[oom] Come Away With Me

Oct 19, 2009 15:35

She packed a small bag with a handful of bikinis (the ones he'd bought her in Miami), and some toiletries.  She picked three of the gorgeous dresses he' d helped her pick out and threw them in her garment bag, along with the appropriate shoes.  Quick, easy, light.  (The 9mm goes in the outside of the bag, where she can get to it in a hurry.)

Her ( Read more... )

oom, ramon

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latino_menace October 19 2009, 22:58:22 UTC

He's been watching her pack, sitting with a drink in his hand and an amused expression on his face.

'Why wouldn't it be?'


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:01:41 UTC
Her eyebrows go up a little. She's never been with someone who is as free with their money as Ramon is.

"No reason, just thought I'd check."


latino_menace October 19 2009, 23:03:10 UTC
He has more than enough of it and it's not like living in the bar is expensive.

'Are we going right now?'


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:04:42 UTC
"No good reason to wait, is there?"

She's double checking the bag, mentally ticking off items on her checklist.

"You want me to pack a bag for you?"


latino_menace October 19 2009, 23:07:22 UTC
He shakes his head and puts down his drink, stands.

'Lets go then. I don't need to pack, I'll just buy clothes there.'

He checks his pockets.

'I'll meet you downstairs, I need to stop by my room for cash.'


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:08:47 UTC
She catches him by the shirt front, pulls him down for a soft kiss, rubbing the tip of her nose against his.

"Hurry back," she purrs.


latino_menace October 19 2009, 23:12:25 UTC
He smiles, kisses her back.

'Five minutes, that's all. Front door.'

He heads off, thinking that he might have to get a bank account on Fi's world. So much easier to carry cards than cash.


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:16:36 UTC
She has people for that, you know. Barry can set him up in no time flat.

She meets him at the door, after having changed into a sun dress, this one in cerulean blue. Even carrying the two bags, she looks like some rare tropical butterfly with her long flowing skirts, and her huge shades propped on top of her head.

Her gaze follows him across the room, her green eyes intent on devouring his every move.

"All set?"


latino_menace October 19 2009, 23:18:41 UTC
'Lets do it.'

He'd hold the door for her but he can't open it to her world. He does take one of the bags off her though.


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:22:43 UTC
She holds the door for him instead. It opens on the warehouse, and the newly acquired Audi parked just inside the door.

"You liked that one, didn't you?" She asks, fishing the keys out from behind the visor and pushing a button on the remote to pop the trunk so they can stow the bags.


latino_menace October 19 2009, 23:25:26 UTC

He runs his hand along the bodywork and then places the bag in the trunk and holds his hands out for the keys.

'Prefer the R8 though. How long will it take you to charter a plane?'


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:28:03 UTC
She hands him the keys, her mobile already in hand. (Making a mental note to get the right car, next time.)

"If money's no object, should be ready by the time we get to the airport."

She slips into the passenger seat, leaning across him to point to the remote on the chain. "That's for the big door."


latino_menace October 19 2009, 23:31:19 UTC
'It's never an object.'

One day he'll lay it out for her, just how much he's worth. But not now. He just slides his shades on and hits the button for the main door, then guns the engine impatiently while he waits for it to raise.


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:36:24 UTC
She makes the call, one hand resting on his thigh as he pulls out of the warehouse. She gestures which way to turn, getting them on the road to the airport.

After ten minutes, she snaps the phone shut. "Flight A07, departing for the Bahamas inside the hour. Passenger list of two. He's even going to call ahead to the resort and have them clear out the nicest villa they have."

She sounds supremely smug about this last development.

"Can't wait to get you in the water, cariño."


latino_menace October 19 2009, 23:40:01 UTC
He smirks and hits the gas hard, his own free hand on her thigh in return. He feels he has the better deal; with that dress, he gets skin.

'You think of nothing but sex,' he teases.

Doesn't say he minds.

'I'm glad to get away from the bar for a while. This should be good.'


justcallmefee October 19 2009, 23:44:26 UTC
She blinks at him behind her shades, a little taken aback at his teasing.

"It will be. And maybe I just want to have you all to myself for awhile, hmm? Where no one can interfere?"


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