That's my shit

Feb 04, 2010 19:16

I'm also stealing this from Marty. I did it on FB the other night but didn't get anything to good because of the lack of anonymity. So...

Ask me something, anything. Anonymous, or not. I'll answer in the comments - and probably promise to tell the truth (unless my answer implicates someone that doesn't deserve it.)

Let's do this.

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Comments 44

seamusd February 5 2010, 01:21:03 UTC
Why do you write poems, Baz? What compelled your original impulse and why do you persist?

And when are you going to add my journals to your f-list?


jwbaz February 5 2010, 01:40:08 UTC
I've always enjoyed poetry, both its function and body. I originally started writing poems (in my early double digits)as a way to "express myself" and "feel artistic." I was never athletic or good with my hands, so what else is an adolescent boy to do to feel special? As an adult, I've come to understand that I write/perform poems better than I do just about anything else and to not utilize the ability is an affront to myself. Now, as a semi-professional, I've come to realize that there is nothing I'd rather do to make a living, and to continue on the path I have to actually continue writing. Plus, I just really enjoy poetry.

You've been added. The initial delay was not calculated. I'm just lazy and negligent.


seamusd February 5 2010, 02:15:58 UTC
There were no worries, my friend. LJ has taken a backseat recently, but this place has been my shit for almost ten years now, and I'm making an effort to write here more than I have in the last year or so. I think it's a much better platform for writing than those other social sites, despite what our friend John Paul thinks of the software!

Early teens seems to be when a lot of poets started. I was inspired by music lyrics, especially dodgy prog rock like Yes. I had no idea what the hell Jon Anderson was singing on "Close to the Edge" ("A seasoned witch to call you from the depths of your disgrace / and rearrange your liver to a solid mantle grace" huh?). But I liked the way the words sounded, so I started writing my own. I only later, in my late teens and early twenties, discovered real poetry. But I've been a very lazy and streaky writer over the years. I'm determined now to change that. Like you, I think writing is the thing I do best, so we can't waste our gifts!


marced4life February 5 2010, 02:09:51 UTC
A while back in your twitter feed you mentioned something about startling a woman with your views on polyamory. Tell me about those views.

And yeah, I know, that's an imperative, not a question. Deal. (Yeah, that's another.)


jwbaz February 5 2010, 02:21:11 UTC
Basically, I disagree with the concept of monogamy. I believe the notion of "there's only one person for me" is a construct and not actually a part of human nature. However, I don't look at poly as an excuse for brazen promiscuity. I just believe that it's possible to have feelings/meaningful relationships with more than one person concurrently without compromising anything.

It all comes down to honesty and ethics.

Now, some people aren't like me, and I accept that, but I know this is (probably) my only shot at intimacy and romantic longevity.


marced4life February 5 2010, 02:33:57 UTC


triananatari February 5 2010, 05:42:15 UTC
word to the word


iampetunia February 5 2010, 02:36:41 UTC
if you could communciate with birds, would you never eat cookies again?

what is something in your room that you would be embarrassed by if someone found it?

pick a body part. a body part of your own. got it? ok now describe that part with an adjective, a noun, and a song title.

do you like wolves?

who lives next door to you with pretty hair?


jwbaz February 5 2010, 02:46:01 UTC
1. I will never stop eating cookies
2. The pile of hardened/sticky things in my wastebasket
3. Steadfast, stalwart, "Like a Rock" - (my beard, not my dick)
4. Wolves are regal and gorgeous, but keep them the fuck away from me
5. Andi Strickland


theflyingrabbit February 5 2010, 05:21:58 UTC
Actually the correct answer to #5 is JOHN DAVIS.


iampetunia February 5 2010, 15:49:58 UTC
number 5 your mom!


ioncedreamtyou February 5 2010, 02:45:20 UTC
We talked about this, in Austin, but I never got to ask: Why do you think it is that you lack certain emotions?


jwbaz February 5 2010, 02:56:16 UTC
I imagine some of the lack is probably a defense mechanism/trauma reaction. For years and especially as a child, I was so emotional (on both sides)it became prohibitive. Also, as you know, I'm prone to bouts of depression, often sparked by feelings of hopelessness, anger, disappointment, etc.

As I've gotten older, it feels as if my brain chemistry has a retaining wall. I still get depressed, but it's not as bad as once was. I still get happy, but I am almost completely devoid of joy. I still feel enticed, but I'll probably never have the sensation of "stupid love" again.

As far as true empathy, sympathy, compassion, guilt, hope, need for connection: I never really had those, but the semblances have also faded.


seamusd February 5 2010, 04:36:20 UTC
I'll probably never have the sensation of "stupid love" again.

Don't rule that one out so easily. I thought so, too, but sometimes lightning does strike and all your defenses melt away.


nelsonbob February 5 2010, 02:56:51 UTC
I have two lawn tickets for the Cubs/Diamondbacks Spring Training game March 5th, and the day off. What would the chances be that you might be able to go?


jwbaz February 5 2010, 03:25:18 UTC
No chance. Dammit! I'd love to, but I'm working with a high school for the city's youth slam and I can't make it work.

But thanks for the offer and giving me more reason to resent today's youth. Jerk.


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