two thousand thirteen in a nutshell.

Jan 03, 2014 00:07

tagged by kurdoodle
Who hasn't done this by now? I have no clue so I might as well just not tag anyone.

and here we go! )

fic!2013, other: meme

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Comments 4

bollywoodrecord January 3 2014, 06:10:33 UTC
hihihi price tag was a flawless slice of perfection and i'd love to see where else you might think of taking it ♥♥


silentlybelieve January 7 2014, 07:17:05 UTC
it was so bad wheezes idk what you saw in it baby cakes ♥ i promise i'll make it better one day. i'm gonna come crying to you and complaining while i write it pft


kurdoodle January 3 2014, 06:46:29 UTC
i hope one day you pull me in on an exoday ship because i would love to ship them with you, really. i smiled at the suho/yura teaser. hehe. also we're so similar, haha. most of what we write is kaistal >_< can't help it, huh? anyways i did like all your fics this year! hope 2014 is a good writing year for all of us and especially our otps ♥


silentlybelieve January 7 2014, 07:18:06 UTC
i can go on and on about exoday tbh. i ship it more because so many people dislike the ship, and i'm just like COME AT ME. they have so much potential and the amount of real interactions they've had CRIES ♥♥ the suho/yura one is gonna be cute ; v ; i can feel it! i smile while i write it. i have so many though. more than what i wrote up there. thanks baby ♥


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