Fandom: UKISS
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: 2seop (AJ/Kiseop)
Summary: On a sleepless night, AJ and Kiseop reclaim some of the closeness that was lost when they were separated.
Author's Notes: Written for sixthirtysunset. Hope you enjoy it, sweetie!
Why couldn't it be him? )
Comments 8
My heart aches everytime I read Kiseop asking if it is okay that it's him. ;;
This is the best 2Seop I've ever read. ;w; And I love your writing. It makes me want to read more and I hope you do write more fics in the near future ^-^ <3
I don't seem to ever write Kiseop, I guess because I'm dumb or something, 'cause he's awesome, but maybe because to me he's hard to figure out? But you're right (or, AJ is :P), there is something very simple about him.
Wow, this was amazing. Sweet, and hot-- I like how Kiseop went from acting insecure to completely taking over for a while. That surprised me maybe as much as AJ. O_O hehe And then that ending, lol. Poor boys... Oh yes, I may be coming back to read this again...
I like writing Kiseop. He is simple, a lot more so than most people think, but he's a delight to write because he's a sweetie. And I enjoy writing him indulging in whoever happens to catch his fancy, because he pays a lot of attention to the people he cares about. People should write him more often! I'm glad you found it both sweet and hot, definitely made me grin.
Kiseop is such a sweetheart, ohmygod. I'll never forget the scene in U-KISS Me? where he's talking about the Guatemalan worry dolls a fan sent him, and how he was worried about Dongho and Eli's health and how he hoped they'd get feel better soon. Can anybody be sweeter than that kid?
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