How To Relate: Chapter 6

Feb 01, 2010 13:34

Title: How To Relate
Author: justhowthisgoes
Fandom: NCIS
Category: Hurt/Comfort/Family
Pairing: None
Rating: T
Spoilers: Up to Season 7
Summary: Tony has been getting threatening letters and the team is worried, but Tony isn't taking them seriously. Then come the attempts on his life. Could the new girl at NCIS be involved? And what secrets from Tony's past will be revealed in the search?
Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply.

Chapter 6

How To Save A Life: Ninja Style

A sudden explosion nearly knocked her off her feet and she dropped the keys she had just found. Coughing at the smoke that began to fill the garage, Ziva crouched behind her Mini Cooper, looking for the source of the blast. She gasped in shock as she saw that it was Tony's car.

"Tony!" Ziva shouted frantically.

The car was in flames and thick, choking smoke poured out through its shattered windows.

She glanced desperately around the garage, hoping to find a fire extinguisher nearby. Giving up, she ran over to the vehicle and wrenched open the door, her coat wrapped around her hands for protection.

Tony was slumped over, unconscious. Ziva took hold of him under his arms and yanked, hauling him out of the damaged seat, the rear of which was embedded with shards of metal. They moved back only a few feet before she staggered under his weight.

"Oh, come on, Ziva. Move." She ordered herself.

She shifted her arms to improve her grip and dragged Tony further away from the vehicle, heading for a concrete support column.

They had nearly reached it when a second explosion rocked the garage. Cursing colorfully in Hebrew, Ziva dropped to the ground and attempted to shield Tony with her body as best as she could. The wreckage of the car flew violently everywhere and a piece of the gas tank, still blazing, landed nearby.

Ziva lifted her head carefully and looked around as the flames began to die down. Deeming it safe to move, she resumed her task of lugging Tony backward, finally positioning him behind the column. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911 before sliding down the wall to crouch beside Tony's limp form. She laid two fingers on his throat to check his pulse. His heart was beating rapidly and his breath came ragged and shallow.

Tony's face, though partly obscured with soot, was pale. Blood oozed out of a gash on his forehead where he had hit the steering wheel in the original blast. He had a number of other cuts and scrapes from debris and the exposed skin on his neck and forearms was already beginning to redden from superficial burns.

"Tony? Tony, can you hear me?" She took his hand.

He didn't react. She touched his face, noting that it was cool and clammy.

"Shock. He may be going into shock." Ziva was a little shell-shocked herself as she muttered, trying to gather her thoughts. She mentally went through the list of first aid for shock.

Lay him down, done, check his circulation, done, loosen his clothing- Ziva unbuttoned Tony's collar and was reaching to undo his belt when she felt a hand on her wrist.

"Ziva. Wait."

Ziva looked over to see Tony's green eyes open and lock with hers.

"How can I be sure that you'll respect me in the morning?" He teased weakly.

With relief and a little amusement evident in her voice, Ziva replied, "Tony, this is standard treatment for shock."

"Oh, is that what we're calling it?"

He let out a short laugh that gave way to a cough. A rough, hacking cough that sounded painful and likely felt worse. Ziva looked on, worried and unsure of what to do as Tony struggled to catch his breath.

"Well," he wheezed, "Mouth-to-mouth… might be more appropriate… Or less, depending… on where we're going with this."

Ziva snorted. Her mock glare quickly turned anxious as Tony began coughing again. She moved to help him sit up against the wall as he continued to gasp for air.

"You are most likely suffering from smoke inhalation."

"Ya think?"

Tony's response decidedly lacked the sarcasm he would normally have delivered that line with, and Ziva grew concerned when she saw that he had closed his eyes again.

"Tony. Are you going to pass out?"

His eyes snapped open and he took in a raspy breath. "DiNozzo's… do not… pass out."

She smiled, pleased that her words had the effect that she'd hoped. "The paramedics should be-"

"What? Paramedics?" He nearly choked at that. "What... do we need those for? I'm... fine."

She raised an eyebrow as he began coughing again. "I see that."

"Aw... Ziva... Don't make me go." He pleaded.

"You are going. And you know that I will make you if I must."

Tony leaned his head back against the wall and sulked. "I hate... hospitals."

Just as Ziva opened her mouth with a retort, an ambulance drove toward them, lights flashing, and EMTs descended on the scene.

They took charge of the situation and soon had Tony loaded up on a stretcher with an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth.

One EMT turned his attention to Ziva. "Ma'am, you've probably inhaled some smoke as well. You should come and get checked out."

"No." Ziva shook her head. "I have to stay here. This is a crime scene."

"All right, but if you experience any symptoms, you should seek medical attention."

"Of course."

Tony pulled the oxygen mask away and addressed Ziva. "Guess… this means I'm going to miss my movie."

Ziva rolled her eyes and laughed in disbelief at his petulant tone of voice. "Well, you at least got the exploding car, Tony," she pointed out.

He flinched. "Not… funny."


Tony scowled and replaced the mask as he was loaded into the ambulance.

After the ambulance had driven away, Ziva picked up her phone. She needed to tell Gibbs.


Chapter 7
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