Ooh, this looks fun!

Oct 23, 2011 14:38

'In honor of All Hallow's Eve, I'm inviting trick-or-treaters to my 'door.' Comment "trick-or-treat" to this post and...well, you know the drill. Treats can be anything that strikes my fancy (pics of fave actors or pairings, one sentence fics, graphics, a few words why I'm glad to have you on my flist, etc. etc.). The more "houses" to visit the ( Read more... )

halloween, meme

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Comments 44

eers October 23 2011, 18:45:55 UTC
What, you mean, now? Heee. Trick or treat!


justice_turtle October 23 2011, 22:07:39 UTC
Here, have a comm rec! holmestice is full of awesome Sherlock Holmes stories from fests past, labelled by continuity, pairing (or "no pairing" - I like comms that label "no pairing" fics), and other stuff!

Also, a random link (I am bad at embedding and don't care to try in a comment, which I can't edit) to my favorite bit of "Pirates of Penzance". The sound's a bit out of sync, but on YouTube you take what you can get. XD


eers October 24 2011, 06:05:35 UTC
Ah yes, the incredibly quiet break-in, wahahaha XD I love that bit! And I knew there was a film, but I've never seen it, so I didn't know Angela Lansbury was in it (teehee cool) and how good Kevin Kline looks there (omg whaaat) XD

And thanks for the Holmes comm, too! I haven't been very active in that fandom for a long while, so this is probably a good hint to start that again :P


justice_turtle October 25 2011, 01:39:43 UTC
THE FILM IS FABULOUSLY AWESOME. You should see it if you can! It is IMO the best of all Gilbert & Sullivan films except possibly the "Mikado" with Martyn Green and Kenny Baker. :D Angela Lansbury is hilarious, so is Kevin Kline, so is pretty much everyone else (the Chief Constable and the Modern Major-General especially), and Linda Ronstadt singing Mabel is positively incredible.

Also you're welcome! XD


lost_spook October 23 2011, 18:58:53 UTC
Oh... I disapprove of trick or treating, but I think I might make an exception for virtually. (I mean, only the way it is sometimes over here, it's different in the US.)

So *deep breath* trick or treat!


If I can catch up with myself, I'll post it in my journal - maybe on Hallowe'en itself!


justice_turtle October 23 2011, 21:28:44 UTC
Here, have a recipe for single-serving chocolate cake! It can reputedly be prepared in five minutes. Possibly you've seen it before - it was apparently going round the Internet a few years back ( ... )


lost_spook October 24 2011, 09:35:22 UTC
Cake!! Thank you! :-D

*wanders off to find US/UK measurements translation* ;-) (I think I have one in my cookbook. Also, people have a coffee cup that big ever?)

PS. Where's my Doctors to go in it? :lol: (Nekkidness not required. Indeed, clothing preferred...)


justice_turtle October 25 2011, 16:20:18 UTC
Wouldn't making Doctors small enough to fit in a coffee mug require the Master's TCE? XD

*has not got any Doctor action figures or I probably would make a photo-cakefic for the heck of it*


bookblather October 23 2011, 19:00:52 UTC
Trick or treat please!


justice_turtle October 23 2011, 22:16:32 UTC
Hm - here, have a Tumblr that is all full of pictures of bookshelves! ALL THE BOOKS.

(This one, for instance, is in my town. Yes. And there are at least a quarter mile of shelves like that, curled up in and under a teeny-tiny bookshop not a mile from my home. I swear, it actually does grow more shelves and passageways when you're not looking. *g*)


bookblather October 24 2011, 00:54:27 UTC
ALL THE BOOOOOOOOOKS. I want half of these.

(also, I may be trying out that receipe. Om nom.)


lolmac October 23 2011, 20:54:30 UTC
Um, trick or treat . . . but honestly, I don't "know the drill". What's supposed to happen next?


justice_turtle October 23 2011, 21:22:14 UTC
I give you a "treat" - IRL it would be candy, online it's random fun stuff. Or if I don't, you can play a trick on me - toilet-paper my journal or something. *tries to figure out how that would work*

(Did you not trick-or-treat when you were a kid? I didn't, because my mom was scared of possible poisoned candy.)

Here, have a couple of pictures you've probably seen before. Odds are I got them off rda_daily originally. XD But they are worth reposting, IMO.

... )


lolmac October 23 2011, 21:39:20 UTC
Yes, I went trick or treating (one of only three times in the year when I got a supply of candy!) What I couldn't figure out from the post was how it was supposed to work on LJ.

I was about 10 or 11 when the whole craziness about poisoned candy, razors in apples, etc. hit the zeitgeist, and parents freaked out and tried to make their kids stay home. And guess what? The whole thing was an urban legend. Total bullsh*t. It wasn't any more true than Bill Gates giving us 5 cents for every email we forward.


bookdragon01 October 23 2011, 21:16:13 UTC
Trick or Treat!


justice_turtle October 23 2011, 21:46:28 UTC
Here, have a holiday-appropriate GIF of the best jack-o-lantern grin ever! XD Also a random backstage TAS shot that makes me smile. (I would have put in some AOS images as well, but I don't actually follow that half of the fandom... :S)

... )


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