#2 [Commentlog]

Jan 27, 2011 12:34

[Harley has been making herself comfortable since arriving at Vertiline, and that has included the complete redecoration of her own artichoke pod. She's located, through much rummaging at the temple and through the supply rooms, a set of curtains that she was able to adjust to her liking, adding a certain feminine touch to her pod. There is a ( Read more... )

@harley quinn, bitch be cray cray, @lily, so cute!

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notspiderpig January 27 2011, 23:05:24 UTC
[SO! Peter got his shiny new webshooters. And man he's been dying to go webslinging since he realized they were missing. I mean you don't even realize how much you miss something til it's gone y'know?

But anyway, Peter's gonna stop when he sees Harley sweeping outside of her pod. He's hanging upside down from a web and staring at her ass watching her work.]

Good god, Woman. Put some clothes on.


justalilnuts January 27 2011, 23:55:50 UTC
[Harley purses her lips in satisfaction, whistling right through the next few lines. She cuts off with a sharp sound at Peter's remark, only when she turns and looks upward she doesn't look at all offended. Her lips quirk slightly and she rests one hand on her hip while holding onto the broom with the other.]

So says the schmuck in the red tights, hmm? [She arches one brow, her smile never slipping as she half-shrugs.] I ain't thinkin' yer one ta talk, bubs.

[Shame? What was shame? Vertiline should be happy she's not doing this in her panties and a shirt, lover boy.]


notspiderpig January 28 2011, 02:56:56 UTC
My red tights are a fashion statement.

[He's still hanging upside down like a spider-creeper.]

I like to think it says "Spider-Man's pretty scary. Better not commit any crimes."


justalilnuts January 28 2011, 15:03:54 UTC
[That arched brow remains arched for a beat and then Harley is laughing.] Maybe during Christmas, bubs. HAH!

[She takes his upside-down hanging in stride; she was biffles with Killer Croc, after all. What was a guy in spandex leggings compared to that or Clayface?]

I ain't so sure that the message is as clear as ya might want it ta be, Spider-boy.

[She shakes her head, sighing as the smile finally slips and she looks just sad at this predicament.] Are all ya hero types really so hard pressed for names? Batman .. Spiderman .. Superman .. I mean, really .. There ain't no imagination ta it at all these days.

[Seriously, it was sad. Why was it that villains were the ones that got the most creative with their names?]


notspiderpig January 29 2011, 02:30:54 UTC
[Pffft. Though Peter perks up when Harley mentions Batman.]

Sorry. The Amazing Arachnid-Guy didn't have the same kind of ring to it.


justalilnuts February 2 2011, 22:19:58 UTC
[Yeah, them super hero types tend to make people interested in what she has to say. fffffffffff

As it is, his comment draws an amused snort from her and she swings her weight to her other hip, smirking.]

Yeah, I can see that it might lack a little in the whole 'strike fear inta the hearts of evil-doers' side'a things.

[She eyes him speculatively.]

Ya always creepin' up on broads like this? I can't imagine it's the best way ta go about things, ya know?


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