Each Day's Life

Dec 08, 2009 14:20

Title: Each Day's Life
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Annabeth, Luke, Thalia
Summary: Good nights, bad nights, and nights straight from Hades.
Author's Notes: First Percy Jackson fic. *is nervous* That is all. Icon is irrelevant, it just makes me smile.

Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care
The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.
~William Shakespeare, Macbeth

When the days are good and the sun shines, they make camp. Luke gathers firewood while Annabeth unpacks their meager belongings and Thalia digs a fire pit. They eat whatever they have - it’s absolutely insane, Thalia thinks, how good spam is when you haven’t eaten in eight hours - and they talk and laugh the whole time. Annabeth always falls asleep in the dirt, especially when it’s sticky and hot out, and the ground is cool; Luke makes sure she gets to her sleeping bag. They sprawl around the campfire, confident and unafraid of the night. Thalia lays awake, feeling invincible.


They start sleeping in a huddle when the days get shorter, and the rain begins to feel like icy fingers slipping past the collars of their coats. Sometimes they build a fire, but most nights they find the best shelter they can, eat dinner cold (creamed corn and green beans from the can), then crawl into their sleeping bags and press close to each other, shivering. Annabeth always sleeps in the middle, and she drifts off quickly and happily, because even when it’s freezing and getting warm is impossible, they’re still there trying, and that knowledge keeps the cold out.


Some nights, the bad nights - when they go hungry and the monsters come - Luke doesn’t close his eyes. Annabeth drops off to sleep immediately, scared and exhausted, tucked against his left side, his arm around her shoulders to keep her close. Thalia always says she’ll keep watch with him, and she tries, but then her eyes get heavy and before he knows it her head is on his shoulder and she’s out cold. He wraps his other arm around her, and hopes her dreams aren’t too bad. It’s easier for him to stay awake than to face his own.

fanfic, thalia grace, percy jackson and the olympians, annabeth chase, luke castellan

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