[oom] Dream A Little (Victoria Cays)

Jun 23, 2010 22:39

Ramon had spent a week in the cells, and she'd visited him every day.  Security had let her through the barrier to check on him, but only for a few minutes.  It'd been enough to see to it that he had enough pills to keep him set.  And a book or seven.  (She knows he likes to read, even if he'd never admit it out loud ( Read more... )

oom, ramon, victoria cays

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latino_menace June 24 2010, 20:53:02 UTC
He feels grey. The cells in Milliways are boring and he's had more than his share of pain to keep him company. The books, and her visits, have livened the days a little but the pills have knocked him out for much of the rest of it.

Now though, he's feeling a bit more alive. Just being in the sun helps. But things aren't right still and it's nowhere more obvious than in the lines on her face, the way her skin is pulled even more tightly than normal over her muscles.

'You need to eat something.'


latino_menace June 24 2010, 22:48:13 UTC
He contemplates her for a minute, wondering how to best pull her out of this. Or whether its better to let it run its course.

He doesn't know. He's crap at things like this.

'Why? What happened to get you there?'


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 23:03:52 UTC
Her shoulders rise and fall.

"Got nicked by the wrong side, carrying a sniper rifle. Better than the alternative, I guess."

She hadn't been sent to one of the rape camps, or ended up faceless in a mass grave. All a matter of perspective in the end. She gives another head shake and waves it off.

"I dreamt about you. Making love to you, and having you turn into the cat. Devouring me alive."



latino_menace June 24 2010, 23:05:35 UTC

He's not sure what to say to either one of those pieces of information.

'It was just a dream, Fi. I'm not going to turn into a cat and kill you. And you're not going back into any more boxes.'


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 23:16:44 UTC
She looks back into his face and gives him a soft smile.

"I know. Don't worry, caro. They never last."

She knows better than to share the dream about his son.

That one's not going away any time soon, she knows.

"I just have to get back into the swing of things. Staying busy helps."


latino_menace June 24 2010, 23:20:06 UTC
He looks at her for a long moment, then slips off his stool and comes to put his arms around her, holding her against him for a minute.

'Then lets hit the jacuzzi. I can think of a few things to get you back into the swing.'

And busy. Definitely busy.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 23:32:44 UTC
She melts against him, arms sliding around his neck. She buries her face in his throat and just breathes him in for a long moment. He can feel her holding him tight.

She's hard core, tough as nails, most of the time. But in the end, she's only flesh and blood.

"Yeah, that sounds good," she breathes against his jaw.


latino_menace June 24 2010, 23:35:33 UTC
It's been a difficult couple of months for both of them. He's happy to just hold her for a bit. He quite likes it, sometimes, just getting to be still like this.

But he also wants her. He always wants her. So after a moment of peace he grins quietly and picks her up, swinging her into his arms easily and carrying her out and down the steps to the tub.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 23:43:45 UTC
It's funny that. She always wants him. Always.

So when she feels him shift, her grip at his neck tights and she gasps, laughing under her breath as he carries her.

Her teeth fix on his earlobe and she sighs, murmuring softly in Gaelic against his skin.


latino_menace June 24 2010, 23:48:00 UTC
He's only in shorts and she's only wearing a wrap so there's no delay. He just walks them straight into the hot water and puts her down, pushing her hair back before taking her face in his hands and kissing her firmly.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 23:56:50 UTC
She sighs as the hot water hits her skin, and then he takes her face between his palms, and she moans.

He feels so good. He is the best kind of drug, flowing into her like sunlight, washing away all the cobwebs and all the shrapnel.

Her hands weave in his hair, and her knee rises along his, her heel hooking behind his thigh, twining herself around him.


latino_menace June 25 2010, 00:33:30 UTC
His eyes are closed when he pulls back maybe half a centimetre, swallowing deeply as the pulse of arousal starts to make his cock twitch.

'I want you, Fi,' he tells her straight, a hand going to her ass to keep her against him where it counts. 'I want you on my cock.'


justcallmefee June 25 2010, 00:44:25 UTC
Her hips angle into him, and her breath hitches. Her hands grip him tighter as that slow fire licks up her spine.

"I want you in me," she breathes. "Please."


latino_menace June 25 2010, 20:44:32 UTC
He grins and yanks at the wrap, pulling it off and throwing it aimlessly out of the way. But then he's torn. Sit down and have her ride him? Turn her around and kneel? He can't make up his mind which he wants more.

So he kisses her, letting himself harden with the anticipation, enjoying the sun beating down and the water swirling around their thighs.

'How do you want it? Your choice.'


justcallmefee June 25 2010, 21:05:02 UTC
She laughs against his mouth, never breaking the kiss. She catches his lower lip between her teeth and swipes her tongue along it before pressing for more. He kisses like he fucks, with a glorious abandon, and she loves every moment of it.

When he asks, she falls back a little, green eyes wide with anticipation. She urges his shorts down over his hips, careful not to touch his aching erection just yet, even though she really wants to.

"Make yourself comfortable," she says, waiting for him to sit back. When he's down, she turns her back to him, looking over her shoulder to meet his gaze. "Like this?"

She straddles his thighs, her hands resting on his knees, the cleft of her ass brushing along his length. It's one of her favourite positions, because it means his hands have full access, and she can still reach his mouth to kiss. (And he knows she loves the feel of his teeth in her shoulders, too.)


latino_menace June 25 2010, 21:11:36 UTC

His hands find her tits immediately - God, does he love her tits - and he starts playing with her nipples, stroking and pinching them lightly until they harden. He bites down lightly on her protruding shoulderblade (too thin) and after a few minutes of toying, one hand wanders down her stomach and over her ribs, just enjoying her skin for the sake of it.

'Still beautiful, even if you need to put a couple of pounds back on.'


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