10 facts about Wil Wheaton (someone attempting to recreate the magic of Chuck Norris nonsense...)
I've added my own.
11. Wil has banged more hot chicks in costumes than you will ever meet.
12. The current Wil Wheaton is actually from the Mirror Universe, as evidenced by his Goatee of Doom.
13. Whenever a webcomic features Wil Wheaton, the artist must pay a fee of $1,000 or perform fellatio on Li'l Wil. To date, Wil has appeared in over 9,000 webcomics, but hasn't made a dime.
14. Wil saved the universe for the first time when he was making STAND BY ME, by single-handedly stopping an alien invasion. Since Wil was too humble to accept public fame for this, the President of the United States personally instructed the ST:TNG writers to include reference to Wil's contributions within the context of the show, under Executive Order 80-RG-FA-1-L.
15. Wil wrote the original version of WORLD OF WARCRAFT over a weekend. On a yellow legal pad, while at the beach.
* (Worth noting that #11 is almost certainly true.)