Yes, I'm alive. It's been a very busy month or two. And it's been good-busy. But no, I won't be telling you all about it.
See, anyone who's read this blog for a little while knows that I go through phases. I write like gangbusters for a little while, and then I fall behind and go completely silent. Sometimes for a month or more. And it sucks, because there are pretty consistently things that I want to write about. There are ideas going through my head. I'm making things that I want to talk about.
The problem is that somewhere along the way I got it in my head that this blog should tell everything I'm doing. Or at least the important things. So I think about posting some quick thought, and I stop myself, saying, "Yesterday this huge, amazingly wonderful thing happened to me. I can't post about today's other small thought without posting about yesterday's amazing thing."
It sucks because, as I said above, I've got a bunch of stuff bopping around my head. I'm working on the
sehellenes website. I'm working on getting
radiantbaby's temporary
Artemis Mounykhia PDE website moved to our more permanent server. I'm writing the webserver that's serving up sehellenes and will be serving the Artemis Mounykhia content. I'm creating a simple RSS/Atom feed reader so I can keep up with what's going on in the world. I'm trying to organize my calendar and thinking about technological solutions for calendar sharing and integration. I'm
learning Homeric Greek online. I'm taking in a handful of religion-focused blogs, podcasts, and occasionally radio programs, and I'm putting some serious thought into what they're saying. Our local Hellenic ritual group is getting busier by the month. I've just come back from
Dreaming, and I'm considering going to the
Pagan Leadership Skills Conference. And all of this stuff is generating some real and potentially-valuable-to-someone content in my head, and I feel like it's getting lost because I'm not sharing it. Because I'm behind.
So to avoid perpetuating big temporal holes in my blog like this one that's grown for the last few months, I'm thinking of creating big topic holes. I'm considering stopping posting about all of the nifty things that are happening to me and focusing instead on creating content. And if I miss a thought, well, so be it. One thing's for sure: I refuse to be scared away from blogging by failures in chronological continuity anymore.
(LJ Spellchecker Genius of the Day: blog -> clog)