Aug 26, 2008 06:24
Over the last couple of months, things have gotten so fuckin' crazy that I'm thinking about taking some vacation days and hitting some familiar ground before the final preparations are done for Buried Alive.
Now normally that ain't a problem, but I? I really got issues 'cause I'm being pulled in a million different directions. I was born in Brooklyn and I really grew up in Vegas, which ain't that bad?
But the more time passes...the more I find myself getting homesick for Appleton.
It's happening more often, things from my first time around this rock are hitting me on a very intimate level. I get homesick for a home I ain't had in this life, I forget that I'm not touring and it's startling...or I look at my girl, and I have this moment that's almost like guilt...
I gotta go to New York. I have to see Bess just one more time...there's things I did before that I ain't proud of, and if I'm gonna get anything figured out with my relationships right now? As crazy as it sounds, I have to talk to her.
I need my wife to forgive me.