Two: 4th of July- 50%

Jul 04, 2011 14:38


[ Firo's sprawled out under a tree in the park, staring up into the sky. He may appear relaxed from far off, but up close one can see something's up. His eyes are tightly closed, as if he's trying to block something out, and every so often his hands will fly to his head.]


[Firo's voice comes on, sounding cheery but slightly stressed ( Read more... )

*claire, szilard again?, happy 4th, *ninian, *caesar, *red spy, lovely lovely mayfield, *barton

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Comments 115

phone; un_beau_coquin July 4 2011, 19:07:08 UTC
I know, right? The fireworks are bound to be magnificent. They just bring about this amazing atmosphere and--

[He coughs.] Merde. I am wizh you on zhis one, petit. Zhere is somezhing strange occurring, but I cannot figure it out just yet.


justdumbluck July 4 2011, 19:14:23 UTC
You too? I-I thought maybe I was goin' crazy, like him-.

[ A frustrated sigh ]

I can't keep anything straight in my head. Is that how it is for you, too?


un_beau_coquin July 4 2011, 19:16:30 UTC
No one in zhis town is sane, petit. But-- yes, it's like I can't keep my memories consistent--

Do you know who I am? Do I normally-- you know, talk with an accent? I've never been to France, yet-- merde--


justdumbluck July 4 2011, 19:19:12 UTC
But you're French out the wazoo! You've got the silly accent and everything! ...At least, you did a moment ago...

Wait. Maybe I got you mixed up with somebody else.


commentboxtroll July 4 2011, 19:46:04 UTC
Did you get a bug in your hair or something?

[Where did that voice come from... ah. It looks like someone was up in the tree Firo had sprawled out under. Caesar's climbing back down now, but he's stopped to sit on the lowest branch and observe the new addition laying below.]

You keep doing that.


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 00:41:51 UTC
[ That voice startles him and he scrambles to his feet, staring up at Caesar. He hadn't even noticed him there. ]

A-a bug?

[He runs a hand through his hair distractedly ]

I don't think so.


commentboxtroll July 5 2011, 00:49:05 UTC
Yeah, a bug.

[Well, now that the danger of landing on a sprawled man is gone, Caesar clambers down off his perch and drops to the ground.]

No? I guess that's good. It'd suck if you got a bunch of ants in it.


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 01:00:50 UTC
That'd be kinda gross.

What were you doin' up in that tree?


nosoul_nomind July 4 2011, 23:09:40 UTC
[At 25% like Barton is, she's already terrified. Nothing in this universe scares her except the possibility of being droned, trapped in her own body. She was heading to the park to practice some fighting, hatchet in her hand, and maybe get some answers along the way.

She sees Firo lying under the tree she was eying up as a target, and approaches.]


You alright?


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 00:40:25 UTC
[ He opens one eye to verify the familiar voice. It is indeed Barton, but that nasty looking hatchet in her hand makes him jump into a sitting position. He manages a shaky smile. ]

...So long as that isn't meant for my skull, I think so.


nosoul_nomind July 5 2011, 01:02:20 UTC
Nah. Not for you. [With a sudden, fluid movement, Barton throws the hatchet forcefully into the tree trunk, a few feet above Firo's head.]

Trying to keep my mind on track. I can't shake this feeling that... [She trails off, shaking her head.]


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 01:06:45 UTC

[ He flinches and hops to his feet, making sure to get a safe distance away from the tree. ]

...That somethin's up? I mean, I know I shouldn't be paranoid in Mayfield of all places, but I've been feelin' kinda weird too.


dragonlitany July 5 2011, 01:56:32 UTC
[Ninian passes by just as he drops the phone on the table and jumps a bit, startled, but she recovers quickly and slowly shuffles toward him, frowning. Only 25% droned, she knows that her Mayfield memories are fake, but that doesn't keep her from being concerned about her not!husband.]

Firo...? Are you all right?


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 02:21:06 UTC
[ Sorry, Ninian, but Firo's hovering between his Mayfield memories and his real ones. And right now you're his lovely wife. He rises out of his chair and gives her a peck on the cheek. ]

Of course I'm fine, dear. Just feelin' a little strange.


dragonlitany July 5 2011, 02:34:56 UTC
[Ninian freezes up, her face slowly turning dark red as she recalls some of her Mayfield memories. He's not her husband, he's just been droned -- she knows all this, but awkwarrrrrrd.]

U-Um... Are you sure? There are a lot of people around town who have been acting... strange.


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 02:42:32 UTC
[ He comes to his sense- at least for the moment- and jumps away, covering his mouth with his sleeve. ]

Oh, god. I-I'm sorry. Today's just... weird.


[50%] thisw0rldismine July 5 2011, 02:29:13 UTC
Must've been when I wasn't around.

Hey pal, are you feeling okay? Hey me and the misses are having a barbecue tonight if you want to join us.

What the hell? No we're not. First off I just got here, an--...

Um...sorry about that I just remembered something and then forgot about it. It must not have been important. Well what do you say?


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 02:38:10 UTC
You weren't. Of course you weren't.

Wow, I guess everybody's feelin' kinda weird today. If you don't mind havin' us, Ninian and I'd love ta' come. No better way ta' celebrate the fourth than with friends, right?


thisw0rldismine July 5 2011, 03:10:12 UTC
Of course, you remember our address right?

Firo, what's going on?


justdumbluck July 5 2011, 14:21:23 UTC
I-I don't know. It's like my memory's shot or somethin'.


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