[Vid] The Road So Far (The Musical)

Nov 13, 2014 17:46

Title: The Road So Far (The Musical)
Vidder: justmep2
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Mary (both versions)
Genre: Um. Good question. Music video? Musical?
Music: Supernatural The Musical - The Road So Far
Length: 2:04m
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Season 10 up to 10.05 Fan Fiction

Summary: The Road So Far..? I honestly don't know how to explain this one. There's singing ( Read more... )

season 10, fan fiction, my vids

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Comments 30

amberdreams November 13 2014, 15:52:39 UTC
This gave me the shivers and made me smile at the same time!


justmep2 December 14 2014, 17:01:50 UTC
Than my job here is done! Haha, thank you darling!


big_heart_june November 13 2014, 16:06:36 UTC
Oh so perfect!! beautifully done ♥ allll the feels all over again ♥♥


justmep2 December 14 2014, 17:03:08 UTC
Thanks so much! And sorry for the super late comment.


ephermeralk November 13 2014, 16:38:39 UTC
Awesome! So great!!

Those girls did an awesome job singing. Love that you sync'd it with Sam and Dean's reality


justmep2 December 14 2014, 17:03:50 UTC
Thank you!
They did, they were great in their parts and their singing is fantastic.


alycat November 13 2014, 16:41:20 UTC
My poor fangirl heart, not sure how much more I can take!

I loved it! Perfect clips and oh so much angst and amazingness


justmep2 December 14 2014, 17:04:53 UTC
Thanks so much!


frozen_delight November 13 2014, 16:53:49 UTC
OMG, this is brilliant. I love it! <3


justmep2 December 14 2014, 17:05:01 UTC
Thank you!


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