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Comments 55

valee94 April 19 2013, 15:10:28 UTC
wow so fast *////*
thank you so much for this..
they really look young in here ..
i thought this was photo shoot like years ago omg x____x
always love when nino calls him J >__


fasha_chan April 19 2013, 16:10:34 UTC
Right? They look so young!


mariam_5490 April 19 2013, 15:12:16 UTC
Ooohh reading about Matsujun graduating and being emotional about it is nice! Thank you for translating.


takakuflyme April 19 2013, 15:32:26 UTC
like in the first comment, i had to double-check the date of this translation!!! nino always looks young, but jun-kun does too here... haha.

i found it amusing that jun-kun also tried to recruit nino for his futsal team. ^^ but we all know that nino would rather spend time with his video games.

thanks very much for sharing!!


fasha_chan April 19 2013, 16:11:33 UTC
My copy of the magazine hasn't arrive yet! Glad to see the translation done quite fast! Thanks so much!


nikiz88 April 19 2013, 16:21:22 UTC
thanx for sharing~
a lot ppl hv mistaken these pics r old pics of MatsuMiya but chigau ne~
they look cho wakai~ mo 30 sai nanoni~
hehe ^_^


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