002; [accidental video]

Feb 02, 2011 14:29

[Apparently, Edmund found a place to get a sword, and he is extremely happy about this. The video feed comes in as his SFC falls out of his pocket (and was probably stepped on), showing Edmund from a lower angle as he practices in the park away from as many people as possible so as not to, you know, possibly injure any of them ( Read more... )

sword fighting, sfc retarded, !ic, edmund is so cool, derp, !vatheon

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[Action!] thehawks_eye February 2 2011, 19:50:32 UTC
You're rather skilled. [Riza'd caught the tail end of it all as she was talking a light jog brisk walk - hair back up in it's normal style. At first she'd though one of The Men had showed up, but on closer look it's been a child. While, yes, she was wary, she also saw no harm in making herself known.

The more allies she - and the rest from her world by extension had - the better off they would be.] Do you practice often?


[Action!] justkingthough February 2 2011, 19:54:22 UTC
[He jumped just slightly at being approached, having not been paying too much attention to the people around him. He offered a smile once he'd relaxed though.]

Thanks. Er - ... not as often as I used to. It's been a while.


Re: [Action!] thehawks_eye February 2 2011, 20:02:48 UTC
[She laughed a little, offering a small one back.] Oh? Your skills don't appear to have suffered.

[If Edmund was paying attention, he'd notice that even relaxed, Riza still held herself ramrod straight, but not stiff or ridged. And though it wouldn't likely be detected, she was armed - a concealed gun carried for protection.]


[Action!] justkingthough February 2 2011, 20:34:04 UTC
[He was definitely able to notice that; and leading a few armies (and being the son of a soldier), one does learn to be able to spot some kind of military personnel when you see them. It actually makes him feel even more comfortable around her.]

I guess it's a bit like riding a bike - you never really forget. At least not after techniques are drilled into you for so long.


Re: [Action!] thehawks_eye February 2 2011, 21:09:01 UTC
I know what you mean. My name is Riza Hawkeye, and I assume from as soon as you could walk you were being trained? The skill certainly speaks of it. [Because the skills looked that practiced and he couldn't have been much older than 16 at most. A child solider, though she had no right to judge and kept her face clear of those thoughts.]


Re: [Action!] justkingthough February 2 2011, 21:34:36 UTC
Edmund Pevensie. I - no. No, definitely not... that early. I think I was... [He pauses to think, scratching the back of his head. It feels so long ago.] Thirteen? The first time I was handed a sword. Maybe twelve.


Re: [Action!] thehawks_eye February 2 2011, 21:41:18 UTC
Then you have learned well. [There was respect in her voice. Though she know a lot about swordfighting - or that Edmund had been - was? - a king, she did see his skill.] Do you mind if I ask what your world was like, Edmund?


Re: [Action!] justkingthough February 2 2011, 21:56:38 UTC
[He gives a small laugh because that... is a loaded question. Oh dear.] Er - well, there's... two of them, actually.


Re: [Action!] thehawks_eye February 2 2011, 21:57:47 UTC
[Blink. Blink.] Pardon?


Re: [Action!] justkingthough February 2 2011, 21:59:49 UTC
There's... two? I - I've world traveled before. This isn't something new to me. I'm from Earth originally. Which... well, it isn't anything too special. Just a lot of buildings and people doing their jobs and school and trains and cars... I guess the most exciting thing is that we're in a war, but that's... nothing to brag about...

And then there's Narnia, where I learned to sword fight. It's got wars too, but they're way more civilized if you ask me, and um... it's... like something out of a fairy tale book, really. But it's very real.


Re: [Action!] thehawks_eye February 3 2011, 01:26:44 UTC
Given that I have talked to a man claiming to be a nation, I shall not discount this. [She's not going to, and it's already filed away in her mind.]

At any rate, it must be easier for you to adjust.


Re: [Action!] justkingthough February 3 2011, 06:15:10 UTC
A nation? [The look on his face shows that he clearly hasn't met anyone like this yet.] ... Well, I guess if Stars can be people... [It still confuses him.

But he nods at her final statement.]

It'd be easier if my siblings were here, but ... I guess one can only ask for so much comfort.


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