Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin (Suju Kibum), HyukSu
Length: [37/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz
Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~
Previous Chapters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yay banner! 8D Thanks
jaetaime for making this lovely masterpiece ♥
Saliva Rape and Christmas Spirit
December 10, Wednesday, 4: 25AM
***SUnny has signed in
SUnny: Yay! 8D
SUnny: Would you two fucking hurry up? DDD<
***Chunderful has signed in
Chunderful: WHAT??????
SUnny: Hi! 8D
Chunderful: ........................................................................................................................................................................You texted me at 4AM so you could say HI???????????
SUnny: ._. No...
Chunderful: I'm gonna fucking spit in my hand, blind you with my saliva and rape you until you have some manners =__=
SUnny: Please don't ._."
***Yunbi has signed in
Yunbi: Lala~
Chunderful: WHAT DO YOU WANT?????? D8<
SUnny: Scary face....... ._.
Yunbi: What's up, Su~?
Chunderful: Why the hell are YOU in such a freaking good mood?
Yunbi: Haha~
SUnny: o.O He is acting weird
Yunbi: I'm just happy <3
SUnny: Why? >.>
Yunbi: <3
Chunderful: Translation: "Jaejoongie~"
SUnny: D'awwww! :'D
Yunbi: You guys will never guess what happened on our last date
SUnny: Date? o.o
Chunderful: You mean the one you abandoned me for a few hours ago? Sure, Yunnie bear, what the fuck happened? <3<3
Yunbi: Joongie and I....we went everywhere
SUnny: D'awwww! :''D
Chunderful: Fucking yay.
Yunbi: We even went to Tokyo tower <3
SUnny: EH???? O_O
Chunderful: ....Dude, you went to JAPAN????
Yunbi: Kind of. Haha. We cuddled up with each other in my car and imagined we were at Tokyo tower. Joongie has such a vibrant imagination.
SUnny: So cute! :3
Chunderful: Omg, I want to kill all of you right now.
SUnny: ._. No...
Chunderful: YES!!!
SUnny: No! D'x
Yunbi: Omg...he...Jaejoong kissed me <3
Chunderful: KILL!!
SUnny: NO! D8
SUnny: O_O
SUnny: Did you type KISS????!?!?!? 8DDDDDD
Chunderful: No, dear Junsu. I typed KILL!!!
SUnny: Not you!! o_o"""
Yunbi: Omg...
Chunderful: Wait...are you being serious?
Yunbi: I can still taste his lips. Strawberries~
SUnny: He's seriouz! 8DDD OMGYAYZ!!
Chunderful: Wow. Good job, I guess.
Chunderful: Wait, did you say Jaejoong kissed you?
Yunbi: Yeah~ He just leaned over, batting those huge, entrancing eyes of his, whispered something on my lips and...omg
SUnny: CUTEEEE!!!! <3333
Chunderful: Jaeho
SUnny: Wtf??? D<
Chunderful: Jae kissed him. Totally Jaeho. I win~
SUnny: No way! A few days ago, you agreed to Yunjae! DD<
Chunderful: That was before the kiss. Physical contact says everything. And Jae initiating a kiss says "Jaehoooooo~"
SUnny: Bastard! D8< Change it back!
Chunderful: Nope~ Jaeho, Jaeho, Jaeho
SUnny: Gah! Just wait til they fuck! >D Then we'll know who's top and bottom. When will you fuck, Yunho?!?! :D
Yunbi: Jaejoongie~
Chunderful: Jaeho~
SUnny: I hate chu! DDD'<
Chunderful: Now that we've officially discovered that I'm right and therefore eternal ruler of the world, on to a more pressing matter
SUnny: You're NOT the ruler of my world! DDD<
Chunderful: I'll rule your world in bed
SUnny: SHUT UP!!! *bites your liver*
Chunderful: Haha. Anyway, the pressing matter is......
SUnny: ._. Well.....
Yunbi: <3
Chunderful: It had better be good or I will follow through on that promise.
SUnny: What promise...? >.>
Chunderful: Saliva rape
SUnny: No! T_T
Chunderful: Then WHAT??
SUnny: ...
SUnny: I ordered the candy for the fundraiser! :D
Chunderful: ...
Yunbi: That's great, Su
SUnny: Yeah! :DD
Chunderful: You'd better protect your eyes and asshole because I'm about to come over and violate both of them.
SUnny: OMG O_O
Yunbi: Why so grumpy, Chun~?
Chunderful: It's fucking 4am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SUnny: What's wrong with that?? Dx
Chunderful: I was ASLEEP!!!!
SUnny: So?! D<
Chunderful: So? SO!?!?!?!?!??!?!?
SUnny: Eep! ._.
Chunderful: I LOVE sleep!! If I could, I'd marry sleep!! I'd make love to sleep and have little sleep babies that would grow up, get a job at a mattress factory, get married to more sleep and have more sleep grandbabies while I get old enough to slip into the eternal sleep where I will be happy and peaceful and free of nightmares like YOU! DD<
SUnny: You're really grumpy..... >.>
Chunderful: SPIT RAPE!!!!!
SUnny: GAH! D8 Yunho, save meh!!!
Yunbi: Haha~
SUnny: OMG O.O
Chunderful: RAPE!!!!
Yunbi: Calm down, everybody~
Chunderful: NEVAH!!!
SUnny: Yunhooooo! D8
Yunbi: What kind of candy did you get, Su? Gotta make sure you didn't order too much sticky candy because Jaejoong hates when he gets food between his teeth. <3
SUnny: Yesh! >:D You're gonna love meh, Yunho! I did you and the whole school a huuuuge favor. Mwaha!
Yunbi: Hahahaha. Thanks so much, Su~ <33
Chunderful: ...Okay, you've gotta stop, man. o.O Happy-Happy Yunho is freaking me out...
SUnny: Hehe~ No need to thank meh, but I do appreciate your awesome gratitude. >D At least SOMEONE loves me! D<
Chunderful: Sleep with one eye open and one hand protecting that ass...
SUnny: O.O
Yunbi: Haha~
SUnny: Anyway. ._. I saved the school a ton of money! We're gonna make a shit load of money >8D
Yunbi: Mmhmm~<33
SUnny: I got the candy that was on sale! Half the price, Yunnie! That means with all the student council, plus the orchestra kids selling candy to the school and surrounding area, we'll be fucking rich! Yay profits! >8DD
Yunbi: Wah~ What kind of candy did you get, Su~? <33
SUnny: Halloween candy! :'D
Chunderful: ....................................................................................The fuck???? O_O
Yunbi: Ahhh~ That's nice~
Yunbi: ...
Yunbi: Wait....what?
SUnny: It was half off! >D And I say cheap candy on sale is the best candy. Mwaha!
Chunderful: Junsu. =_= You realize it's December, right?
SUnny: Yeah! >:D
Yunbi: ...
Chunderful: And that means it's Christmas time. Right?
SUnny: Yeah!! >:D
Yunbi: ...
Chunderful: =_=
Chunderful: And that Halloween is not Christmas...right?
SUnny: Yeah!!! >:D
Yunbi: ...
Chunderful: ...
Yunbi: ...
Chunderful: ....I told you.
Yunbi: I'm sorry.
Chunderful: >.>
Yunbi: ......I'll take responsibility...
Chunderful: No need. Just admit that I was right the whole time and I am officially the ruler of your world.
Yunbi: Fine.
SUnny: Eh?? o.o"
Chunderful: Yunho. May I saliva rape him now?
Yunbi: ...Sure.
SUnny: O.O Yunnie?
Chunderful: Ahem.
Chunderful: *ties Junsu to the bed*
SUnny: O___O OMG NOOOOO!!! YUNHO!!!!!!!!!
Yunbi: Junsu, WHY? Did you already send in the order?
SUnny: Of course! :D
Chunderful: *undresses Junsu*
SUnny: That would be kinda difficult if I'm already tied to the bed =.=
Chunderful: No complaints while I spit rape you~
SUnny: *gulp* O_O
Yunbi: Crap.....can you cancel the order? Please say you can cancel the order.
SUnny: Sure! :D
Yunbi: Omg. Thank you...
SUnny: It'd take a couple of weeks, though :D
Chunderful: *attaches clothes pins to Junsu's balls*
SUnny: NOO! D8
Yunbi: What??? Why?
SUnny: Tch. Good job picking out the candy company, Yunho. =.= They're so disorganized~ Took forever for them to get my order right when I called them. We're lucky the order is even gonna arrive in time before Christmas.
Yunbi: Omg omg...
Chunderful: *spits in my hand*
SUnny: O_O"
Yunbi: So.....we can't do anything without knocking the whole fundraiser off schedule? We have a limited timeline, Junsu!
SUnny: Why ish that my fault?! D<
Chunderful: *rubs spit-covered hands together*
SUnny: No.....don't....... o_o
Yunbi: ......
SUnny: ._.
Yunbi: No, no. It's okay... What kind of candy did you buy?
SUnny: Halloween candy! :D
Chunderful: *licks hands*
SUnny: Gah! >.<
Yunbi: Yeah, I know. But specifically. Is it candy corn? Orange colored candy? Black licorice? What it is?
SUnny: Oh! I dunno! :D
Chunderful: *gouges your eyes out with my toxic-spit-laced hands*
SUnny: OMG NOOOO!!!!! X.X
Yunbi: Junsu...
SUnny: Okay okay! >.< I'll go find the catalogue you gave me! I left it around here somewhere....
Yunbi: ....
SUnny: I shall return! :D
SUnny: AFK!
SUnny: Haha! It means "Away From Keyboard" :3 I learned it from Chun <3
Chunderful: =_=
SUnny: AFK, yo~
Chunderful: =_=
Yunbi: ....I'm sorry...
Chunderful: I'll forgive you for not listening to me the first time. In return, you may buy me ice cream after school.
Yunbi: Fair enough...
Yunbi: Can Jaejoong come, too? <3
Chunderful: Fuck no!
SUnny: I hath returned! :D
Chunderful: *spreads your legs and prepares for the anal violation*
Yunbi: Okay, what does the catalogue say?
SUnny: It says....
SUnny: Wah~ There's lots of flavors
Yunbi: Flavors? What kind of candy is it? Candy corn?
SUnny: Nope. Lollipops. All lollipops.
Chunderful: Eh, that sounds normal. Kind of a rip off if we actually wanted Halloween candy. What kind of shitty candy company did you pick, Yunho?
Yunbi: ...
SUnny: ....................
Yunbi: What? What's wrong?
SUnny: Omg.........
Chunderful: *shakes you* WHAT???
SUnny: O_O
Yunbi: What!??
SUnny: Heh.... I guess I didn't read the details for the candy I bought. ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Yunbi: .....What is it, Junsu?
SUnny: The flavor names are....really Halloween themed.
Yunbi: ....So....It's like what? Boo Raspberry? Kinda weird but I'm sure the entire population of our school and the families in the area won't notice....
Chunderful: Yeah that won't kill a four-year-old child's Christmas spirit
SUnny: Ummmm, no. Not quite. >.> Shall I read you all the flavor names...?
Yunbi: Yeah, sure.
SUnny: O.O
SUnny: Are you sure.....? >__>
Yunbi: ...Yeah.
SUnny: Really sure?? .>
Yunbi: ...
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: ...
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: ...
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: ...
Yunbi: Junsu.......
SUnny: ._.
Chunderful: Don't worry, Yunho. I'm already on it.
SUnny: On what? ._.
Chunderful: Your punishment
SUnny: ._."
Chunderful: *rapes you*
Yunbi: There is....
Chunderful: Eh?
SUnny: AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!! DDDDD8 Make the rape STOP!!!!!
Yunbi: Absolutely.......
SUnny: What's he babbling about? >.>
Chunderful: *rubs saliva around your eye sockets and destroys your asshole*
SUnny: OMG!!! DDDD'8
Yunbi: No way......
SUnny: POTS IT!!!! DD8
Chunderful: *rape*
SUnny: *STOP >.>
Yunbi: To recover....
Chunderful: What the fuck kinda typo is that? <.<
SUnny: It's all the same letters! D8< Pots~ Stop~ Just spelled backwards. It's an easy mistake to make. Hmph!
Yunbi: From this..........................
Chunderful: *continues to rape*
Chunderful: Nope. I could cut out your brain, but there's nothing in there. I shall settle for chopping off your juicy cock
SUnny: No! D'8 Not my baby!
Chunderful: *snip snip*
Yunbi: .................
SUnny: What's wrong with you, Yunho! D< Say something!!
Chunderful: Say something??? You've shocked him into a state of half consciousness. D< We'll be lucky if he shows up to school tomorrow.
SUnny: Well.....it's not that bad..... >.>
Chunderful: It's Christmas, Junsu..... And we're going to be skipping down the streets of our neighborhoods selling candy called DEATH. How the FUCK is this not bad?????
SUnny: o.o"
SUnny: Okay, it's kinda bad......
Yunbi: I've failed everyone...
Chunderful: OMG Junsu!! We'll be a laughing stock! Or worse! We'll just embarrass our school's name entirely! How are we supposed to deal with this?
SUnny: When did you start giving a shit about school? >.>
Chunderful: I don't >:|
SUnny: >.>
Chunderful: But Yunho's my friend and he hired us to help out. And now Yunho's broken.
Yunbi: Eeehhhhhhhhh.....
SUnny: O_O
Chunderful: That poor guy......tsk tsk....
SUnny: I'm sorry, Yunnie ._.
Chunderful: Apologize to everyone! After Yunho, apologize to me
SUnny: Why? o.o
Chunderful: Cuz I'm apart of this whole candy shit, you moron! D< And because you forced me to do such horrible things to your beautiful, tasty ass. Do you know how much that ripped up my soul????
Yunbi: So much disappointment.........
SUnny: No >.>
Chunderful: BOW DOWN!!
SUnny: *bows down* ._.
Chunderful: Now kiss my feet
SUnny: >.>
Yunbi: My mom.......so disappointed.......
Chunderful: Or I could continue my rape. It wasn't that bad
SUnny: O_O *kisses your feet* *and toes*
Yunbi: I've failed the school........ My fault.......... Eeeeehhhhhhhh.....
Chunderful: Now kiss Jaejoong's feet
SUnny: He's not even here!
Chunderful: Do it! With your cyber-mind!
SUnny: T.T
SUnny: *kisses Jaejoong's feet with my cyber-mind*
Yunbi: Jaejoong's disappointment........
Chunderful: Now kiss Sunny's feet
SUnny: Eh???
Chunderful: Do it! You'll kiss the feet of everyone involved til your soul feels repentance!
SUnny: But why her?? D<
Chunderful: Cuz she's the only other student council member who's name I know! D< For the rest, I'll just make you kiss their feet collectively
Yunbi: The student council's disappointment......in me........
SUnny: Why can't I kiss her feet collectively??? DD<
Chunderful: Cuz I know her name!
SUnny: Leeteuk is Vice President! Now you know his name!
Chunderful: Then kiss Leeteuk's feet, too, bitch! DDD<
SUnny: GAH! D8< *kisses Leeteuk's feet*
Chunderful: Now kiss Sunny's!
SUnny: I don't wanna!
Chunderful: I don't care!
SUnny: xP
Yunbi: Can't....handle....the pressure........
Chunderful: This is for the good of your soul. Do it! Before the heavens descend upon you
SUnny: Nevah! *CHOMP* 3:<
Chunderful: Rape isn't enough for you..........
SUnny: o.o
Chunderful: You ruin the order of the world and you can't even show guilt? You're not human >.>
SUnny: Am too human! Dx And fucking up candy sales doesn't ruin the order of the world!
SUnny: Raping my big ass does! DDD8<
Yunbi: The failure is too great...........
Chunderful: Just kiss Sunny's feet and I'll let you kiss everyone else's feet collectively. Got it??
SUnny: WHY??
Chunderful: Because your repentance must be thorough! Bow down to everyone you've besmirched!
SUnny: NEVER! D8<
SUnny: What the fuck is besmurfed? >.>
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: Just kiss her feet!
SUnny: She's not even here, so why does it matter!?!
Chunderful: Because!
SUnny: =.=
Chunderful: D<
SUnny: NO! She's icky! D<
Chunderful: You don't even know her
SUnny: I know she's icky! xP
Chunderful: YOU'RE icky!
SUnny: No, YOU'RE icky!
Yunbi: Omgggggggggg
SUnny: YOU'RE icky, too, Yunho!
Chunderful: Why'd you do that??
SUnny: I don't know! Dx
Chunderful: Apologize to Yunho!
SUnny: Not if I have to kiss Sunny's feet!
Chunderful: You're such a psycho bitch!
SUnny: No, SHE'S the bitch!
Chunderful: And YOU'RE kissing that bitch's feet
SUnny: Ha! >8D You called her a bitch
Chunderful: ...
Chunderful: So??!!?
SUnny: Hahahahahaa!! x'D
Yunbi: alkd;aeoifn6kldcmv3ldijfale
Chunderful: Damn.... I think he really is broken....
SUnny: o.o
Yunbi: I must disappear........
SUnny: >.>;
Chunderful: Yunho...
***Yunbi has disappeared
SUnny: O_O How'd he do that?
Chunderful: O_O I don't know...
Chunderful: Maybe it's because of your HALLOWEEN WITCH CRAFT
SUnny: It's not my fault!
Chunderful: It's all your fault!
SUnny: It's partly Yunho's fault for trusting me >.>
Chunderful: Don't try to throw all responsibility on him!
Chunderful: Although I kinda agree... >.>
SUnny: HA!
Chunderful: Be a man!! Own up to your fail!
SUnny: I was a man!! But you cyber-raped me and tried to cut off my lovely penis! D'<
Chunderful: Oh, I already cut off your lovely, lovely penis~
SUnny: You did? O_O
Chunderful: Heh...
SUnny: When? >.>
Chunderful: Oh come on. Use your imagination.
SUnny: I imagine my cyber-man parts still in tact >D
Chunderful: ...
SUnny: HAHA! I win! >8D
Chunderful: You know what.... Fuck cyber-rape
SUnny: Eh? >.>
Chunderful: I'm coming over right now to take care of you
SUnny: O_O It's almost 5AM
Chunderful: The buses are still running
SUnny: ...You have no money...
Chunderful: I know where Mom's purse is
SUnny: But the buses are creepy >.>
Chunderful: Not as bad as what I'm gonna do to you
SUnny: O_O My parents are still asleep....
Chunderful: I guess you'll have more feet to kiss to repent for you sins
SUnny: You wouldn't....... >_>
Chunderful: Do me a favor, Su
SUnny: o.o
Chunderful: Look at your index finger
SUnny: =.="
Chunderful: Now look at your middle finger
SUnny: I'm flipping you off through the computer screen >D
Chunderful: Find some baby oil
SUnny: Where are you going with this, ya punkass bitch??? D<
Chunderful: And prepare yourself for my entry
SUnny: ...
SUnny: O_O
***Chunderful has signed out
SUnny: O_O
SUnny: OMG!!!!!!!
SUnny: I'm out of baby oil!!!! DDDDDDDDD8
***SUnny has signed out
Chapter 38------------------
Happy-Happy Yunho vs. Depressed-Vanishing Yunho O.O
How DID Yunho do that? x'D Well something similar happened to me in the middle of a few chat sessions....Isn't that right,
nihonjin_tensai ? o.o xDDD
Contest in
dbkrackweens deadline TOMORROW at 11:59PM USA Eastern time!
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