fic: Word of Your Body

Apr 25, 2010 21:21

Title: Word of Your Body
Fandom: Dollhouse
Author: just_drifting_6
Pairings/Characters: Dominic/Adelle
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Dollhouse does not belong to me.
Author's Notes: Written for whedonland's Remix challenge. Original fic by softly_me  here.

Summary: She figures they’re safe unless some security guard decides he wants a late night chat with their ( Read more... )

type: fic, pairing: dewitt/dominic, character: laurence dominic, character: adelle dewitt, fandom: dollhouse

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Comments 14

derevko_child April 25 2010, 11:33:32 UTC
oh my god, these two are just so tragic! And I think I love you for posting this because I've been hankering for some D/D fic and I'm still a bit lost on writing one (I have a plot bunny, but I don't have the energy to write it yet -_-)

He could go back in there, he thinks. It’s not too late. He could go back in there and make her feel, make that heartbreak of hers disappear.

Oh, my heart.


just_drifting_6 April 25 2010, 11:42:21 UTC
Thank you!

these two are just so tragic!

I know! This started off as something light and slightly cracky and then it turned into this whole angst fest! Geez, you guys!

I always want more D/D fic. Unfortunately, no one seems to be writing it much anymore :( But I have 3 incredibly long D/D fics that I just need to get around to finishing, which feels sometimes like it'll never happen, cause they're already at something like 3000 words and they've only just met. Ugh.

Anyway, thanks again! And I hope you get around to writing more fic soon. I can be your cheerleader, if you like :P


derevko_child April 25 2010, 11:50:38 UTC
Only dollsome can write something angsty and light-hearted for them at the same time. For the rest of us mortal beings, it's just angst. lol.

Oooh, extra long D/D. Me likes.

Anyway, thanks again! And I hope you get around to writing more fic soon. I can be your cheerleader, if you like :P

lol, I don't even know. My plot bunny is based on an AU in my 5 AUs Dollhouse fic and it's fluff, but at the same time, tied up to the deeper-subplot I created for that universe. It's breaking my brain right now because I want it to be fluff, but at the same time, I want to include other non-fluff stuff. -_-


just_drifting_6 April 25 2010, 11:55:37 UTC
Only dollsome can write something angsty and light-hearted for them at the same time. For the rest of us mortal beings, it's just angst. lol.

Too true. Haha.

Yeah. They're sort of getting out of hand. There's one where they're in the Attic, one post-Epitaph and one where he doesn't get discovered as the spy (which is swear I didn't steal from dollsome. I have to date on the document to prove it. Yeah...)

I want it to be fluff, but at the same time, I want to include other non-fluff stuff. -_-

You may need to get advice from the master, as mentioned above. (Which AU, by the way?)


lornathatsme April 25 2010, 16:27:58 UTC
Oh, sadness...

Started off so sparky and light and then gradually drifted into this perfect love-full/loveless angst.

They are always so perfectly in sync. A curse, he thinks sometimes. “But we cannot allow ourselves that weakness, can we?” He doesn’t reply and she manages a smile for him.



just_drifting_6 April 25 2010, 23:46:50 UTC

Thanks for reading!


takishia April 26 2010, 10:24:10 UTC
I really enjoyed this. And Adelle laughing *hearts****

I love how both of them think the same thing and decide to back off.


just_drifting_6 April 27 2010, 07:38:28 UTC
Thank you! :)


fridge_monkey April 26 2010, 11:03:09 UTC
MY HEART. Their combined hearts. I honestly thought that you'd have Dominic change his mind at the last minute (yes, yes, I am that naive)...but no....oh the bitter repressed gloriousness of the two of them.

So nice to hit refresh on my flist and see some D/D again, I have missed them so.


just_drifting_6 April 27 2010, 07:40:03 UTC
Hehe. Oh, how I wish! I was actually sorta considering it (and in my head he does, of course :P).

Thanks! There needs to be more D/D!


otahyoni April 26 2010, 15:50:20 UTC
Ah! Super repressed D/D! Everyone's favorite. Nice to see these two back on my friends list. (Can it be D/D Celebration Week EVERY week?)

Lovely story, a nice tag to the other (which I also adored). Thanks for sharing!


just_drifting_6 April 27 2010, 08:31:50 UTC
Hehe, yeah!

Can it be D/D Celebration Week EVERY week?

Um...Yes please! We should work on doing another one of those. Maybe every three months or something. That would be fun. And we should have another Adelle tea party (did you see that?).

Thank you! I loved the original too and, as I said, when I was reading it way back I read that line, I immediately thought about Dominic walking in. And then I got to write it! :D


otahyoni April 28 2010, 03:38:30 UTC
Somehow I missed the Adelle tea party! Perhaps I'll go look it up. I remember seeing announcements about it and then just...somehow missed the actual event. Blast!


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