[Video] || 1 || A Proper Introduction

Dec 10, 2011 23:42

[Click. The feed comes to life and there's a blue eye looking into the screen.]

Okay, I turned it on.

[The person backs away slighly and you can see it's a teenaged girl with blue eyes and black hair.]

I hope you can all see me.

First, I'd like to thank everyone who helped on my first day here! I really appreciate it.

Second, now that I finally know how to use this thing, I think I'd better introduce myself to those I haven't met:

[She smiles.]

I'm Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, and I come from the kingdom of Seyruun in my world.

Nice to meet you!

[She waves.]

friendly princess, strange world, introduction, strange technology, amelia wil tesla seyruun

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