Alphabet Drabbles, Premonition

Jun 03, 2009 20:21

One of many responses for the Alphabet Drabbles Meme

Title: Premonition
Prompt: V is for Vision, for artemisrae
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Character/Pairing: Roy/Riza
Rating: PG

Roy had waited for this day a very, very long time.

He had made certain decisions as a young man, had put certain plans into action, and along with those decisions and plans, he had also had to make certain sacrifices. He’d given up some things he’d known he would never be able to get back and bypassed some things that he prayed daily he would be able to return to. He’d put the people he loved most in danger, and not all of them had come through intact; a precious few had not come through at all.

Roy did his best not to regret. He’d gained almost as much as he’d lost, and he’d seen a great many of his dreams become reality. His visions had been grand and far-reaching, and in the past few weeks he’d seen many of them come to life through peoples and in ways he had never intended, expected, or even imagined.

He’d imagined this, though, but only when the sun was at its brightest and hope was filling his heart, or in the darkest hours of the night as another thing lost to him. It wasn’t quite as he’d envisioned it - with flowers and a room full of friends, a white dress and a black suit and a wedding party dressed in soft yellow (or maybe deep blue) - but now that he was there Roy didn’t know why he’d ever pictured it any other way. The only white the bride was wearing was in the crisp button-up she had on under her dress uniform, and even though the first few rows in the courtroom were filled with their companions, their family, they were standing alone. Together.

When Riza smiled at him over their clasped hands, the judge’s words faded into a dull buzz, and Roy knew he’d ended up exactly where he was supposed to.

riza hawkeye, roy mustang, fanfic, fma, royai

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