Title: Stars
justthismorning Rating: G
Characters: King Dedede, Kirby
Summary: The stars are gone. Again.
A/N: This is for
parrotkee who requested a King Dedede fic. Hope this works, hunny! If I've messed up the universe, let me know so I can fix it. I tried to stick with info available online :D *hugs*
The stars are gone. Again. And this time he did. Not. Do it. No matter what anyone says. Besides, they’re probably all possessed by Dark Matter anyway. Every single one of them. It figures too, that they would all blame him for it. They always blame him. Even when he does do it, he has reason! Really. The star rod needed to be broken for the greater good. And honesty, he didn’t take all the food for his last feast. Ok, maybe he did. But one little slip up didn’t mean he took the stars. What would he want with them right now, anyway?
In any case, here is Kirby, all pink and round and cute and infuriatingly blaming. Trying to beat him again. Does a self-appointed king need this? The answer is a very resounding no. Not when a kingdom needs to be run. He briefly thinks of swallowing Kirby whole, but he thinks that might be a bad idea, with how often Kirby prevails against him. Kirby’s probably going to be the one to save Dream Land anyway. That’s the way it usually goes. Even though nothing that cute and little and cuddly should ever be brave, or you know, a hero.
And to top it all off King Dedede’s efforts always go entirely unnoticed. He tried to decree, once, that everyone praise him when a foe is vanquished. For some reason, the decree went forgotten. Only one lousy Waddle Doo even acknowledged his one-time defeat of Meta Knight.
That’s all beside the point right now, when Kirby is scowling at him, and accusing him, and trying to defeat him! For crying out loud! The Waddle Dees have scattered, what’s left of them, and his Waddle Doo is nowhere to be seen. He’s going to have to face another embarrassing defeat at the hands of his very pink, very adorable nemesis. All of this because a couple of lousy stars are missing! Well, ok, maybe all of them, but who really cares about the stars anyway? Honestly.