That Which We Leave Unspoken (masterpost)

Feb 08, 2009 23:30

Ratings: PG - NC-17
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: It's not always the words we use but our actions instead. When even that fails, what do we have we left?
Warning: Made to Be Broken and Helpless both deal with non-con, though not in the traditional way. You don't have to read them to understand the others.

A/N: This started out as one fic that begged for more and more back story. I highly suggest you read it in the given order, however I know there is at least one stubborn fan out there who wants to read it chronologically and that's ok too.

Suggested Order
Made to Be Broken (R)
Helpless (R)
Stealing Dreams (NC-17)
Getting Used To It (PG)

Chronological Order
Getting Used To It (PG)
Stealing Dreams (NC-17)
Helpless (R)
Made to Be Broken (R)

Pre-Series (read after)
What She Doesn't See

verse: that which we, pairing: arthur/merlin, fandom: merlin

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