scholastic celebrity? xD
Kibum: ...
Maximini: It's a genius plan. Genius, I say~
Kibum: ...
Kibum: National Seoul University wouldn't accept a fourteen-year-old high school dropout.
Maximini: ...
Maximini: Well, fuck it. I'm running away.
Kibum: Take me with you.
Maximini: Of course! We'll be sidekicks. Roaming around the streets of Seoul, pick-pocketing for lunch money, sleeping under whatever can shield us from the rain. It's kinda romantic. I like it.
Kibum: Romantic?
Maximini: Yeah, you know. Adventurous. We'd be like Batboy and Robin Hoodlum. Stealing from the rich and educating the stupid. I've finally realized my higher purpose in life~
Kibum: Haha.
***Maximini has signed out
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: So are you with me, Robin Hoodlum??
Kibum: Absolutely.
Kibum: .........
Kibum: Why am I Robin Hoodlum?
Maximini: Because I'm awesome and only awesome people get to be Batboy. xP
Kibum: -_-
Maximini: Haha!
Kibum: Fine
Maximini: Yes!
Kibum: ...
Maximini: ...
Kibum: ...
Maximini: Yeah. I wish we really could run away, too...
Kibum: But it's nice to run away in our heads.
Maximini: Yeah, it serves as perfunctory satisfaction...
Kibum: ...
Kibum: Remember the last time we talked about this?
***Maximini has signed out
Kibum: Aish...
***Maximini has signed in
Maximini: Oh, come on!! D<
Maximini: What did you say? We gotta hurry this up. The thunder is getting louder.
Kibum: Remember the last time we talked about this? Running away.
Maximini: A little.
Kibum: ...
Kibum: I was serious.
Maximini: About running away? Come on, you know it's not realistic.
Kibum: No. About you.
Maximini: ...
Maximini: Ha. What are you talking about...?
Kibum: Us next to the Han River. Watching the sunset. Holding hands.
Maximini: ........
Maximini: .......You were just trying to make me feel better. You got emotional...
Kibum: I was serious.
Maximini: ...
Kibum: I love you, Changmin.
***Maximini has signed out
Kibum: ...
***Kibum has signed out
Chapter 41 ---------------------
*passes out comment!cookies*
So, I've got some pretty scary exams coming up this week, so I don't know how fast the next update will come. I promise it won't be too long! But I'm just letting you guys know that I haven't been abducted by aliens, nor am I being ambushed by writer's block demons. *kicks college* :'D
Everyone, hwaiting! ♥
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