Outside looks like The Day After Tomorrow. I'd agree if I'd have Gyllenhaal.

Mar 12, 2013 19:17

+ I opened a shop at theiconquest. Though, as you're in my flist, just ask away with PMs or in a random entry of mine (like you always do). No need to pay for anything. Except Tash because Tash said I have to open a shop to make her spend all her points :D ( Read more... )

• blah blah blah blah, • I photoshopolic, • I landcomholic, ☄ hansel & gretel witch hunters, ☄ all movies, ∞ primeval new world, ∞ all shows, • random entry is random

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Comments 22

hopeitallaway March 12 2013, 18:44:11 UTC
i need to check if i have some points to spend. :D

yeah i know i thought it's getting warmer, and next
day i saw out of the window, SNOW. snow snow everywhere. lol


justmyb0nes March 12 2013, 18:50:27 UTC
aww you're too kind! You need to open one. I would buy icons!!!

it is awful! And it is getting colder :(


hopeitallaway March 12 2013, 19:22:59 UTC
nah just the truth. i am bad with requests, especially those where caps are involved. don't know why. but the icons never turn out this great as if i can choose my own.



justmyb0nes March 12 2013, 19:25:42 UTC
you ca ask people to link to galleries and not to caps!


macfraser82 March 12 2013, 19:30:34 UTC
Visit me i have selfmade food and no snow instead we had a lot of sun today <3

And i love Primeval New World too.
I don't know if you heard but it got canceled.
So Niall is free for new projects...


justmyb0nes March 12 2013, 20:16:04 UTC
aw LUCKY!!!!

really? From what I heard, no decisions were taken yet. OH NO each time I begin to love a show bam it is cancelled.


(The comment has been removed)

justmyb0nes March 12 2013, 20:12:19 UTC
It is! I wasn't bored, I was entertained and I laughed a few times with the humour (not because it was ridiculous) so yeah, good movie for this genre :D

thank you! oh :( well it happens when inspiration isn't around


everythingshiny March 12 2013, 23:26:20 UTC
shopppppppppppp :D
so excited.

i need to see hansel and gretel. soon

what's primeval new world about?


justmyb0nes March 13 2013, 17:13:54 UTC


Did you watch Primeval? It is a spin-off. In case you didn't: PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD follows a specialized team of animal experts and scientists that investigates the appearance of temporal anomalies and battles both prehistoric and futuristic creatures. (from IMDb)


everythingshiny March 13 2013, 20:48:53 UTC
i haven't seen primeval, does that matter?


justmyb0nes March 13 2013, 20:50:26 UTC
I don't think so. They explain everything we knew from Primeval in the pilot anyway so I think it is not necessary.


totallybalanced March 18 2013, 21:08:09 UTC
i'm so glad i finally got to see Hansel and Gretel. ALL THAT LEATHER AND DELICIOUS JEREMY!


justmyb0nes April 21 2013, 17:08:45 UTC


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