I guess its about time......

May 21, 2002 00:35

That I made another entry here. Although truthfully I don't really feel like it but Nonna Anna seems to think it will help me and who I am to argue with 80 odd years of wisdom ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

Yay your back (sort of) taniza May 20 2002, 19:56:16 UTC
I am sooooooooo happy to see you back here again. I was so worried but you must be feeling better now right?
Your right it does sound stupid *wink* when you talk about being away too long. Friends dont care how long you've been away for silly
And I think its funny how you feel the need to apologise for something that you had no control over too. When Marco said you were modest god he wasn't joking was he *rollseyes*

Its really interesting to know that when somebodys in a coma that they can hear stuff thats going on. I always thought that was just something you see on TV and in movies.

I'm just so glad your back on your feet again I've missed you a lot nobody else listens to me bitch and whine like you do (selfish I know)

Give Marco and everyone my love and I hope I talk to you soon


nikki_miffy May 20 2002, 23:04:03 UTC
First of all

And where to begin? Although it's fairly safe to say that not arguing with grandmothers is a good start. They have a hotline to god, although they haven't yet decided whether he exists. And they have an irritating habit of being right (and they're training their mothers).

It almost feels like I've been away too long now to be able to resume old friendships. I'm sure people think that this sounds completely stupid but I cant help the way I feel.
*Ahem* cobblers Although what you have said makes perfect sense. I suppose it must feel like a mountain knowing that you have dozens of the same conversation ahead of you. But a perogative of having been ill is that you can tell us to shut up and we will still have a smile on your face.

And don't worry about being away too long, because we're far too boring to have done anything without you there ;)

Seriously, it's not been the same without you, and it's lovely to have you back.

Take care



nikki_miffy May 20 2002, 23:41:27 UTC
On re-reading, I would like to point out that it is your mothers that grandmothers train, not theirs. Blame the mistake on a lack of caffeine or funamental stupidity.

I will now refrain from hijacking your thread any further.


anonymous May 20 2002, 23:17:47 UTC
I so glad I logged on when I got home now.
Jesus girl you scared the god damn shit out of me. I'm trying to look cross now but the truth is i'm so relieved to hear something from you and not that over sexed Italian Stallion that I simply cant be cross about anything right now.
Marco tells me your doing okay all things considered. Dont give him a hard time okay!!! REST and get yourself better and let him do everything for you.
when you feel like talking you know where to find me

Love to Marco and I suppose Italy's answer to Don Juan as well LOL
Talk to you soon sweetie (I hope)


nikki_miffy May 20 2002, 23:23:38 UTC
over sexed Italian Stallion

Now that was not an image I needed sticking in my mind all day!

*wanders off giggling*


anonymous May 21 2002, 00:37:58 UTC
Ahhhh sweet sweet Lilly still a ballbuster I see
Io Ancora amore voi


lassie8 May 21 2002, 04:34:38 UTC
Hunni u will get sick of hearing it
But I will be here for you when ever you need me!

No matter how u feel right now. It takes more than a small absence to forget you! You are a great friend and I will be here for you always!

heheh Italain Stallion heheee

And the docotrs will tell you when its OK hunni!


I hope anonymous May 21 2002, 04:42:18 UTC
You may not feel like you can resume the same friendships now...but I need you. :) So, I'll wait patiently until you are ready.

Much Love,


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