Let's power through some of these...

Aug 13, 2011 09:59

10. Pairings - Have you ever gone outside your comfort zone and written a pairing you liked, but found you couldn't write, or a pairing you didn't like, and found you could?

...er, what? I can't write 'ship pairings, in general. And I usually don't try to write pairings I don't like - although the unexpected 2000 words of mirrorverse Odo/Quark wembleeRead more... )

fanfic meme, 30-day meme, writing, meme

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Comments 8

solo_by_choice August 13 2011, 21:35:03 UTC
Maybe 12 meant something like the Fellowship goes to Hogwarts? I may have a thing where I enjoy sorting characters from other fandoms into Hogwarts houses...Though I wouldn't write fic about it.

Also, Bessie <3

I think I might steal this meme from you; it looks like fun.


azdak August 14 2011, 06:39:50 UTC
I think an "adapatation fic" might be what's called a "fusion fic" in anime fandom (because you fuse elements of two entirely unrelated fandoms). It's not the same as a crossover, because a crossover usually shifts characters from one fandom into the setting of another, but a fusion blends the characters and setting of one fandom with the plot and character functions of another. They're enormous fun to write, if you like crack - I've done it twice, fusing Blake's 7 with The Sound of Music and MfU with My Fair Lady.

You do have to like crack, though ;-)


lost_spook August 14 2011, 06:49:04 UTC
I've done it twice, fusing Blake's 7 with The Sound of Music

Okay, excuse me butting in (hi, sorry!), but where can I find this amazing fusion? Oh my. My mind is boggled now.

(Oh, and Turtle, I've also sort of done the latter, but mostly 'Outside' reality, in This Time Round, where you literally cast DW characters in famous stories and get them to act it out... and they complain about their roles. Um. TTR is really hard to explain in a comment.) I suppose the nearest I got to doing it properly was a b7friday ficlet, with Avon as a sort of Hercule Poirot. Which was fun. I think maybe B7 lends itself to these things, heh.)


azdak August 14 2011, 08:44:40 UTC
It's here. It is a bit of a mind-boggling concept, I know. I was surprised myself by how neatly B7 maps onto The Sound of Music.

And in return, where can I find more of TTR? It sounds exactly like my sort of thing. And have you got a link to the Avon-as-Poirot ficlet? I'd love to read that.


lost_spook August 14 2011, 15:23:32 UTC
Thank you! I read, stopped boggling and started giggling. :-)

My Poirot-type AU ficlet is here: Little Grey Cells. It was a b7friday thing, so v short.

This Time Round originates from alt.drwho.creative newsgroup, but the archive, explanations and about 15 years of shenanigans and Storytime is here. (Storytime is my favourite of the sub-categories of it. It's my fave of any of it). But it is kind of epic and bizarre. All is explained on the site.


innocentsmith August 14 2011, 06:49:30 UTC
Re: 12: I think they mean the kind of fic I'd refer to as a "fusion AU," where you take the plot of a particular movie/book/whatever and cast it with your fandom's characters. Like, IDK, the characters of DS9 act out the plot of Casablanca. (Oh, wait, I think I saw that episode.) Usually you'd do it because you saw some kind of commonality between the two canons.

They tend to happen most in fandoms where totally-different-universe-AUs are prevalent, I think. There are loads of them in SGA and Merlin fandoms, for example.

Sometimes a particular movie's plot is so well known that you'll see versions of it in many fandoms: "Groundhog Day" comes to mind.


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