One of the consequences of living in the same place for a long time (43 years) is that one accumulates stuff. That coupled with the fact that I don't often throw things away has yielded a rather full spice rack with many unused items - some of which are antiques. Rest assured that most are recent.
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Comments 16
I'm told that the EU's recent obsession with expiration dates has produced brandy with a stated lifetime of five years.
I understand that the EU is also going after synthetic food colouring - which is imperilling Battenburg cake, which has a windowpane check of yellow and pink; but the pink is in the sights of the EU mandarins. Likewise Smarties(tm), multicoloured chocolate buttons (English version of US M&Ms) are now down to a very much smaller variety of colours, and dim and unattractive. Grrrrrr.
And, for trawnapanda, "if salt loseth its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?"
salt never goes bad by itself, the only thing that can happen is you can adulterate it by adding something else. And it will always have the same flavour. Leave it in a closed container, it will be salt centuries later.
- - trawnapanda, BSc, MDiv
Actually, as I don't have either an MDiv or a BSc, but just a lowly BA, I'd better stop.
As to the carpenter from Nazareth: I think he was making a point about substances losing their essence, and being discarded because they're no longer what you thought they were. The theological point is fine, but he used a poor exemplar. Perhaps(*) better would have been to use a herb or spice of some description, since they DO lose their flavours over time (as their essential oils either dissipate in the atmosphere, or break down chemically).
(*)nb use of the conditional - I'm not about ( ... )
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