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Oct 19, 2009 12:27

[Voice Post]

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placeholder from work to say T.T godmod to you guys for arrival since obv...not here weep oshutup October 19 2009, 17:08:30 UTC
[ooc note of tldr weep; Peter...ideally would've gone to fetch but lololol at work so y....lsdkfjsd anyways, he will roll with the obvious resulting family times...you guys as subject line says have rights----not that the others doubted I'm sure but just to make it absolutely clear 8D;;; <33333 hi ed...............watch this space for actual ICness later??? 8) <3 ]


home, where I wanted to go oshutup October 21 2009, 01:00:05 UTC
Invited, Peter shuts the door behind him without looking, a casual refusal of other presences at the moment, selfishly so perhaps. The only word for the fact that bluer than blue eyes stray to his brother's crown settled so unassumingly on his pillow would be 'telling'. In actual time, it only spans the breadth of a second but the look settles itself as a preface to thoughts and feelings that will likely continue to go unaddressed. Some things were simply never meant to be made conversations of. His brother looks no older from the last time they saw each other, and neither does Peter excepting in the height department perhaps, but a year has nearly passed for one of them and only minutes--maybe seconds--for the other. Having stood on Edmund's side of the memory bridge, the High King would still not claim to know precisely how he feels, but he has some idea all the same. To return to a place one swears he has never been, to know one had friends and worse experiences that one has lost to memory taken feels both unreal and unfair, but ( ... )


home, where I wanted to go justredemption October 21 2009, 02:36:31 UTC
"All right," he answered ( ... )


home, where I wanted to go oshutup October 21 2009, 14:00:33 UTC
He can feel the piercing nature of Edmund's gaze without meeting it, but he meets it all the same, a half shrug enough to say what his words are less good at, but words are sometimes necessary. There are several things he could say here, all of which would be true and none of which are less than one another, but the blond keeps his time, glancing again at the silver of the crown beyond his brother's shoulder. What he will not say is that part of his being here at all has only been, from knocking to stepping in and lingering, only done to make sure his brother is still there at all. They have experienced the Just being present for no more than a day, and midnight is only minutes away, close enough that Peter fails to ignore it despite knowing that unlike the last time, only his brother's entrance to this world seems to have been noted. Last, there were many, more than he cared to count when the one that mattered was right in front of them, one of the first he imagined--first to arrive, first to leave as a feeling though time ruled that ( ... )


home, where I wanted to go justredemption October 22 2009, 06:03:09 UTC
"I'm glad I've gotten back too."

And he does mean it, given how excited everyone seemed to have been at seeing him--again. It was a lucky chance to find himself here, despite all the tangles in that thought.

In talking a little, he feels as though he's waking up a bit from the stillness and drowsiness he'd fallen into after retreating to his room.

"I looked around a little already. I found the back porch, at least."

And Caspian found him on it, but that was nothing to mention. Just another conversation rather like this one: spaces and words and spaces and words. But that was all right. That was how it should have been.

But he understood what was under that look his brother gave him: this is our house, come and see it. And he would be glad of it, to see this house--their house. It was exploring, the same as always--they always found themselves in strange places and started off exploring, and he did like it. So he answered that look, quietly: but I haven't really seen much besides that.Someone watching them would never ( ... )


home, where I wanted to go oshutup October 22 2009, 23:47:38 UTC
His mouth quirks, not entirely pleased and not displeased either at the mention of the pig that Caspian took in because he was asked and then convinced or something that it was a Talking Pig. Honestly. Peter doesn't believe it for a second, but it's only a pig and it is temporary. There is another reason or theory as well of course, that it's more trouble than it's worth to oust the creature prematurely. Possibly. Probably. The mention of moving catches a sharper glance, this one out of the corner of a blue eye, the blond having turned to look at one of the shelves in the room for no particular reason.

"There are a couple of reasons," or a few, "But it wouldn't be before Christmas, though it's coming along fairly well." He doesn't mention that friends with magic have thrown their lot in with helping them because such details are unnecessary at the moment, but he doubts his brother will be too surprised to find it as such. "It will go more smoothly now that you've come back," he does not imply but state, because he believes it to be ( ... )


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